
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

God Is On The Cutting Edge

In fact, He knows everything from beginning to end, and He has proven it by the prophetic words He has given to us via the Holy Bible.

The people who live in the U.S., while I often moan their ignorance, are the most well-informed people who have ever graced the face of the earth. At the same time, we are living at the very culmination of history - and most of us know it. The American people, while often ignorant due to their busy and wealthy lifestyles and short attention spans, get up to speed faster than one can imagine. We have gone from trusting our leaders to knowing exactly what they are really up to, in warp speed. The latest polls reveal that the majority of the American people now know and understand exactly what is going on.

So ... we are a people on the cutting edge, and many of us serve the Most High God, who IS the cutting edge. What does this mean? It means that our hope is in the Lord - and only the Lord.

It means that we need to meditate day and night on God's Word, we need to read the first three chapters of Revelation and note how very like these churches - especially Laodicea - we have become, and we need to focus our attention on the only serious answer to our situation - our spiritual condition.

We need have no fear whatsoever about guns, ammunition, martial law, the government and New World Order, whether we will have food and provisions a month from now, whether the economic system collapses, FEMA camps, and on and on

All of this is SO YESTERDAY.

The righteous has never been forsaken, nor has he ever begged for bread. The loaves and fishes principle works in every single area of life. I can personally attest to that.

The FUTURE is upon us! Live like it. Concentrate on it. Focus on it. Don't be distracted. If Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior and you depend on Him for your future, live it! Read the Word daily, talk to the Lord (and listen) daily, engage in worship services, go to prayer services. All of this will protect you from the next great deception. Be obedient, walk in the Lord, snatch others out of the flames, concentrate on the important things in life.

Put on your spiritual armor (Ephesians 6) and keep it on. Otherwise your future is in jeopardy. With obedience and trust in God, and with your armor on, you cannot fail. But you must be vigilant and put first things first - and keep them first!

Exercise your FAITH and you will have no FEAR. They cannot coexist together.

I am praying for you!