
Sunday, August 26, 2012


8/20/12. Another of John's contact confirmed that a Russian/Chinese/Islamic invasion coming…A personal friend of this source who is highly connected in politics and military…said a DHS agent told him the Russian invasion has been underway all summer, estimated 20,000 here in the US. John repeated the part about them taking over CIA HQ in Denver.

Another friend, Alexander Bachman (not sure of the name), the Mexican journalist sent him a note..he is intimately familiar with the Russian/Chinese soldiers. Lives in Mexico and works interviewing the “People’s Liberation Army” there. His friend Page actually flew into a Russian base in Mexico in a Black Hawk helicopter from Ft McGill in Tx.  John believes some of the foreign forces will be integrated into DHS.

There’s a lot of concern in our troops. There appears to be a Resistance among them…very covert.
Don’t get too caught up in dates. How many reports about Russian troops in the US do you need to hear before believing it? Everyone is reporting this. Cover Story will be: They’re here to help us (maybe after a false flag attack?)… we don’t need their help. They may be helpful to the NWO or the bankers, but not regular Americans. They may portray them as good, doing helpful things, to bolster the cover story. You won’t know who is American and who is Russian. Their ACTIONS. That’s all you have. The new highway checkpoints going on, for instance. That is clearly a violation of the Constitution. Going door to door, same thing.

8/22/12.  Confidential reports keep coming in, one or two a day. There are several issues: WW3 in Middle East - none of this would be going on but for the CIA making it happen ... The plan is a complete collapse of US/world economies leading to martial law … they know how to do a collapse of finances; they’ve done it before. The want control of everybody before Nibiru passing; very few people who actually know anything about this. We’re living “The Day After Tomorrow” in slow motion… We do what we can do…  Just make a plan, and make it a priority.  It's wise to have emergency contingencies at any time, but especially now. 

Re: Nibiru, there’s no use looking for images of it; they’re being blocked…we’re already seeing dramatic effects of it in the weather…there’s plenty of evidence…the planets are out of order…
A caller lives in No Cal …toward Shasta Dam, the #6 target in the US…if dam goes the whole Central Valley goes. A friend of his is a security guard at the Dam ... he said he couldn't tell him "what's going on; just get prepared."   

Scientist James McCanney (who wrote a book about Planet-X ... very comprehensive) is spending $15,000 on equipment so that he can find and track it.

John’s chiropractor has a number of military patients; getting very disturbing reports; One general told him the entire Mississippi Valley would be flooded, splitting the US in two…this is fairly common knowledge…There’s so much going on out there, and he’s getting so much information, that he can’t process it all.  It’s still difficult to get it across to people; they just don’t get it...don't want to know.. They don’t want to hear it; if they act like they do, it’s cursory, just to get rid of you and the subject.

The Missouri Ozarks area is one of three safe places to be. In Missouri they are closing the river ways to the public in incremental steps; maybe in some other Miss. Valley states, too?.

Americans are spoiled; they’ve never experienced anything like what’s coming. People will be overwhelmed and won’t have any reference points at all. We’ve talked about that a number of times – that's why spiritual preparedness is key – it will allow you to handle anything at all. 
In the event of EMT attack, nuclear plants melting down – people don’t talk about this a lot. Even the pros and speakers on these subjects don’t want to go there. It’s important to at least find out whether you’re downwind from a plant.

Letter from South Africa listener (key points):  I am 4,400 above sea level…safest place in the world. I moved there from the coast. Nibiru/PX can’t be seen right now without special telescope eqpt. Almost all the images on the internet are atmospheric phenomenon produced by Blue Beam and/or HAARP weather disturbances. The best scientific source that I have found are the videos produced by the SKY VIEW Team [I have posted links below], who comprise a group of astronomers from So America and a group in No America.  They don’t call it PX/Nibiru, but a "KBO (Kuyper Belt Object)". The most recent show videos of the KBO earthbound and speeding up.  This leads me into my second point. In 2007 a meteorite hit the ground at Kiranis (sp) near Pumo (sp) in Peru.  It should have been traveling at 200 mph but hit the earth at 15,000 mph – 75 times faster than anticipated. It was studied extensively by Prof. Peter Schultz of Brown University. From the Kolbrin we know that the Destroyer, Nibiru, comes as 'a thief in the night' (direct quote). After much research, including the present weekly occurrence of a meteorite smashing  into the sun …… I believe that Nibiru is traveling faster than anticipated.  75 times faster - one week’s timeline of a speeding object equal to 75 weeks in present anticipated time. In other words it could happen in one week. What could happen in one week is approx. equal to 1.4 years. This is why we won’t see it until it is upon us…….[All the ancient records say this] My present timeline for the arrival of Nibiru is from August 2012 – August 2014. Keep up the good work. Steven

Here is the link to the video referenced above: 
(Be sure and read the notes below the video and follow the link to their website.)

Everything Steven says is what John has found from independent sources, except that Nibiru, according to McCanney can only be seen with special telescopic equipment that has infrared capabilities. And the fact that it does speed up as it gets closer into our solar system. We won’t be able to see it until it’s basically in our face.  [All the ancient records confirm this, too.]

Ann Morrison, scientist, guest on show: Situation in the Louisiana Bayou:
Lot of reports of deformed babies being born, mutations, babies being naturally aborted, etc. There was a series of miscarriages and unexpected abortings in one of the parishes there.  Same with the fish; you can’t eat the fish there. The Bayou sinkhole bubbles are being analyzed…they’re still spreading…state troopers are monitoring the roads in case any need to be shut down due to sinkholes…the bubbles are full of toxins. The people are breathing this stuff which blows in the wind. The big sinkhole is now 427’ deep, and the size of three football fields. You could get burned skin up to four miles away. RAD is especially damaging to the respiratory system. Don’t hesitate to go to the hospital and get on a respirator.

Looks like they have fungus in the corn this year. IT’S DEADLY.  It’s hard to detect after it’s harvested…they are asking farmers to check for this before harvesting.  Some will, some won’t. There will be a lot of pressure to sell corn whether it has it or not.  I would stay away from corn this year.

____________________END OF JOHN MOORE NOTES

8/20/12 News Article: 
 Russian Submarine in the Gulf of Mexico? Senator Demands
 Explanation from Pentagon
[I neglected to get the link; I'm sure you can find it by googling it.]

Arab Spring run amok: 'Brotherhood' starts crucifixions

Have a nice week :-)