
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Don't Be Fooled - This is Not The End ...

.... It is the beginning of the Tribulation period.

The story from the Dark Side is that 'the end of the world' is upon us, that we are about to enter the Golden Age of Peace. Obviously they want their New Age followers to believe this so that they will accept the "man of peace," known to us as the Antichrist. We are, however, about to enter the 7-year Tribulation.

But first, the Rapture! Lucifer and the fallen angels and demons cannot come to earth en masse until the Holy Spirit withdraws - and the Holy Spirit dwells in the Body of Christ, otherwise known as the Church. The Church is not any denomination or the Vatican. The Church consists of those true disciples of Jesus Christ scattered throughout the world. We know who we are - and the Lord knows who we are ... "My sheep know my voice" ... 

As my readers know, I believe that Planet-X (and its 7 small planets) is under the control of The Almighty, who will be using it to various degrees to bring His judgment to earth over the next 7 years, according to His Divine Will. PX will not come into contact with the earth at this time; however, it can cause great damage without ever touching the earth. It has been bringing the strange weather and other events over the past several years, and we can see the results of it across the world. I believe it will bring a worldwide earthquake, at which time the dead in Christ will arise to meet Christ in the air - and we on earth will follow them.


Here is a short 2;30 excellent video of the most recent of PX, which I understand is between us and the Sun; this is one reason it is impossible to see it other than through special viewing apparatus.

                                                       Planet-X Approach

And here are the latest still pictures. Don't miss these!

We are currently entering an amazing window of energies and dynamics. Anything can happen at any time. It's so exciting ... I can feel it in my spirit. So much so that I don't think I can any longer keep you updated on the "doom and gloom" story. Oh, it's still there, and getting more dire each day, but I have found over the past 24-48 hours I am unable to focus on it. 

No. I can no longer keep it in view. It's as though I am leaving that entire scenario; I can no longer hold it in my mind's eye. No. It seems to be fading away as though it were a bad dream.  I sense my Good Shepherd calling; my focus is being directed to our Lord and Savior, our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Yes, and I find it most exhilarating.

Stay tuned.