
Monday, June 4, 2012

Mormon 160-Year Old Plan For America

SPECIAL ALERT:  Don't miss the Partial Lunar Eclipse this afternoon for U.S. & the Transit of  Venus June 5th, visible in the U.S.   Here are two sites to help you:  HERE  - and  HERE is a great map, time & location ... and keep looking up!

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The Mormon Plan for America
The Rise of Mitt Romney
The Man Who Would Be God
Ed Decker:
Ed Decker is a commentator, author, speaker and International Director of Saints Alive in Jesus. He is a former Mormon who spent almost twenty years of his life as a member of the “Holy Melchizedek” priesthood, a “Temple Mormon” and active in many areas of leadership in local LDS churches. Ed became a born-again Christian in 1975 when he  discovered  the real love of God in Christ. Ed dedicated his life to exposing the cults and helping those caught up in them to know the grace of Jesus.  His website is HERE. (More at end of article)

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ARTICLE: From his book: My Kingdom Come: The Mormon Quest for Godhood
This is just a peek inside this important chapter:

The very ethos of the Mormon faith is built around the anticipated return of Jesus to Independence, Missouri, for his thousand-year millennial reign. It is here that he will assign godhood to the worthy. However, it cannot take place until the U.S. Constitution falters and is saved by the LDS church. The nation will become a Mormon theocracy. Mitt Romney has raised Mormon speculation that this may be the time and that he may be the one to lead the way as both U.S. President and LDS high priest.

Almost 30 Years ago, the late BYU Professor and LDS author Cleon Skousen founded the Freemen Institute [later to be called The National Center for Constitutional Studies]. The name came from the Book of Mormon

“And those who were desirous that Pahoran should remain chief judge over the land took upon them the name of freemen; and thus was the division among them, for the freemen had sworn or covenanted to maintain their rights and the privileges of their religion by a free government.” Alma 51: 6-7

Skousen joined forces with Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority on some major political issues late 70s and early 80s and I was prompted to study out both the public and the LDS insider position on government, the constitution. [LDS say it is a divine document from the hand of God] Using that research, I produced a Study called “The Mormon Plan for America”.

When George Romney, Mitt’s father, made his aborted run for President in 1968, there was a lot in internal LDS talk about the last days prophecies that the US constitution would hang by a thread to be saved by the elders of the LDS church. Many felt that the day had finally arrived for the actual “Kingdom of God” to be established.

This pure form of theocratic, prophet led government would prepare the way for the ushering in of the millennium, the time when Jesus would return to earth, sit in his temple in Missouri to reign over the earth, with the center of His government operated as the “Kingdom of God” on earth. The actual background for all these whispered conversations came from much of the historical documents of the church and the speeches of many of the early church authorities.

It goes something like this.  Joseph Smith implemented a program called the United Order in the church… It was a plan of sharing... everything in common, all properties and wealth turned over and owned by the church and dispersed by the Brethren to the people on an as needed basis with a requirement for good stewardship or loss of use.

It was called the “Kingdom of God.”  It was people living as God ordained under the United Order.  However, it failed.

It was later determined that it could only work when both the secular and ecclesiastic functions operated under one authority... An LDS prophet ruling over a theocratic government where eternal commandments like the United Order and plural marriage and blood atonement would function within “The Kingdom of God.” That Theocracy would come into existence when the US Constitution would hang by a thread and the Mormon elders would be there to save it and the country and thereby usher in The Kingdom of God, the prophesied Mormon theocracy.

On December 7, 1968 Elder Hugh B. Brown presided over the groundbreaking of the LDS Washington D.C. Temple. It was dedicated in November 1974 by the prophet, Spencer W. Kimball. The unique thing about this temple that struck me as singularly important was the design and furnishing of a large room on the upper floor. A photograph of this room is in the film, The Godmakers. It was set to house a presiding governing body. It is my own personal belief that it was designed as the place where the theocratic government of God would conduct its business, with the prophet in His place of authority.

Now we jump ahead 40 years to 2007… and the 2008 Presidential election.  A whole generation has passed and the son of George Romney has risen to the top of the list of Mormons who would qualify to take that run at the Oval Office and perhaps be in the right place as President or Vice President   as the Constitution hangs by that foretold thread… and be there to call upon the elders, the Brethren to save the nation and soon usher in the “Kingdom of God.”

Far fetched... I would agree that I sound like a man shouting fire in a theatre, but, as you will read, I am talking about valid LDS end-times teachings...You will also see that Mitt Romney has been raised and trained for this day. His family has been in the church for generations.  He is the great grandson of polygamists Gaskell Romney and Anna Amelia Pratt.[1]

Mitt Romney is a Temple Mormon, a High Priest, and as such he has sworn blood oaths of sacrifice, obedience and consecration to the church and the “Kingdom of God.”   His perfect obedience to these laws will allow him to become a god in the next life, the literal father of the peoples of a new and different earth.  He is truly a Presidential candidate with an actual, definable god complex.

On February 12, 2007, as Mitt Romney announced that he would run for the office of President, he commented in a USA Today, article, Will Mormon faith hurt bid for White House? by Jill Lawrence, that…
“… It is not his job as a presidential candidate to educate people about his church. "I'm running for a secular position," he said in an interview. "I subscribe to what Abraham Lincoln called America's political religion. The Constitution and the rule of law are the highest promises I would make in taking the oath of office."

Mitt Romney’s LDS understanding of the U.S. Constitution and its divine role in the end times is not that of the average American.

Mitt Romney is a nice looking man, successful in the business world, with core values of family, church and faith. He does not smoke, drink or even touch coffee or tea. He has been married to the same woman for decades. He seems like the cure for dealing with the corruption of our national leadership. What could possibly be wrong in having such a man as our President?  Let’s look at some of the reasons his presidency could be the end of America as we know it.

I recently searched through my files and have resurrected and updated the research paper, The Mormon Plan for America. That information is part of what I share below.

Some Extremely Grave Questions

Let me re-introduce you to a portion of one chapter in my book, The God Makers, co-authored with Dave Hunt.[2] It is a part of Chapter 16: The Hidden Kingdom. I suggest that you buy the book and read the entire story. It will shock you even more than what I will reveal here. It is a hidden kingdom that lurks beneath the placid surface of public Mormonism.   It is this LDS “Kingdom of God”  that former Governor Mitt Romney has sworn blood oaths of obedience to in the  LDS Temple ritual. The Late Apostle and LDS theologian, elder Bruce R. McConkie, described the Mormon temples as "Holy sanctuaries - wherein sacred ordinances, rites, and ceremonies are performed which pertain to salvation and exaltation in the kingdom of God - are called temples."

There are several purposes to be achieved in the temple by  worthy Mormons. First, they learn the secret/sacred signs, tokens, handshakes necessary to pass by the sentinels and enter the Celestial glory where they will become gods and goddesses and people new earths like this one.

Second, they receive sacred undergarments to wear for their protection while on earth, a secret new name by which they will be called from the grave and then swear obedience to certain laws that will govern their membership, obedience to the prophet and their behavior while on earth. Mitt Romney’s temple experience was no different when he first received his “endowments” in preparation for his 30 month stint as an LDS Missionary.

The Law of Sacrifice

One of several temple oaths was  his oath of Obedience to the Law of Sacrifice, in which he vowed,
“As Jesus Christ has laid down his life for the redemption of mankind, so we should covenant to sacrifice all that we [I] possess, even our [my] own lives [life] if necessary, in sustaining and defending the Kingdom of God.” [3]

The “execution of the penalty” for disobedience at the time Mitt Romney took out his “temple Endowments” was demonstrated “by placing the thumb under the left ear, the palm of the hand down, and by drawing the thumb quickly across the throat to the right ear, and dropping the hand to the side”[4].

It is hard to imagine that well-educated Mormon men of such political stature like former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Utah Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, or Senator Harry Reid of Nevada could bring their thumbs to their throats and swear a blood oath that they will ‘suffer’ their throats slit from ear to ear should they not “sacrifice all that [they] possess, even [their] own lives if necessary, in sustaining and defending the Kingdom of God,” as defined by the Mormon prophet.

These LDS oaths are taken directly from the rituals of Blue Lodge Masonry, the source of much of the LDS Temple rituals. It is no wonder, since the first 5 presidents and prophets of the LDS church were Masons.

These high level Temple Mormons clearly know that this Mormon “Kingdom of God” is, in reality,  a Mormon one-world government, a theocracy, soon coming to America,  that will be run by the strong arm of the Mormon Brethren, headed up by the only true prophet of God on earth.  However, it is clear that they did swear such an oath.

The Law of Consecration

The other significant oath Mitt Romney has sworn to obey is the Law of Consecration. In the LDS temple ritual, the officiator says to the temple ‘patrons,’

“We are instructed to give unto you the Law of Consecration as contained in the book of Doctrine and Covenants, in connection with the Law of the Gospel and the Law of Sacrifice which you have already received. It is that you do consecrate yourselves, your time, talents and everything which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint, for the building up of the Kingdom of God on the earth and for the establishment of Zion.

“All arise. (All patrons stand.) Each of you bring your right arm to the square.

“You and each of you covenant and promise before God, angels, and these witnesses at this altar, that you do accept the Law of Consecration as contained in  the Doctrine and Covenants, in that you do consecrate yourselves, your time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the building up of the Kingdom of God on the earth and for the establishment of Zion.

“Each of you bow your head and say ‘yes’."  


Now we can see and understand the spiritual positioning of elder Mitt Romney beginning on that first day and reinforced with every temple visit thereafter. Let’s go back to  Chapter 16 of my book, The God Makers. ”

Secrets of the Hidden Kingdom of God

Mormon leaders call their empire the "Kingdom of God." However, their "God" is an extraterrestrial from Kolob, definitely not the God of the Bible; and the "Zion" to which their spirit-brother-of-Lucifer, Jesus Christ, will return to reign in Independence, Missouri.

Most Christians believe, as the Bible declares, that Christ will return to Jerusalem, Israel, to establish His millennial kingdom, whereas Mormons believe that they must establish a worldwide Mormon kingdom dictated from their Missouri base in order to make it possible for Christ to return.

Therein lays a great difference, which is why the Mormon hierarchy, beginning with Joseph Smith himself, has always had worldwide and absolute political power as its goal.

Mormon historian Klaus J. Hansen has written,

"The idea of a political kingdom of God, promulgated by a secret Council of Fifty, is by far the most important key to an understanding of the Mormon past."[5]

Mormon writer John J. Stewart has said:

“The Prophet established a confidential Council of Fifty, or "Ytfif," (Fifty spelled backwards), comprised of both Mormons and non-Mormons, to help attend to temporal matters, including the eventual development of a one-world government, in harmony with preparatory plans for the second advent of the Saviour”.[6]

Let’s jump ahead to the section called:  Some Extremely Grave Questions

Mormonism seems as American as apple pie, and Mormons seem to be the perfect citizens with their close families, high morals, patriotism, Boy Scout programs, Tabernacle Choir, and conservative politics. A Los Angeles Times article implied that Mormons have recently gained the image of "super-Americans . . . [who] appear to many to be 'more American than the average American.” [7] This may explain why such a high proportion of Mormons find their way into government. Returned LDS missionaries have "the three qualities the CIA wants: foreign language ability, training in a foreign country, and former residence in a foreign country."[8] Utah (and particularly BYU) is one of the prime recruiting areas for the CIA. According to BYU spokesman Dr. Gary Williams, "We've never had any trouble placing anyone who has applied to the CIA. Every year they take almost anybody who applies."[9] He also admitted that this has created problems with a number of foreign countries, who have complained about the "pretty good dose of [Mormon] missionaries who've gone back to the countries they were in as Central Intelligence agents."[10]

This may at least partially explain the reported close tie between the Mormon Church and the CIA.[11]
A disproportionate number of Mormons arrive at the higher levels of the CIA, FBI, military intelligence, armed forces, and all levels of city, state, and federal governments, including the Senate, Congress, Cabinet, and White House Staff. Sincere and loyal citizens, most of them may be unaware of the secret ambition of The Brethren. What could be better than having such patriots as these serving in strategic areas of government and national security?

Unfortunately, as we have noticed in every other area of Mormonism, the real truth lies hidden beneath the seemingly ideal image of patriotism presented by Mormons in public service. In fact their very presence in responsible government positions, particularly in agencies dealing with national security, raises some extremely grave questions that were expressed in my following letter mailed to the LDS Brethren in Salt Lake City.  I also published it as an open letter in the Salt Lake Tribune.

The Mormon Oath of Vengeance Against this Nation

An open letter to:
The President, First Presidency and members of the General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
August 21, 1980


I was recently reflecting that although the actual blood oath and the oath of vengeance were removed from the Temple ceremonies sometime after 1930, you gentlemen [listing ten of the above] are of an age to have received your own endowments prior to their removal, and therefore, are still under these oaths.

 I am particularly interested in your personal position on your oath of vengeance against the United States of America. As you recall, the oath was basically as follows:
You and each of you do solemnly promise and vow that you will pray and never cease to importune high heaven to AVENGE THE BLOOD OF THE PROPHETS (Joseph and Hiram Smith) ON THIS NATION, and that you will teach this to your children and your children's children unto the third and fourth generation.

Have you officially renounced this oath? Or are you still bound by it? If you have not renounced it, how can you presume to lead four-and-one-half [now over  six and a half million Americans] million people [US citizens] under item 12 of your Articles of Faith and still be bound to call upon heaven to heap curses upon our nation? ("We believe in being subject to Kings, Presidents, Rulers and Magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.")

If you have renounced it, how can you justify having sworn such an oath in the most holy of holy places on this earth, before the sacred altar of your omnipotent God, and then renounce it? Gentlemen, I call upon you to repent of this abomination and proclaim to both the Mormon people and to the people of the United States of America that you renounce that oath and all it represents.

I also call upon all members of the Mormon Church who hold office in our government, serve in the Armed Services, work for the FBI and CIA who have gone through the Mormon Temple and sworn oaths of obedience and sacrifice to the church and its leaders (above), to repent of these oaths in the light of the obvious conflict of interest between their pledge of allegiance to the USA and their higher loyalty to a group of men who are sworn to seek vengeance against this great nation.

(Signed) J. Edward Decker
cc: President J. Carter
Mr. Ronald Reagan

No response was received to this letter. The Brethren are so powerful that they are immune to criticism and feel no need to explain themselves or account to anyone for these actions. The Mormon Church already packs a political punch far out of proportion to its size. The Wall Street Journal explained how, in spite of the Constitution separation between Church and State, public schools in Utah are used to instill Mormonism in young minds. It mentioned political reapportionment, airline deregulation, the basing of the MX missile and the ERA as political issues affected by the power of the Church. For example, when the Church opposed the MX for Utah, those plans were immediately dropped by the federal government. The same Wall Street Journal article quoted the following statement from J.D. Williams, a University of Utah political science professor:

There is a disquieting statement in Mormonism: "When the leaders have spoken, the thinking has been done." To me, democracy can't thrive in that climate. They [Mormon politicians] don't have to be called to Church headquarters for political instruction. They know what they're supposed to do. That's why non-Mormons can only look toward the Mormon Church and wonder: "What is Big Brother doing to me today?"[12]

A Disturbing Possibility

While the election of a Mormon President seems unlikely, it is highly probable under the present swing toward conventional morality and conservatism that a Mormon could one day become a Republican vice-Presidential nominee. This is especially true when one considers the growing cooperating between Mormons and Christian leaders like Jerry Falwell and groups like the Moral Majority. With the power, wealth, wide influence, numerous highly-placed Mormons, and large voting block under their virtual control, The Brethren have a great deal to offer a Republican Presidential candidate. Let's assume that a Mormon Vice-Presidential candidate is on the winning ticket, and thereafter the President dies in office or is assassinated, causing the Mormon to succeed him as President of the United States.

There is every reason to believe that the new President would immediately begin to gather around him increasing numbers of zealous Temple Mormons in strategic places at the highest levels of government. A crisis similar to the one which Mormon prophecies "foretold" occurs, in which millions of Mormons with their year's supply of food, guns, and ammunition play a key role. It would be a time of excitement and zealous effort by the "Saints" to fulfill Joseph Smith's and Brigham Young's "prophecy:"

The time will come when the destiny of the nation will hang upon a single thread. At that critical juncture, this people will step forth and save it from the threatened destruction.[13]

Not only does Mormonism predict the "saving" of America, but the precedent for an attempted takeover by force or subterfuge through political means has been set by the founding "Prophet" himself. In 1834 Joseph Smith organized an army and marched toward Independence, Missouri, to "redeem Zion." In spite of a humiliating surrender to the Missouri Militia that proved his bold "Prophecies" false, the "Prophet" later formed the "Nauvoo Legion" and commissioned himself a Lieutenant-General to command it. Lyman L. Woods stated:

I have seen him on a white horse wearing the uniform of a general. . . .He was leading a parade of the Legion and looked like a god.[14]

Joseph Smith was not only ordained King on earth, but he ran for President of the United States just before his death, at which time Mormon missionaries across the country became "a vast force of political [power]."[15] Today's Church leaders are urging Mormons to prepare themselves for the coming crisis in order to succeed where past "Saints" have failed. A major article in the LDS Ensign magazine about being prepared included this oft-repeated warning reminder:

The commandment to reestablish Zion became for the Saints of Joseph Smith's day the central goal of the church. But it was a goal the Church did not realize because its people were not fully prepared.[16]

Going back to our hypothetical crisis, what Mormons unsuccessfully attempted against impossible odds in the past they might very well accomplish with much better odds in this future scenario. Under cover of the national and international crisis, the Mormon President of the United States acts boldly and decisively to assume dictatorial powers. With the help of The Brethren and Mormons everywhere, he appears to save America and becomes a national hero. At this time he is made Prophet and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Mormon Kingdom of God, while still President of the United States. There is no provision in the Constitution to prevent this.

With the government largely in the hands of increasing numbers of Mormon [and Masonic] appointees at all levels throughout the United States, the Constitutional prohibition against the establishment of a state church would no longer be enforceable. Mormon prophecies and the curse upon the United States government in revenge for the blood of Joseph and Hyrum Smith would seemingly have been fulfilled. In effect, the United States would have become a theocracy exactly as planned by The Brethren, completing the first step in the Mormon takeover of the world.

LDS President John Taylor boasted of it 100 years ago:
Let us now notice our political position in the world. What are we going to do? We are going to possess the earth . . . and reign over it for ever and ever.  Now, ye Kings and Emperors help yourselves if you can. This is the truth and it may as well be told at this time as at any other. There's a good time coming, Saints, a good time coming![17]

A More Likely Scenario

While the above presents an extremely disturbing possibility, it may seem highly speculative and improbable. There is another scenario, however, which is equally disturbing and much more likely. It arises from the fact that Mormonism is actually part of something much larger.

We have already noted that the "revelations" that Joseph Smith received, far from being unique, were in fact very similar to the basic philosophy underlying many occult groups and secret revolutionary societies. Thus far in history, these numerous occult/revolutionary organizations have remained largely separate and in competition with one another.

If something should happen to unite them, and at the same time their beliefs should gain worldwide acceptance, a new and unimaginably powerful force for world revolution would have come into existence. There is increasing evidence of a new and growing secular/religious ecumenism persuasive enough to accomplish this unprecedented and incalculably powerful coalition.

It could be the means of creating the one-world government that has not only been the long-standing hope and plan of The Brethren and many other occult/revolutionary leaders, but is increasingly gaining a wide acceptance through New Age networks as the only viable option to a nuclear holocaust and/or ecological collapse. [End of quote from The God Makers, Chapter 16.]

Let’s review this once more from the top before we thread Mitt Romney’s bid for the Presidency into the mix.
Mormonism Teaches That:

The Constitution will hang by a thread, to be saved by the Mormon Church.

Will the Constitution be destroyed?  No, it will be held inviolate by this people; and, as Joseph Smith said, “The time will come when the destiny of the nation will hang upon a single thread. At that critical juncture, this people will step forth and save it from destruction.” It will be so. (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses [JOD] Vol. 7, page 150).

…And when the Constitution of the United States hangs, as it were, upon a single thread, they will have to call for the “Mormon” Elders to save it from utter destruction; and they will step forth and do it. (Brigham Young, JOD, Vol. 2, page 317).

…We shall spread abroad, and the day shall  will come – and this is another prediction of Joseph Smith’s -  I want to remind you of it, my brethren and sisters, when good government, constitutional government, liberty will be found among the Latter-day Saints, and it will be sought for in vain elsewhere…… The day will come when the constitution and free government under it will be sustained and preserved by this people. (George Q. Cannon, JOD, Vol 23, page 104).

The Mormons will usher in a Theocracy, or “The Kingdom of God”, directed by the Lord’s Prophet (LDS).

With the restoration of the gospel and the setting up of the ecclesiastical Kingdom of God, the restoration of the true government of God commenced. Through this church and Kingdom, a framework has been built through which the full government of God will eventually operate. … The present ecclesiastical kingdom will be expanded into a political kingdom also, and then both civil and ecclesiastical affairs will be administered through it. (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, page 338).

Brigham Young confirmed that when the LDS Kingdom of God was in control, the American flag would fly above us. When the day comes in which the Kingdom of God will bear rule, the flag of the United States will proudly flutter unsullied on the flag staff of liberty and equal rights, without a spot to sully its fair surface; the glorious flag our fathers have bequeathed to us will then be unfurled to the breeze by those who have power to hoist it aloft and defend its sanctity. (Brigham Young JOD, Vol. 2, page 317).

The Mormons will possess the whole earth and reign over it.  As the Civil and Religious laws become one, the “United Order” will become the “Kingdom of God.”

Verily I say unto you, my friends, I give unto you counsel, and a commandment, concerning all the properties which belong to the order which I commanded to be organized and established, to be a united order, and an everlasting order for the benefit of my church, and for the salvation of men until I come— (D&C 104, verse 1).

The poor will be exalted and the rich made low. All property, including liquid assets will be deeded to the “kingdom” (Church), all money turned in. Some property will be conditionally ‘deeded’ back for us to “manage” as is deemed necessary for each man. This is spelled out in the Doctrine & Covenants 42:

28 Thou knowest my laws concerning these things are given in my scriptures; he that sinneth and repenteth not shall be cast out.
29 If thou lovest me thou shalt serve me and keep all my commandments.
30 And behold, thou wilt remember the poor, and consecrate of thy properties for their support that which thou hast to impart unto them, with a covenant and a deed which cannot be broken.
31 And inasmuch as ye impart of your substance unto the poor, ye will do it unto me; and they shall be laid before the bishop of my church and his counselors, two of the elders, or high priests, such as he shall appoint or has appointed and set apart for that purpose.
32 And it shall come to pass, that after they are laid before the bishop of my church, and after that he has received these testimonies concerning the consecration of the properties of my church, that they cannot be taken from the church, agreeable to my commandments, every man shall be made accountable unto me, a steward over his own property, or that which he has received by consecration, as much as is sufficient for himself and family.
33 And again, if there shall be properties in the hands of the church, or any individuals of it, more than is necessary for their support after this first consecration, which is a residue to be consecrated unto the bishop, it shall be kept to administer to those who have not, from time to time, that every man who has need may be amply supplied and receive according to his wants.
34 Therefore, the residue shall be kept in my storehouse, to administer to the poor and the needy, as shall be appointed by the high council of the church, and the bishop and his council;

If a man shall transgress this law, it shall ALL be taken from him, without recourse. All this is for the benefit of the Church. He who sins against this shall be cursed and delivered over to Satan. Lands shall be gotten by purchase or by blood when there is a problem in obtaining it.  Every Mormon in the world swears an oath of obedience to the Law of Consecration and the Law of Sacrifice... in the Temple rites. They are bound by blood oath to honor their word.

Let’s look at the portion of the Revelation, Doctrines & Covenants 104, given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, April 23, 1834, concerning the United Order, which set this in its spiritual place.

1 Verily I say unto you, my friends, I give unto you counsel, and a commandment, concerning all the properties which belong to the order which I commanded to be organized and established, to be a united order, and an everlasting order for the benefit of my church, and for the salvation of men until I come—
2 With promise immutable and unchangeable, that inasmuch as those whom I commanded were faithful they should be blessed with a multiplicity of blessings;
3 But inasmuch as they were not faithful they were nigh unto cursing.
4 Therefore, inasmuch as some of my servants have not kept the commandment, but have broken the covenant through covetousness, and with feigned words, I have cursed them with a very sore and grievous curse.
5 For I, the Lord, have decreed in my heart, that inasmuch as any man belonging to the order shall be found a transgressor, or, in other words, shall break the covenant with which ye are bound, he shall be cursed in his life, and shall be trodden down by whom I will;
6 For I, the Lord, am not to be mocked in these things—
7 And all this that the innocent among you may not be condemned with the unjust; and that the guilty among you may not escape; because I, the Lord, have promised unto you a crown of glory at my right hand.
8 Therefore, inasmuch as you are found transgressors, you cannot escape my wrath in your lives.
9 Inasmuch as ye are cut off for transgression, ye cannot escape the buffetings of Satan until the day of redemption.
10 And I now give unto you power from this very hour, that if any man among you, of the order, is found a transgressor and repenteth not of the evil, that ye shall deliver him over unto the buffetings of Satan; and he shall not have power to bring evil upon you.
11 It is wisdom in me; therefore, a commandment I give unto you, that ye shall organize yourselves and appoint every man his stewardship;
12 That every man may give an account unto me of the stewardship which is appointed unto him.
13 For it is expedient that I, the Lord, should make every man accountable, as a steward over earthly blessings, which I have made and prepared for my creatures.
14 I, the Lord, stretched out the heavens, and built the earth, my very handiwork; and all things therein are mine.
15 And it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine.
16 But it must needs be done in mine own way; and behold this is the way that I, the Lord, have decreed to provide for my saints, that the poor shall be exalted, in that the rich are made low.
17 For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves.
18 Therefore, if any man shall take of the abundance which I have made, and impart not his portion, according to the law of my gospel, unto the poor and the needy, he shall, with the wicked, lift up his eyes in hell, being in torment.

Is Socialism The United Order?

In a speech by this title, given at the LDS April 1966, General Conference of the Church, Mormon Elder and one of the governing Brethren of the church, Marion G. Romney, of the Council of the Twelve Apostles [and an uncle to Mitt Romney] had this to say about this United Order that Joseph Smith claimed came directly from God for the administration of properties and possessions:

Now as to the United Order, and here I will give the words of the Lord and not my words. The United Order, the Lord's program for eliminating the inequalities among men, is based upon the underlying concept that the earth and all things therein belong to the Lord and that men hold earthly possessions as stewards accountable to God.

“On January 2, 1831, the Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith that the Church was under obligation to care for the poor. (See D& C 38.)

Later he said: ‘I, the Lord, stretched out the heavens, and built the earth ...and all things therein are mine. And it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine. But it must needs be done in mine own way....’ (D& C 104:14-16.)

On February 9, 1831, the Lord revealed to the Prophet what his way was. (See D& C 42.)
In his way there were two cardinal principles: (1) consecration and (2) stewardship.

To enter the United Order, when it was being tried, one consecrated all his possessions to the Church by a "covenant and a deed which" could not "be broken." (D& C 42:30.) That is, he completely divested himself of all of his property by conveying it to the Church.   

Having thus voluntarily divested himself of title to all his property, the consecrator received from the Church a stewardship by a like conveyance. This stewardship could be more or less than his original consecration, the object being to make "every man equal according to his family, according to his circumstances and his wants and needs." (D& C 51:3.)

This procedure preserved in every man the right to private ownership and management of his property. At his own option he could alienate it or keep and operate it and pass it on to his heirs.

The intent was, however, for him to so operate his property as to produce a living for himself and his dependents. So long as he remained in the order, he consecrated to the Church the surplus he produced above the needs and wants of his family. This surplus went into a storehouse from which stewardship's were given to others and from which the needs of the poor were supplied.

These divine principles are very simple and easily understood. A comparison of them with the underlying principles of socialism reveal similarities and basic differences.

The following are similarities: Both (1) deal with production and distribution of goods; (2) aim to promote the well-being of men by eliminating their economic inequalities; (3) envision the elimination of the selfish motives in private capitalistic industrial system.

Now the differences: (1) The cornerstone of the United Order is belief in God and acceptance of him as Lord of the earth and the author of the United Order. Socialism, wholly materialistic, is founded in the wisdom of men and not of God. Although all socialists may not be atheists, none of them in theory or practice seek the Lord to establish his righteousness. (2) The United Order is implemented by the voluntary free-will actions of men, evidenced by a consecration of all their property to the Church of God.

One time the Prophet Joseph Smith asked a question by the brethren about the inventories they were taking. His answer was to the effect, "You don't need to be concerned about the inventories. Unless a man is willing to consecrate everything he has, he doesn't come into the United Order." (Documentary History of the Church. Vol 7,pp.412-413.) On the other hand, socialism is implemented by external force, the power of the state.

What Have We Learned?

Basically, what we glean from Elder Marion Romney is that the United Order is a theocratic form of socialism. That,  as a system, it  can only  operate properly under the Law  of Consecration, as  a function of the “Kingdom Of God” as understood in the context of the authority of the only true church on earth… the Mormon Church.

Mitt Romney understands this as a function of his Mormon upbringing, training, BYU Education, Temple worthiness and his LDS Priesthood [both Aaronic and Melchizedek… as an elder and High Priest].
He also is the nephew of the very General Authority and Apostle of the church, Marion Romney, who taught the doctrine from the pulpit to the entire church at the General Conference in 1966. In his defense, I do not believe that Mitt Romney is overtly plotting such an LDS “New World Order.”  I am certain it is not even in the back of his mind as he runs for office. However, as you have clearly seen, it is in his spiritual DNA, in his blood, in his roots and in his temple obligations.

In a TV interview the weekend following his 2007 announcement, he said that his Mormon beliefs would not handicap his run for the Republican presidential nomination:
"I'm not running for pastor in chief," Romney told ABC News’ This Week with George Stephanopoulos Sunday. "I'm running for commander in chief." The interview with the candidate and his wife Ann was videotaped earlier.[18]

In the announcement itself Romney stated that the USA needed transformation.
“Mitt Romney wants transformation. How do we know? The former Massachusetts Republican governor used the word 'transform' or a variant no fewer than 13 times in his presidential announcement Tuesday…. "So when he said on Tuesday, 'If there ever was a time when innovation and transformation were needed in government, it is now,' Romney was accurately describing the need to overhaul the doddering status quo in health care, education and homeland security - just for starters.
"He was also correct when he added, 'I do not believe Washington can be transformed from within by a lifelong politician.'"[19]

Remember, Mormonism Teaches That:

“When our leaders speak, the thinking has been done. Satan gets a great victory when we disagree or “do our own thinking.”[20]

The Church Prophet has the right to identify how the Lord would have us vote and who would dare disobey?

“Now, does the office of the President of the Church embrace the right to identify for the whole membership of the church, and all the peoples of the world for that matter how the Lord would desire that we vote on certain matters? Certainly it does! Who would dare to proscribe God?”[21]

When the prophet speaks, the debate is over.[22]

All LDS administration is done by direct Revelation from God[23]

When the Mormon leaders speak, we are to obey and believe, even if our scientific knowledge says otherwise.[24]

God can (and often does) change his mind from revelation to revelation.

“That is modern revelation. May I repeat? Modern revelation is what President Joseph Smith said, unless [then] President Spencer W. Kimball says differently.”[25]

If you are told by your leader to do a thing, DO IT! None of your business if it is right or wrong.[26]

LDS Prophet (from 1985 to 1994), Ezra T. Benson proclaimed:
1.            The Prophet rightly should be in politics… after all, we do need God in Government.

      2. The Prophet is above all humanity, above all scripture, above all the other prophets, above scientific knowledge and Must Be Obeyed.

Sometimes, in American politics, we are asked to focus more on the platform than the candidate, because we can trust the party and the candidate’s advisors to keep the candidate on the ‘straight and narrow’ as best they can.

In Mitt Romney’s case, his oath of office has already been sworn in a sacred LDS Temple ceremony. That oath is to the Mormon Plan for America and it will supersede any oath of office as President. And it doesn’t really matter in the LDS scheme of things if Mitt Romney does not make it to the Oval Office, or even the office of Vice President. This Mormon Plan for America has been in the shadows for over 160 years. The Brethren believe it is their birthright, their purpose, their destiny to usher in the purification of the earth for Christ’s return.

They did not give up on the plan when Joseph Smith failed in his bid for the Presidency, nor did they give up when George Romney withdrew his bid. They will rejoice if Mitt makes it, but if not, they will merely look ahead to the one who will usher in the “Kingdom of God” in the soon coming future. Meanwhile, they will continue to prompt their people to file for every level of public office, to be ready when the wonderful fulfillment of prophecy comes.

_____________________________MORE ABOUT ED DECKER'S BOOKS...

Ed Decker is the co-author of the best selling book, The God Makers, which has become a classic document on the subject of Mormonism and Fast Facts on False Teaching which studies many different cults, Decker’s Complete Handbook on Mormonism, and most recently My Kingdom Come, The Mormon Quest for Godhood. Visit his website HERE

Ed has carefully researched and authored numerous studies and booklets on cults including, To Moroni, With Love!, The Question of Freemasonry, and The Word Became Flesh, which was published by the American Bible Society and is a compilation of scriptures revealing the beauty, power and simplicity of the real gospel.


[2] Harvest House Publishers; Rev Upd Su edition, November 15, 1997
[4] IBID
[5] Klaus J. Hansen, Quest for Empire, The Political Kingdom of God and the Council of Fifty in Mormon History, pp. 55-56.
[6] John J. Stewart, op. cit., p. 204.
[7] 35 Los Angeles Times, Apr. 5, 1980, Part 1:1, p. 1.
[8] Kostman et al, op. cit.
[9] Salt Lake Tribune, Oct. 1, 1981
[10] IBID
[11] Kostman et al, op. cit.
[12] The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 9, 1983, p. 16.
[13] Journal of Discourses, vol.. 7, p. 15.
[14] Hyrum L. Andrus, Joseph Smith, the Man and Seer, p. 5.
[15] John J. Stewart, op. cit., p. 209; Hyrum L. Andrus, Joseph Smith and World Government, op. cit., p. 54.
[16] The Ensign, Jan. 1979, "To Prepare a People," p. 18.
[17] Journal of Discourses, vol. 1, p. 230.
[18] UPI Staff, United Press International, February 19, 2007 WASHINGTON
[19] Romney's Campaign Of Transformation, J Pinkerton, Newsday Thursday, Feb 15, 2007
[20] Improvement Era (Official LDS church magazine), June 1945, p. 345.
[21] LDS Stake Bulletin, Renton Washington Stake, Fall, 1976.
[22] “The Debate is over”, President N. Eldon Tanner [1st Counselor to the Prophet, The Ensign, August 1979, First presidency Message.
[23] Ensign, May 1978, page 64.
[24] Elder Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Discourses, Volume 5, page 83
[25]Elder S. Dilworth Young,  BYU Fireside May 5, 1974
[26] President Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 6, page 32.
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Last Updated on Monday, 24 October 2011 19:15