
Tuesday, December 18, 2012



There is so much information ... so many possibilities ... so much deception ... so much certainty. I'm not sure I can even begin this post, let alone finish it. There is such a hodge-podge of information; at least that's how it seems when recapped and written down for reading by anyone who doesn't have an extensive background in all this.

So should I be writing it at all? I've been thinking about it for at least five days. Does the Lord want me to write it? Or not? Not certain of the answer, I will do what I always do in such circumstances. Pray, and begin. It will soon become clear whether to put it on the shelf or continue. In which case is there any benefit to anyone? Any clear purpose? I just don't know.

There are a few things of which I am certain. Researchers have an instant gut feeling when one of these mass murders of school children take place. These are planned killings by the Elite of the World. Period. They are for the purpose of distracting the public from the cosmic events culminating. The distraction - they hope - will prevent people from successfully completing their sojourn on Earth and SPECIFICALLY from being raptured. They hate the Rapture because it robs them of their prey. They will stop at nothing to prevent it. And yet, they will of course, and as always, lose. One paragraph is all this gets because more important things are on the menu. I will put a number of links at the end of this article to give you just a smattering of what is really going on with these killings. There is no time to pursue it in depth. ALL researchers are in agreement on the identities of the perpetrators of these killings - and their purpose. And on that note I will move on.

December 21, 2012 is a spiritually significant date. It is the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. The cycles come and go, but the end of this particular cycle includes cosmic spiritual events which have never take place before in the history of God's creation. The Bible tells us this. The entire population of the heavens is here. Watching with great interest. And, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.

Bible scholars understand that we are about to enter the 7-year Tribulation - the Time of Troubles for the Jews - also marked as the end of 'the time of the Gentiles.' This part is easy. The more difficult part - but stunningly fascinating - is the working of the devil and his minions. They are attempting to portray to their disciples that this is the End of The World, and therefore their portrayal of events is skewed to fit 'end of the world' events into this time period. (Read Lemesurier's The Armageddon Script for details.) Of course in their version there is no sin, no judgment, no death, but there is a Messiah (Antichrist) and other apocalyptic accoutrements. And, interestingly, there is "ascension" - even a Rapture. I find it ironic that more demons believe in the Rapture than do "Christians." 

They also believe in "ascension" for their own disciples. The "ascension" to which they refer is known in the Bible as the "great delusion" which God places on all who do not believe on Jesus Christ. They also have a convoluted "3DD" (3 days of darkness), and the reason it's convoluted is because the 3DD doesn't actually happen until the very end of the Tribulation in the Bible - but they need it to happen now in order to fit their story that we are at "The End." What actually does happen now is the Rapture, so they have woven these two (and other) concepts together into a complex and deceptive fabric almost (but not quite) too daunting to study. Moving on ....


  9 -  16   Hanukkah
12 -  16   The Grand Window: Heaven-to-Earth Portals/Gateways Open
17 – 21   CERN turns on Hadron Collider in order to release the fallen angel leaders (the 200)
17 -  21   GIZA PYRAMID PORTAL ACTIVATION RITUALS (LED BY a highly knowledgeable entity called COBRA) – All participants are required to sign Non-Disclosure Agreement (Why?)
19  - 21   Rapture / New Age Ascension (Great Delusion placed on humanity by God, i.e. 3 Days of Darkness (Metaphorical) - They say this happens on the 21st, but I see a need for 3 days to accommodate their 3DD, so this is my own speculation (Keep in mind that I don't claim to know any of this for certain...I'm just trying to put the puzzle together because it's the most fascinating subject matter I've ever seen in my life. I have an Enquiring Mind.)
         21   WINTER SOLSTICE / DAY OF CONTACT (With spiritual entities)

COBRA: We will all be doing this activation at the same time, the moment of the winter/summer solstice, which comes on December 21st, 2012 at 11:11 am GMT. Exact times for different time zones are:

1:11 am HAST (Hawaii)
2:11 am AKST (Alaska)
3:11 am PST (Los Angeles)
4:11 am MST (Denver)
5:11 am CST (Houston)
6:11 am EST (New York)
9:11 am BRST (Rio de Janeiro)
11:11 am GMT (London)
12:11 pm CET  (Paris)
1:11 pm SAST (South Africa)
1:11 pm EET (Bulgaria)
1:11 pm EET (Cairo)
3:11 pm MSK (Moscow)
4:41 pm IST (India)
7:11 pm CST (Beijing)
8:11 pm JST (Tokyo)
10:11 pm EDT (Sydney)

THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS (3DD) - According to these beings

So, let's cover this first because it's the most esoteric. Here is what they say. A literal interpretation is not quite correct. What will occur is that there will be three days of a perception that something went dark, more accurately that things were absent, similar to the darkness one enters when one goes to sleep. The physical shuts down but the spiritual is awake and alert. During this period of time people will go into stasis. You will wake up in 3 days with a new set of memories. Many friends and family members will no longer be there with you, but the new memory will accommodate the current situation; you may remember that a death occurred a year or two ago - that is the new memory, and it doesn't seem odd, but fits right in with the current situation. This will be accomplished by 12/21/12 - 3 days from now!.

Another says that the details of this subject require a degree of secrecy at this time. However, events are preparing to manifest and appear before you 'in the twinkling of an eye.' All this is according to the Creator's decree. When you started your earth journey you were "imprinted with a controlled range of perceptions that form a template of reality which you consider quite natural, and now you will be given another model of reality. This new reality will lead to a whole new range of beliefs and views which will run counter to those you have believed until the present time. It will be a "new covenant" between you and the Creator.

It will not necessarily be three 24-hour days, but is allegorical to a time frame which will later be interpreted as having been three days. Every living person will pass through this wave of consciousness. Some will bodily ascend to a higher dimension - heaven. Others will make other choices and ascend mentally. Many spiritual beings will descend to earth for the purpose of being your guides or teachers. Some humans will simply die.

I personally wonder if this CERN business is another 'cover' of the Elites to explain away certain things at some point. Of course they do employ magic - and the magic has great power. The fallen spiritual beings and the kings of the earth have been working together for thousands of years, just as the Bible says. The Bible also says the God moves these rulers around to accomplish His will, just as if they were figures on a chess board. Whatever is happening - or will happen - will be what our God has willed to happen. I can't wait to get to heaven to sign up for classes!


Just these few days after the latest incident, there are thousands of articles about it. I will list links to a few of them. If you are interested in an inkling of truth about this recurrent evil you can check a few of them out for yourself. I will not be doing official research on these shootings because I have known for years their origins and purpose. All I can hope for is that people will have time to at least open their eyes a minimal amount, enough to stop believing their tales which are supported 100% by the TV media (all owned by about 8 corporations). Keep in mind that these articles and/or videos are being taken down as soon as they are posted, so one never knows whether or not they are there. I have checked all of these just before posting this blog, and they were available....


WOW !! SANDY HOOK In BATMAN Movie ! Make Viral ~ This is a SET UP !.
             MAP IN THE MOVIE

The Mother of The Alleged Shooter Was CIA P2 Analyist Working For DARPA 
Psyops, Black Ops and Rip Offs:
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that Nancy Champion Lanza, the mother of the alleged Connecticut shooter, Adam Lanza, was a CIA P2 analyist working for the Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and also for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
DARPA specializes in the use of simulated video internet games for the purpose of mind control and staging psyops.
Reference: DARPA is also linked to the monitoring and illegal misuse of the internet website Facebook (social chat box) in sending out graphic and subliminal messaging, not only for mind control, but command and control in order to stage their black ops on U.S. soil.
DARPA, the DHS, and CIA P2 clearly have the goal to destroy the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and bring about total Nazification of the United States of America.
The latest CIA P2, E-Systems Connecticut staged psyop was designed to scare the American People and create the underlying foundation for a "Martial Law" declaration in America before Christmas.
Item: Nazi gangster elements that occupy and rule a defacto American state are directly threatened by the forthcoming worldwide financial turmoil that can easily decapitate the worldwide banking ponzi scheme.
We can also divulge that the foot dragging and delaying tactics by Obama Administration officials concerning finalizing the bilateral tax agreement between the IMF, Austrian banks and the U.S. Treasury that would return $1.5 TRILLION back to the American Taxpayers and finally complete the total implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols may soon isolate the United States as an open sore against the whole world.
Despite the delaying tactics of the Obama Administration, the IMF and its President Christine Lagarde continues to order massive redemption and repatriation of collateralized assets aka precious and industrial metals as complete Protocol implementation is still imminent.
P.S. Updates on Benghazi-Gate
We can now reveal that the attack on the U.S. CIA outpost (not a consulate) in Benghazi, Libya that lead to the assassination of U.S. diplomat and Ambassador Christopher Stevens, was intelligence agency blowback.
We can also report that the U.S. State Department, CIA P2, and the government of Turkey had approved a scheme (a psyop) to have Ambassador Stevens kidnapped by alleged Al Qaeda forces (the bought and paid for CIA data base) at the outpost in Benghazi, Libya and then held for ransom as part of a pre-scripted prisoner exchange for alleged Muslim cleric who was being held in Turkey on charges of terrorism.
Note: The Muslim cleric was not being tried by the Turkish government because he knew too much about the role of the American-Turkish Council in the George W. BushFRAUD engineered 9/11 Nazi "Skull and Bones" Reichstag fire attack on the United States.
Reference: The writings and revelations of CIA whistleblower and American Patriot Sibel Edmonds.
It is important to remember that the night of the failed psyop in Benghazi, Libya massive volatility took place in the trading of both precious metals and energy futures markets.
We can now divulge that billions of dollars were exchanged the night of the Benghazi attack between U.S., Turkish, Saudi and Iranian representatives with the funds and proceeds laundered into the German Deutsche Bank, UBS Switzerland, U.S. Citibank and the Royal Bank of Scotland.
European INTERPOL, the IMF and the U.S. Provost Marshal are now in possession of computerized records generated by PROMIS software that fingers the aforementioned gangsters in this massive money laundry.
Item: We now know why the U.S. State Department refused to send armed security to the CIA outpost in Benghazi, Libya.
It is now clear that Ambassador Christopher Stevens own State Department wanted him kidnapped.
Stevens was quickly assassinated when he got a heads up from his own intelligence in the CIA, along with French intelligence, about this kidnapping ransom scheme involving the Muslim cleric.
However, Stevens did not die in vain since he was able to tip off the IMF, European INTERPOL and the U.S. Provost Marshal on what was occurring.
Stay tuned, more serious blowback is on the way.
P.P.S. We can now report that Deutsche Bank, UBS Switzerland, HSBC Hong Kong and the Royal Bank of Scotland are about to face new IMF charges regarding the illegal manipulation of the London LIBOR rate.
New evidence links these crooked banks to rigging the LIBOR rate with the assistance of the U.S. Federal Reserve in keeping the Japanese yen at an artificially high rate of exchange versus the U.S. dollar for a period of two (2) years.
Question: When are these crooked banks going to face real justice?
They make billions of dollars in illegal trades and then pay minuscule fines to corrupt financial regulators that they control.
That, folks, is a ponzi scheme.
One other question: Is the London LIBOR rate still being manipulated and has the Australian dollar replaced the Japanese yen as the new pimp currency?
One should ask the new Canadian born president of the Bank of England.
P.P.P.S. Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings that will have an update on the continuing four-prong ponzi scheme involving the illegally liquidated MF Global and PFG Best customer segregated accounts tied to the commodity exchange, the CME Group.
We can also reveal that bank holding company, Jeffries Inc., conspired with corrupt U.S. financial regulators to illegally liquidate and loot customer segregated funds.
Jeffries Inc. is now selling out to a corrupt New York bond and insurance company, another bank holding company, Leucadia National Corporation; listen to this, folks, simultaneously paying out cash bonuses to their banking employees using none other than the illegally liquidated and looted customer segregated funds of MF Global and PFG Best.
How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants and kings and notable queens.
Reference: This latest money laundry and embezzlement scheme is now being directed and orchestrated to cover the a$$ of the aforementioned crooked financial entities, including the regulators, by an even more corrupt bankruptcy court in Chicago.
Direct message to the these crooked banks and financial regulators and the crooked Chicago bankruptcy court:
It is a violation of the commodity exchange act to allow bank holding companies or any kind of bank to act as a counter party to the commodity exchanges that hold insured customer segregated accounts.
Direct message to our government elite:
In the age when the corrupt, crooked Federal Reserve bails out these derivative-riddled banking institutions with derivative roll over programs like QE3 and QE4, when is the government of this country and its financial regulators going to return, with complete indemnification, the illegally liquidated customer segregated accounts that were at MF Global and PFG Best?
Finally, at this hour, who is in the hospital and who isn't, who is having fainting (feigning) spells and who isn't?
Again, folks, stay tuned for our next intelligence briefing, including a general hospital update.

Video: 2 Mass Shootings Connected To Libor Scandal?

Sandy Hook Shootings -local paper's reporting the day of the incident - STRANGE
Date: Sunday, 16-Dec-2012 20:37:24
The Newtown Bee, the community paper where Friday's shootings occured at Sandy Hook Elementary has been putting out ongoing stories since Friday morning. The first story put out by The Newton Bee is sometime before 12 noon, and then several more stories follow Friday and on through the weekend. Go read them in order and you will see some strange things. One STRANGE thing is that the very first report put out about the shooting quotes the school's principal about the shootings:
Shooting Reported Sandy Hook Elementary School
..."Sandy Hook School Principal Dawn Hochsprung told The Bee that a masked man entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shows – more than she could count – that went'on and on.'"...
But as you have probably learned if you have been following the story, that the school principal's name is on the list of names released today by state police as one of the deceased:
State Police Releases List Of School Shooting Victims
Dawn Hochsprung 06-28-65 Principal
Go read the stories being reported the day of the shootings at the The Newton Bee.
Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 stories from The Newtown Bee:
Shooting Reported Sandy Hook Elementary School
Shootings Shock The Community; Parents Desperate For Information
Gunman Opens Fire At Sandy Hook Schools; Fatality Reported
Details And Names Slow To Emerge In Wake Of School Shootings
IMHO- Some strange things when you look at the reporting on the incident, chronologically.

Shooting Reported Sandy Hook Elementary School
State police personnel led children from the school, following the shooting. -- Bee Photo, Shannon HicksEnlarge image
State police personnel led children from the school, following the shooting. -- Bee Photo, Shannon Hicks

State and Newtown police, ambulance, and emergency response personnel responded to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shortly after 9:30 am, Friday, following reports of a shooting. One child was carried from the school by a police officer, apparently seriously wounded. Other injuries are reported, and emergency personnel have set up triage facilities. Three victims were transported to Danbury Hospital by ambulance.
The other children in the school exited school under state police protection.
Police are in the process of setting up a staging area for parents coming to the scene that is away from the school, possibly at Fairfield Hills, to alleviate the traffic congestion in the immediate area.
Sandy Hook School Principal Dawn Hochsprung told The Bee that a masked man entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shows – more than she could count – that went "on and on."
All of Newtown's schools are in lockdown, and the private schools have in town have been notified of an alleged shooting being reported at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Superintendent of Schools Janet Robinson said the schools were placed on lockdown the morning of Friday, December 14, "until we hear what is going on there."
Dr Robinson said it is best if parents do not try to call the district at this time, and the school district will release a message once further information is known.
The situation is evolving.
Read again what the paper said:
Sandy Hook School Principal Dawn Hochsprung told The Bee that a masked man entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shows – more than she could count – that went "on and on."

"....more than she could count -- that went 'on and on'.
This doesn't sound like a person who threw herself in the path of the gunman to stop him. The story as we have been hearing it is the shooter went in to the office, the principal turned on the PA system so everyone could hear what was coming down... and then she tried to stop him.
When did she have the time to call the newspaper? Did she do this before the shooter came in to her office? If she did, shouldn't she have turned on the PA before making that phone call and told the teachers to lock their rooms because a shooter was on scene.
Something very strange is going on. It reminds me of KAL007. the Japanese airline that was shotdown by Russians. But after it was supposedly shot down, it landed at Sakalin Island, where the passengers departed. Then it was crashed into the Pacific.
Another story that makes me wonder is the airliner that crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. There is a video showing that this plane landed in Cleveland and the passengers departed. Who were the passengers? Were they part of the conspiracy to take down the twin towers, the pentagon and Congress? If so, why weren't they just sacrificed. Did they have "insurance" i.e. documents that would be given to the right people if they actually died? My guess is these folks were deep cover operatives who lived under many aliases, and had documents covering many different identities. More than likely, they caught a plane home to their families and shared the horror of what just happened to the United States.
If Newtown is a government created incident, what is the reason, why did 20 little babies have to die?
Maybe the Russian parents whose children were killed in the Beslan massacre* can tell the parents in Newtown how long it will take before they can resume a normal life.
---end of thoughts---
*Beslan massacre of early September 2004 lasted three days and involved the capture of over 1,100 people as hostages (including 777 children), ending with the death of over 380 people.
The crisis began when a group of armed Islamic separatist militants, mostly Ingush and Chechen, occupied School Number One (SNO) in the town of Beslan, North Ossetia (an autonomous republic in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation) on 1 September 2004. The hostage-takers were the Riyadus-Salikhin Battalion, sent by the Chechen separatist warlord Shamil Basayev, who demanded recognition of the independence of Chechnya at the UN and Russian withdrawal from Chechnya.
On the third day of the standoff, Russian security forces entered the building with the use of tanks, incendiary rockets and other heavy weapons. At least 334 hostages were killed as a result of the crisis, including 186 children, with a significant number of people injured and reported missing.

Obituary of the Principal from Sandy Hook - I don't see a mention that she was principal... Strange
Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung
Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, 47, of Woodbury, died December 14, as the result of the tragic events that unfolded at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.
Beloved daughter, mother, wife, grandmother, and friend, she was a dedicated teacher who inspired her students to reach their fullest potential by instilling in them the importance of life-long learning. A fierce leader and educational activist, Ms Hochsprung was admired by her colleagues, students, and parents, particularly for her caring and nurturing nature. She often referred to her students as her “children” and wanted school to be a positive place and a safe haven.
A graduate of Naugatuck High School Class of 1983, Ms Hochsprung discovered the power of knowledge that led her to pursue a career in education. She received her bachelor’s degree in special education from Central Connecticut State University and her master’s degree in education from Southern Connecticut State University. She was currently enrolled at Russell Sage College in Troy, N.Y., pursuing her PhD. — a testament to her own personal mission to continue learning and lead by example.
Above all, she was extremely devoted to her family. There was nothing in the world she would not do to ensure that her family was happy and safe. She often credited her mother, Cheryl “Gee Gee” Lafferty for instilling in her the importance of family, and never taking them for granted.
Her husband George Hochsprung; her mother Cheryl Lafferty; two daughters, Cristina Lafferty Hassinger and Erica Lafferty; a brother Daniel Lafferty; three grandsons and a granddaughter; three step-daughters, Anne Priest, Amy Lawton, and Beth Ewaskiewicz; and several aunts, uncles, and cousins survive Ms Hochsprung. Her father, William Lafferty, died in 2004.
Calling hours will take place Wednesday, December 19, from 3 to 8 pm, at the Woodbury Funeral Home of Munson-Lovetere, 2 School Street, Woodbury. Burial will be private.
To place an on-line condolence, please visit .
The Newtown Bee Posted December 16, 2012
from this page:

 very close to breaking things wide open.
Re: Obituary of the Principal from Sandy Hook ....
This story from the Newtown Bee that quotes the deceased principal is is an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT piece of the puzzle. You folks are getting very close to breaking things wide open. I hope that internet activists and the truth community disseminate this information far and wide.
The greater web they weave the more chance they will be caught in it. They are desperate-and desperation leads to errors. In the meantime, those of us who are "white-hats" and people of good intention are still working behind the scenes to bring down these twisted, evil, satanic subhumans.

Shooters and Pain, more to come 12/14/2012
1 hr. mp3 audio report from Russ Dizdar:
Dear Friend,
In view of Friday?s horrific slaughter of innocent children in Newtown, CT. what Pastor Russ Dizdar shares on this program with Steve Quayle is absolutely vital! Russ gives us clear insight from his personal experience of working with these programmed ?Manchurian Candidates? for over 27 years. The above audio file is Russ? follow-up to the slaughter in Newtown, CT and his interview with Steve Quayle on the Hagmann & Hagmann show on 12/13/2012.
Doug Riggs,

Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre is 7th Mass Shooting in U.S. in 2012


PeterLanza, father of Sandy Shooter, Adam Lanza is the TAX DIRECTOR for GeneralElectric

Both Aurora and Sandy Hook mentioned in Dark Knight Rises movie

Fathers of both 'shooters'witnesses in LIBOR scandal 

List of 66 school shooting incidents involving SSRIs

Accused of being involved in a conspiracy to create a false flag event are billionaire Philip Anschutz, Police Chief Dan Oates, and Arapaho County Dist. Atty. Carol Chambers.
"A seemingly completely drugged individual alleged to be James Holmes, yet appearing to be someone totally different, is seen barely able to stay awake next to a very quiet defense attorney in a court and case that has been suspect from the very beginning."

How the Newtown massacre became a Mind-Control television event

by Jon Rappoport
December 18, 2012

AND ... 2 Very Good short videos on End Time Weather: 

Signs Of Change The Past Week Until December 18 2012 (Video)

Earthquake/Solar Flare Watches Begin – Dec 17, 2012

The world ends in just four days; no need to keep flossing   (I just loved the title!)


NOTE: People are having their lives threatened (and worse) for printing these articles. So if that bothers you, think before you forward this..........