
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Trouble in "ET" City?

My, my, my ... the entities are caught up in a battle royal within their ranks, splitting into factions and hurling insults and accusations at each other. After several months of hints and veiled irritation with each other it has now broken out into all-out war! It's quite fascinating to watch, but not surprising except to the extent that it has taken this long to evidence itself.

Or could all this be a guise ...  in order to divide and conquer those who are finally leaning in the direction of not buying their line? After all, anyone who has studied the world of the occult and demonic sees quite clearly that Lucifer's favorite strategy is the Hegelian dialectic. I imagine its very genesis was in his brilliantly deceptive mind. So I am appropriately suspicious of this "War of the Demon Spirits."

If we aren't careful ... we might tend to take sides between the warring entities. Hmmm. No matter which side won our sympathy, we would still be sympathizing with the Enemy, would we not? Because there are really only two sides in this spiritual war - God's or Lucifer's.

On the other hand, one would expect to find division, spitefulness and hatred in the ranks of evil.  Discord and confusion are their hallmarks. Surely no one labors under the delusion that the Abyss is a place of love, peace and unity among its inhabitants. And, after all, things haven't been going well for them for a long time in this war. They can feel so many things slipping from their grasp.

So let this serve as a reminder that whether this warfare is genuine or a ruse - either way - these beings all remain in the enemy camp.

Sometimes evil is so fascinating. But still evil.

That's why discernment is so essential.