
Friday, September 14, 2012

Situation Update

It has been at least a week since posting updates from J.R. Moore and others on our status of danger here in the U.S., so I will try to summarize all new reports here, and make it as short as possible (with little editing..just my notes).

9/5/12 Moore show. Guest: Jeff Nyquist, author of Origins of the 4th World War, Intelligence Analyst (as was Moore), says ...
Iran is working on EMP attacks, using cargo vessels from which to detonate. Some experts believe NK is testing them because of their test's low detonation output, with high gamma signature. There was a Russian defector who said that Russia, which had invented the EMP, was training NK on it's use. No one would know who did it if it came from the ocean. The Russians have been using proxies to do their wars for decades. And Russian and China are working together. They are working as though their premise is that the US will no longer be a player in world politics. 
New friends: Russia and Israel. You don’t need a Visa to go from Russia to Israel. Stalin orig. aligned with the Arabs, and some Russians thought this was wrong; they should have aligned w/Israel.  Someone involved in writing “Amerika” had inside knowledge of future plans, incl EMP attack.
John thinks Obama is a Marxist-Leninist; Nyquist says he is known to be one. The underground runs the show in Russia, as it does in most of the world. Their goal is the same as it has always been. Their plan is to use the Muslims as a way of destroying the US and then ‘saving’ Europe from the Muslims.  Russia has aligned with the European RIGHT.  
The Russians want to destroy the globalists; they got into capitalism as a way of infiltrating the Illuminati..and now they love it.   The pre-WW3 Spetsnaz plan is described as setting up for a power change in the US in which total confusion reigns in the US, in which a fake VP gets on TV and announces there has been a coup against the President, and calling for the US Military to stand down until it’s resolved, according to a book SPETSNAZ by Victor Hugoroth (sp).  One of the problems we have in the US right now is the military and security apparatus are ideologically divided between people who believe in the radical ideology of the left, and patriots who are appalled at  Marxists. Some of this comes from VIKTOR SUVOROV, a GRU officer who defected.
Moore: They are here with a mission – either here to assassinate leaders who oppose them and/or controlling/destroying vital infrastructure. That is how they are used
When Moore was in Special Forces they routinely trained to have one 12-man team take down a city overnight. All you need is axes, hammers, etc., to take out infrastructure like electrical, water and sewer, telecommunications.  It’s not difficult, complex or expensive to do.
Jeff:  I talk to Russian defector Stan (Stanslav) Lunev regularly. He was the highest ranking military defector, defected after the collapse of Russia, and basically underscored the fact that they did not get rid of their military infrastructure, just the things they didn’t need.  They were keeping their officer corps intact … it takes 2 years to train a general and 6 wks to train a soldier, saying that they could put the Soviet military back together in a heartbeat, that they preserved this infrastructure for a purpose. The Russians have huge special forces. These troops are here with US consent and will be promoted to the public as being here to help us.
Spetsnaz people have been crossing our borders for yrs, but nothing like these numbers…

Timetable still on track. Another person, who is in one of the past president’s family line, is being told by her relatives to move west of the Mississippi: when earthquakes start the power plants will melt down, and crossing over afterward will be next to impossible.
Caller, Canada: Multiple births are occurring with bears: triplets and twins. [I read a report from a scientist who said this is happening with all animal species and plant species they have checked - worldwide. Four times the normal amount of food in trees being produced for the birds.
Caller: Bombers going over his area … C130s … can easily hold 60 paratroopers…they’re bringing them in from Canada (caller is in Wisconsin). 6 Russians stopped in a cafĂ© near there - and the locals walked out.


Previous reports confirmed re: timetable.  Look for new QE3 (by the Fed), probably larger than any of the others…[Note: This happened today, 12/13, and there is no limit on quantitative easing amounts; unbelievable.]
There are leaks at a number of US nuclear plants.
Caller: They’re doing shutdowns all over the US … nuclear reactors…They’re getting ready to do something and they want to make sure these are safe…[I haven't heard this before or since.] 
Moore: One of my private contacts connected to British Royalty says there’s a lot of concern that some of these nuclear plants will just melt down when Nibiru comes through.
Ann Morrison: The nerves in your brain will get too much current, so you need to cover your head…brain electricity could get affected by CME, even go insane. [I have heard this from multiple sources. ] You need to cover your head.
Timeline confirmed again…contrived financial collapse in 5 wks. All of it.
From listener in Australia, a police radio technician, and he works on a continuity of gov’t program. He noticed a few years ago there was an increased concentration of power. Australia is definitely planning for something. [Nibiru] All the depts. Are suddenly concerned with COG. It seems to take precedence over the running of every day operations. Preparing for ocean levels to rise.  
Moore: Has been told that it is believed Australia will be moving north. Also all areas of Australia 400’ and lower will probably be permanently damaged. All major gov’ts are doing the same thing; each has different issues. Interiors of countries w/be dealing with refugees. Article on his website: “An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario….etc.”
GUEST, Alexander Backman, Mexican journalist and correspondant: Islamic fundamentalist groups are inside the US as sleeper agents. 40,000 of them.  Iran is supporting Hezbelloh in the US just as they are in Lebanon.  One billion dollars was given to the Mexican drug cartel to equip Islamic terrorists within the US.
TERRORIST ALERT #20 on Backman’s website…consistent w/everything John has come to  know…Also, Muslim women in burkas are going around Fresno buying every prepaid cell phone they can get their hands on … used to trigger roadside bombs, untrackable…they’re buying them in mass. If the US is serious about terror why are they allowing this to go on?
Caller Dave: The Dunces of Doomsday, Paul Williams, author. Strong FBI background. He was in Mexico warning the FBI about this. He was also in DC (?) warning about the Muslims in our gov't.  Our gov't sent out a Muslim FBI agent to investigate a Hezbellah suspect, and the Muslim agent said he couldn’t report to the FBI what the terrorist had said because it’s against their religion.  He was transferred to another office. Unbelievable.
AB: Illegals from Yemen are crossing the US border and leaving their prayer rugs in the Arizona desert. Iran is now threatening to bring war to the US. Could be by the Quds Forces; they’re in Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicuaragua, Mexico, and more.
Moore: At the command level there is direct linkage between Hez/Hamas and Russia providing training, epqt. For decades this has been going on.
AB: Russian has embedded nukes in Cuba, and even in Mexico – aimed at the US.
Moore: Scenario: Small nukes in 10 US cities – massive psych blow … then an EMP .. this country would be brought to its knees. So simple.
AB: We know there are nukes in the US.
JM:  Radical Muslims' definition of peace: Everyone in the world is Islamic or dead. Then there will peace. The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) was actually in the Third Reich.
AB: The entire Islamic Jihad of today is based on the Hitler model. Syria is about to use chemical weapons against the rebels, which are Al Qaeda, being financed by the West.
Caller JJ: I want to hear Alexander’s views on the Chinese moving east across SD into Nevada …do you see them and Russians coming into California in case of a financial collapse, for any reason at all?
AB: Yes, I do.  Article “Communism invasion of America. China is now using cruise ships to haul…. “ (on his page, $1.40).  You won’t believe what you’re going to read. They’re using the Green Pearl, a massive Chinese cruise ship for military operations.
AB: California has steam coming out of the Cal faultlines right now. Same thing as 911 - the day before, FEMA was already in NYC for a ‘scheduled drill.’ All the components are exactly the same…Drill in California starts at 10:13 =  code for “Officer Down” or “Person in Emergency.”
They would like it at same time as earth calamities (Nibiru/PX): The more chaos, the better. Order out of chaos. I think San Onofre will be affected. It would certainly maximizes death and destruction. 

Spetsnaz have broken communications with both NORTHCOM and the US Military; have their own encrypted network and taking orders from home (Russia). Within last 24 hours?
LOU ANDREWS, world class gunsmith and gunmaker: Sells to the gov’t and public, says we’ve gutted our intel forces, and our military ‘stood aside’ at our Embassy in Libya. You avoid conflict through strength or you cower before your enemies. They pick Marines for embassy cover because they will follow orders and stand down; Green Berets won’t; they will ignore illegal orders or deadly orders.

Two more confirmations Russians in US have broken communications with the US Military and are now engaged in covert operations only with their Russian command. This is very serious stuff. They were brought into this country w/certain agreements and protocols in place; they are now in violation of those agreements. Their communications to/from Russia were to be open and unencrypted. Now, however, they are involved with encrypted communications to/from the Russian chain of command,  i.e., in secret.
Rec’d word from another private source yesterday, a firearms dealer in Pueblo CO has been told by one of their suppliers, Lake City Arsenal, that the dealer should discontinue sales to civilians.
This might be a good time to summarize the threats that we’re looking at:
 - the possibility of a contrived economic collapse.  It will be portrayed as a spontaneous, out of control event that has taken on a life of its own, as opposed to a contrived intentional event. QE3 was put into place (9/13) today. This may be the precipitating event for all that follows, bank holidays and collapse. Then civil disorder, martial law, and no elections. A very clear and present danger.
Jeff Nyquist thinks that it will be an outright Red Dawn, parachutes out of the sky type invasion. In fact, the remake of the movie, Red Dawn, is supposed to be coming out this fall.
Nibiru/PX: Please keep in mind that the second most important story in 2000 yrs is a scientifically provable and verifiable fact, that on June 12 2010 the Gulf Stream stopped – a direct consequence of a planetary-size object interacting with our planet, other planets and our sun – also resulting in the warming effect of our planet; a warming that has zero to do with cow flatulence or your neighbor’s SUV, all of which is the cover story.   
Beginning 9/11/2001 we had the beginnings of a whole serious of Muslim-inspired violence.  11 years later, 9/11/2012, we have had 7 US Embassies in the Middle East threatened, and murder and/or rioting is ongoing in three of them so far. It is a powder keg ready to blow up in our faces at any second. Spiraling wildly out of control.
Caller: Michigan. Watched a video on YouTube from Australia, New South Wales, which is supposed to be Nibiru. Moore has high placed sources which says it should have been here already.
Caller: Some of these free trade zones in the US allow other countries free access into them. That’s a threat.


Arabic Sources Reveal the Truth Regarding Attacks on U.S. Embassy in Egypt: One of Culprits to visit U.S. on September 15th

The Oldest Reference to Allah HERE

Islamic Caliphate Forming With Attack on US Embassies HERE

As J.R. Moore always says: "Buy plenty of ammunition." I say: Cash will lose value, prices will skyrocket, as will gold and silver. Get your money out of banks, have plenty of cash, water, food, lanterns; keep your gas tank full - both physical and spiritual; keep your family and church close - and the Lord closer. Don't worry about a thing. It's the most exciting time in the history of people to be alive.