
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How Does God Talk To You?

Well, I just happened to experience that very thing a while ago, so I thought I would share it since I hear people asking that all the time.

I was sitting here at my computer going through my new email. I opened one from a ministry I've received emails from every so often. Occasionally, I've gone to the website, but I was mildly irritated by it since there was one major thing I knew he disagreed with me about ... nothing critical to salvation, but still...he could have been 100% right instead of only 95% :-)

I would visit the site maybe once every 3-4 months. There were numerous very interesting articles, and I would read one or two. Once in a while I would download one of the guy's pictures - he has terrific pictures - and I've always wondered where he found them. I never asked, or communicated with him, because inevitably I wouldn't be able to resist the urge to discuss the thing we disagree on, so I would just leave it at that and enjoy the well-written articles now and then. He was, after all, a fellow citizen of heaven. I felt certain of that.

So, today I opened his email and went to his main article and discovered that he might need to stop updating his site for health reasons. Well, I immediately felt sympathy toward him and felt sorry that he and his wife were having health problems.

Then this thought came out of nowhere: "You need to ...." and I received my instruction. I usually know when it's coming from the Holy Spirit because it's always way out there in left field. Well, not always, but often. It's usually something I would never do on my own, as was this thought.  I went on about my business and it came back: "I want you to ..."

"Okay, Lord. I will." And I did. Right then I stopped what I was doing and took care of business."Okay, there you go, Lord." 

So there you are. The Lord and I talk a lot becaue I spend most of my time at home by myself. When we aren't busy with a million other things it's amazing how often He will talk to us. Especially if we obey what He asks.

I've said it before. I'll say it again. It's a personal relationship. That's what it's all about. And obedience makes the relationship much closer. 

I am hearing more and more friends and acquaintances who are having these things happen in their lives which they are certain are from God. He seems to be contacting His people more obviously and frequently. At least it seems that way. Maybe because we are drawing nearer to Him? All I know is that He is the source of JOY. And we can't wait to see Him face to face!