
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Planet-X Update

The PX mini solar system is still on its way. I believe it has a lot to do with the geophysical changes we have seen and are seeing. Of course the disinfo agents are busy using all kinds of names and scenarios to throw us off. Nevertheless, for the past two years I have not waivered from my position. 

Here is a 5 minute review/update video from one of my favorite sources.

AND ... scientist James McCanney's interview with J.R. Moore on Monday 3/11 is below. McCanney is being harrassed big-time, hacking his website, etc. by you-know-who - the elite powers...he tells all about it. I'm always surprised that he's still alive. Must have a guardian angel. This is a must-see if you are interested in the truth about comets in general, Planet-X, and his new downloadable e-book, "Comets." Even the first 10-15 minutes will give you a lot of truth and information. The Power That Be are petrified about all of this - especially for you to find out the truth.

     He speaks about all the comets out there. I don't think he talks specifically about Planet-X here. He tries to avoid that discussion because NASA will try to make him out to be crazy; that's one of their favorite tactics and PX is one of their biggest disinfo projects. So he downplays PX; I have the book he wrote about it; he says there are MANY Planet-X type objects, but PX isn't his point or main focus He is one of the few real scientists in the US today ... and still alive! If you want to know the truth about space and the coming comets watch this.

 If you are a true Christian you have nothing to fear.