The Messiah never celebrated “Easter”. He came to Jerusalem to become the passover lamb of God.
Many Bibles have replaced the word ‘Passover” with ‘Easter”.
That is to twist the truth.
Jesus entered the city four days before the Passover festival was about to begin. In this way He fulfilled the Law, that told the Jews to select the Passover lamb four days in advance of the festival week.
Jesus wanted to eat the passover dinner with his students. The lamb had been slaughtered at twilight as the Law instructed.
Because the life of the lamb was in its blood. The lamb had to hang for many hours, to drain it completely of blood. It was a sin to drink blood. The blood was collected in a cup, to be used to mark the doorpost of every Jewish home. A blood mark was going to be put above the door, and on both the side of the door frame.
The blood was going to cleanse all Jews from the sin of idolatry in Egypt, and the very sign that instructions were followed and forgiveness granted.
The meal was to be consumed in the evening, as a remembrance of the great deliverance during passover in Egypt. Before midnight they had to wash the dishes, and clean the cups. The destruction angels in Egypt passed over their houses at midnight.
The very next day, was a special Sabbath. It was the first day of the feast of unleavened bread. They had to eat bread without yeast, a a symbol that all kind of sin and corruption was going to be squeezed out of the people and culture. In the sacrifice of a blemish passover lamb, there was forgiveness for sins and deliverance.
To put the passover message of Jesus into the correct Jewish and Biblical context, the Messiah told his students:
From this day onwards, you will eat this dinner in remembrance of me. The passover bread you break, is without yeast. It is a symbol of my body that will be broken for you at the cross at Calvary. The wine you drink, shall no longer be a symbol of the passover blood in Egypt. When you drink this wine, remember the blood of the New Covenant, the blood I will shed for your sins at Calvary.
May all the readers of this blog have a blessed preparation for Passover, and a blessed festival ahead. May all who celebrate Easter open their Bible and read about the fulfillment of the Law, that took place in Jerusalem this week. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah. Amen.
Jesus prepared him self to become the perfect Passover lamb of God. The firstborn. The perfect sacrifice and atonement for sins.
That is to twist the truth.
Jesus entered the city four days before the Passover festival was about to begin. In this way He fulfilled the Law, that told the Jews to select the Passover lamb four days in advance of the festival week.
Jesus wanted to eat the passover dinner with his students. The lamb had been slaughtered at twilight as the Law instructed.
Because the life of the lamb was in its blood. The lamb had to hang for many hours, to drain it completely of blood. It was a sin to drink blood. The blood was collected in a cup, to be used to mark the doorpost of every Jewish home. A blood mark was going to be put above the door, and on both the side of the door frame.
The blood was going to cleanse all Jews from the sin of idolatry in Egypt, and the very sign that instructions were followed and forgiveness granted.
The meal was to be consumed in the evening, as a remembrance of the great deliverance during passover in Egypt. Before midnight they had to wash the dishes, and clean the cups. The destruction angels in Egypt passed over their houses at midnight.
The very next day, was a special Sabbath. It was the first day of the feast of unleavened bread. They had to eat bread without yeast, a a symbol that all kind of sin and corruption was going to be squeezed out of the people and culture. In the sacrifice of a blemish passover lamb, there was forgiveness for sins and deliverance.
Matthew 12:40Jesus left the grave on Sunday morning, the first day after the Sabbath. For all who can count, Jesus must have been crucified on a Thursday, and laid in a tomb. Not on Friday. “Good Friday” is nothing but Roman Catholic fraud. The false Jesus who were “crucified” on a Friday is a lawbreaker. A lawless man, promoted by a lawless Church. Thus is a “replacement theology” copy cat.
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
To put the passover message of Jesus into the correct Jewish and Biblical context, the Messiah told his students:
From this day onwards, you will eat this dinner in remembrance of me. The passover bread you break, is without yeast. It is a symbol of my body that will be broken for you at the cross at Calvary. The wine you drink, shall no longer be a symbol of the passover blood in Egypt. When you drink this wine, remember the blood of the New Covenant, the blood I will shed for your sins at Calvary.
John 19:34-37First when they met the resurrected Lord, they fully understood the message. Full of the Holy Spirit, they praised God of Israel. Amen.
Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe. These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: “Not one of his bones will be broken,” and, as another scripture says, “They will look on the one they have pierced.”
Jesus let the Roman soldiers nail your sins to the cross at Calvary Hill in Jerusalem. The Messiah is the perfect atonement for our sins.