
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

End Looks Near For Syria - Damascus in Chaos

It looks like the end is near for Assad

Syrian Rebels Take Over Missile Battery near Homs (Reuters)
Free Syrian Army rebels have been intensifying attacks on army patrols, roadblocks and missile batteries.
  • Rebels Battle in Assad Stronghold of Damascus
    For nearly 12 hours Saturday, rebels armed mainly with assault rifles fought Syrian forces in the heaviest fighting in Damascus since the uprising began. The fighting began in two neighborhoods, Qaboun and Barzeh, on Friday when troops opened fire on anti-Assad opposition gatherings and rebels responded, witnesses said. On Saturday, in Kafr Sousa, fighting began after rebels attacked a Syrian forces checkpoint. (AP-Fox News)
  • See also The Revolution Is Coming to Damascus
  • - Julien Barnes-Dacey
    Damascus is increasingly turning on the Assad regime. Recently, security forces opened fire in the center of the capital to disperse a small gathering of peaceful demonstrators just a few hundred meters from parliament. The mood has markedly shifted away from the regime over the last couple of months. The decision by Damascene merchants to go on an unprecedented strike in response to the Houla killings marked an important escalation of local defiance.
Arming of Syria Rebels Gains Momentum - Roula Khalaf (Financial Times-UK)
Gulf-backed moves to arm Syria’s opposition are gaining momentum amid growing flows of funds and weapons and a better organization of deliveries to fighters on the ground.
Rebels Widening Hold in Syria - David Enders (McClatchy)
The rebels now control a widening swath of territory in north and central Syria. They use it as a base for storing and manufacturing weapons and for launching attacks against government soldiers in previously peaceful parts of the country.