
Saturday, May 26, 2012

False Prophets Abound....Here's the latest

I just wasted about two hours reading this prediction by another false prophet, Ronald Weinland, of the original WWCOG. This one claimed - not only to be a prophet - but that he is one of the Two Witnesses! And, get this....he apparently designated his wife as the other witness! If that's not taking liberties.... He prophesied that the Lord would return today, 5/27/12 Jerusalem time, according to his dubious calculations...I wish.

Aren't these guys aware that it's next to impossible to calculate a correct date of anything due to the numerous calendar changes made over the centuries (not to even mention that no one knows the day nor the hour...)? Here's the audacious prediction if you care to look at it. 

Now, on this other site is a guy (ex-WWCOG) who is not a fan of the above named "Witness" and has committed an entire blog to the matter. He has written a short history of Prophet Weinland, who is a member of the original (after the split) notorious Herbert Anderson's Worldwide Church of God.  This second guy's information is Here.

Of course now that I have a certain amount of time invested in this issue, it will require that I go back to Weinland's site tomorrow and see what the "Witness" has to say now ... whether he repents (as Camping apparently sincerely did). My guess would be 'no.' One doesn't ordinarily shed a giant ego overnight, I would predict.

It's unbelievable ... but gives some of us perverse entertainment while we watch and wait..... unfortunately I've heard of great damage resulting from these false prophecies. There are many gullible people who believe these things - another mystery to me.

I just wish these guys would stop predicting dates. Put them all together and they probably have every date 'called' from here to eternity.

The Lord will never be able to return if this continues.

May the Lord forgive me for the levity if it is out of line, but I get silly when I am tired, and I think I have 'Watching & Waiting Fatigue.'

From one who claims only
to be A Child of the King
(by God's mercy and grace)