
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We Will Be Changed Before We Ascend....

...that is, before the Rapture (not the New Ager's illusory 'ascension.')

Did you ever stop to think about it? We born again Christians are a part of a special group of people, of which in all of history only seven individuals exist, to my knowledge. This special group of people leaves the earth without experiencing death and is raptured!

Jesus Christ did a version of both. He literally died and was resurrected; then his physical body was transformed into the transfigured body. He traveled the earth in His transfigured body for a few weeks and then was raptured, transcending in the second body, which was inter-dimensional. The body had both physical aspects and transfigured aspects. He ate food and walked through walls; he appeared and disappeared; he was recognizable and non-recognizable. He had the attributes of the new body.

Moses and Elijah had the new body when they appeared with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. They appeared and disappeared. Had they been in their 'old' physical bodies they could not have been in the heavenlies in the first place. Our physical bodies require this dimension in which we now live. They were made for this dimension. know you can't fly. In order to meet Jesus in the air you must be transfigured first.

As the old hymn says, "Oh, what a day that will be."