
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sleeping Through The End Times ...

I really hate taking up space to talk about 'the things of this world,' but we are still here, after all. I want to make sure that everyone has at least a clue about all of the events which are headed to a Junction named Disaster, for those who simply may not be aware of any news except the fairy tales being told on the 'major media' channels.

I tell you the truth, I am as near to being discouraged or dejected (no, never depressed) as I ever get. It's not because of what is happening; it's because most of the blindness and lack of comprehension on the part of the sheeple. I just cannot figure out what reality they live in. I have come to grips with the fact that most have no clue spiritually, but to now discover that they are equally blind to the mundane realities of life is almost more than I can bear. 

So, let's get this over with.

Before proceeding to the events of the past few days, I'll get this off my chest. I still hear people talking about how we need to elect more Republicans to office; we need to pass laws to correct things. Puh-leeze! That horse left the barn months or years ago. Both parties are bought and paid for.  The elections are a fixed farce. How long do people accept being lied to before recognizing that fact? The naivete and ignorance (not stupidity) of the American people is truly stunning. Shocking. 

We are never going back. Never, ever. The good ole days are over. Kaput. Finis. But, listen up. At some point it will seem as though we are going back. Oh, yes, back to the Constitution, yada, yada, ad nauseum. You don't think the Antichrist is going to present a bad plan, do you? No. It will be exactly what the American people want to hear. Of course. But that's tomorrow. (Maybe actually tomorrow....soon, anyway.)

I have run across several articles which I will link to, which summarize things. I  don't want to write this article at all, much less reinvent the wheel by spelling it all out with my own energy by writing it myself. I also apologize for being a bit cranky, but I'm going to have my moment to 'vent.'

First, let's establish that the "Boston Massacre" was a complete hoax - the most recent false flag in a long line of them here in the US of A. It was a drill, with many actors. None of it was real. It was done for an unknown, nefarious purpose, to which I am not privy. I know that martial law in Boston was a part of it - a small part, I suspect.

Now, then. Below you will find a few enlightening links.

Government-Media Complex Sneaks New Buzz Word on American Public: “LOCKDOWN” - aka Martial Law

Why does Boston Celebrate Martial Law with Chants of ‘USA! USA!’?

Full-Blown Panic As People Ask “Where Is The Gold?”

Sand Castles in the midst of an Economic Tsunami.

And just to top things off, I'll mention that April 19th through the end of the month is the most 'magickal' time of the year for Satanists, and one of as much human sacrifice (blood) as they can deliver. Historically, the latter half of April has always been a bloody time. These are the Baal worshipers, the old Canaanite religion, and it's alive and well in America today. This is exactly what 50 million abortions is about. The only difference is that in the old days it was openly celebrated by society; today deceptively done to the citizens.

April 19 – May 1 –  is a period of blood sacrifice to the Beast (Baal, Nimrod, Saturn:Lucifer/Devil, Molech, etc.), a most critical 13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19. Knowing this can in no way stop any of it, but it can bring into perspective that we are indeed involved in spiritual warfare, and it's coming to a head very quickly.

Of course, I believe it's a great honor to be a Christian who has been purposed to live right here at this time in all of history. It just bothers me greatly that so many are sleeping through it all.

We could use a little prayer help.  

There. I feel better.