
Saturday, April 13, 2013

BETTER EDIT .. Dizzy ... Ears Ringing ... Sleepy ... Feelying "Off" ... Don't Worry

A lot is happening in our earth's atmosphere due to the sun's activities and the interaction of electromagnetics. Planet X & Co is also involved with the sun and earth's electrical fields. I believe this strangeness is due to EM waves and PX earth/sun changes. To be more succinct, it's God exercising His Will in the heavens and on earth. You know, "His Will be done on earth, as it is in heaven..." This is what we pray for, and this is what is happening. 

We'll be okay. A child of the King has absolutely nothing to fear. The really bad stuff comes on down the road a way. We'll just learn to go with the flow while we're here. There's no alternative, anyway. It will get worse. It's not as though He didn't tell us in advance.  I have a feeling our minds will be preoccupied when all of a sudden ... at a time when we think not ... That's just my opinion.

The Elite know all about Planet X. That's why they have an entire world in place underground - as if that will help them. The Bible says otherwise. They don't want us to know anything about any of it. Their plan is that we all die and they emerge with the wealth of the world and start over again. Their plan, however, does not seem to be in accordance with the Plan of the Creator as reflected in Scripture.

Oh, they're familiar with some scripture alright, but their teacher is Lucifer, and you know how he is when it comes to truth. He has promised them that they will rule with him at the end. It's not as if they haven't been warned, though. They are privy to the same Bible that we have, but they have failed to make the right choices and are still listening to the wrong voices.

Unfortunately, Lucifer has played his "Divide and Conquer" strategy on them, too - just like he has had them playing it on us. It's his favorite game throughout history. The only problem for the Elite is ... that 'third way' (synthesis) will not be to their benefit. Nor will it be to the benefit of the 'Angel of Light' for that matter.
It's all about choices - and it is about Who you know.
Look at some of the news below and that will put things into a little perspective.

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Huge section of White Cliffs of Dover falls into the sea just yards from row of beach front houses.