
Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Smattering ofThe New "Normal" News....

A Marriage Made in Hell: Hollywood and the US Military

This beautifully made, yet very disturbing video has just come to my attention. It is purported to be Illuminati-made, under the guise of a commercial for the company "Heliofant," showing us what they "had" in store for us with their agenda. Remember it's been said that "they" have to let us know, through movie, book or other of their plans for us BEFORE it is done. Watch before it is removed from YouTube (again). 
(Re: coming of their Antichrist)

IRS Exposed: IRS is a privately owned Puerto Rican trust.

“Warning shots will not be fired” - Army Manual Outlines Plan To Kill Rioters, Demonstrators In America (actual PDF in the article)

The Future of the United States - message from a NDE
Howard Storm was a 37 year old college professor who was traveling to Paris. He suddently developed acute peritonitis. He died at the time he was waiting for a surgeon. Storm lived as an atheist until 1985, until during his NDE Howard Storm was given a vision of the future of the U.S. -- a lot of people need to hear this....

If the US Loses Syria, the US Loses its Empire

 Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans