
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dear Lightworkers: The Stakes Don't Get Any Higher

Since I plan on writing a few blogs specifically to you I thought it might be fitting to try and tell you (if possible) what triggered this turn in my path - toward you dear Lightworkers.

Truth is, I had an epiphany...

I follow some of the blogs that many of you no doubt follow, so I am intimately aware of what is going on in the world of ETs - or at least their version of it. I have known their game plan for over 35 years. Back in the day - when UFOs were 'new' I instinctively knew exactly who they were, and why they were here. So I began to study them. My suspicions were soon confirmed to my own satisfaction, and I have never waivered from that belief.

I feel as though I know many of you through your blogs and/or your forum comments. I have never commented on any forum, simply because, once started, I wouldn't be able to stop - and I simply don't have that much time. So, I know many of you, but none of you know me. Thus, the intro.

You and I have something very important in common that the ETs do not share. We are human. Many LW's do not seem to understand that being human is incredibly special. I've watched in wonder as the ETs have consistently talked down to you, which is pretty cheeky since they are created beings, just like us. YOU were created in the very image of God - the Creator of the entire cosmos - and they were not. I find it irritating that you allow them to degrade you when you are potentially the higher being. In fact, the highest order of beings ever created. The angels are powerful and mighty beings, but they are not imbued with the soul or spirit of a human being. One of their duties is to attend to our needs, protection and safety. One of our duties as followers of Jesus will be to judge the angels.

Now, as you no doubt know, there are obedient angels, and then there are disobedient angels, i.e., fallen angels. Angels are not on a par with God. Now, Lucifer has done a pretty decent con job of making humans believe that he and God are in a power struggle between equals. You can see how he has built his entire foundation or premise on a lie, right off the bat. He is only a created being ... if he was in a war of equals, his primary foe would be Michael, the archangel. So, he puts those humans who aren't onto him at a disadvantage right off the bat - making them believe he is equal with God Himself. You see how he manipulates and legitimizes himself?

Of course, Lucifer is not the entity from which Lightworkers are hearing. His chief cohorts, the 200 angels who disobeyed God right along with him are in the abyss as we speak. The remaining of the 1/3 of the angels who joined him in his rebellion may be communicating, but for the most part it is probably lesser beings: the demons. These demons are wandering spirits, the progeny of the fallen angels, hybrids, going clear back to Eden. God pronounced that these offspring of the fallen angels and their human mates would not be eligible for redemption and salvation, but would be doomed to wander as spirits until the day of Judgment. They are the 'seed of Satan.' They will be destroyed. But for now they still roam the ether, wreaking havoc with humans where and when the opportunities present themselves. By now you have no doubt realized that in my opinion those ET senders of messages are on the wrong side of God.

Satan himself has the run of the earth and access to heaven, for the time being. That, of course, will be ending shortly. In a few years he will be locked up, and then ultimately thrown into the Lake of Fire (with all of his followers). But that's another story.

The whole point of this battle is this pronouncement on the serpent [for deceiving Eve and making her disobey] by God in the Garden:  "And I will put enmity [blood feud] between you [Lucifer] and the woman [Eve], and between your seed [hybrids] and her Seed [Jesus Christ]; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel" (Genesis 3:15).  Satan bruised the heel of Jesus at the Cross. Satan's head will be crushed, indicating Satan's ultimate defeat. This blow will be dealt at the very end when Jesus Christ pronounces judgments.

The only way Lucifer could ever have offspring was through, once again, machinations. Thus, all of the DNA changings, toying with the order of things, hybrids, etc. This has been going on since the Garden. The reason God destroyed the earth by the flood (perhaps using Planet-X) was to cleanse it of all the giants and other satanic hybrids. Satan's 'seed' was a result of his toying with the order of things (humans, animals) which was strictly against God's Law. So, Noah started up with just his family after the flood, "pure in all his generations," apparently the only pure humans - uncontaminated by the 'seed of Satan.'

Satan started up with the Hybrid Program once again after the Flood, through Nimrod, who built the Tower of Babel. By 1450 B.C. or so, the Israelites entered God's land of Canaan, which was filled with giants and other hybrids, which is the reason God continually told the Jews to kill every man, woman and child in the land. There was another crop of hybrids - the 'seed of Satan' - which needed to be destroyed. And now, in 2012, Satan is once again well on his way to yet another hybrid race.

The entire Bible, from Genesis through Revelation, has this as its central theme. There is no way to understand the Bible without viewing it as one unified book.

Well, well. I had no plan whatever to write the above (but maybe Someone else did). So, I will return to my first statement as to why I am writing to you Lightworkers, and having an epiphany.

I have been writing this blog for 3-4 years. It's easy for any visitor to understand that this is a Christian "Watchman" blog, the purpose of which has been to contend for the Faith, essentially to write to other Christians about the end times cultural issues, how they relate to living the Christian life, and carrying on the spiritual battle that is raging on every level.

The epiphany came when I was thinking about you all, and that it seems as though you live on one planet while I live on the other ... "and never the twain shall meet." I had a sudden, strong realization that our worlds should meet, that I needed to reach out to you. Many times I get the feeling when reading Lightworker blogs and forums that I know a lot about your world, your beliefs, your doubts and fears ... but has anyone ever told you about my world?! Maybe not ... and that would be a tragedy. Literally.

I know you are searching, as the human being is wont to do. It is the nature of the human soul and spirit to strive for fulfillment, purpose, satisfaction. What it really longs for is God. Built within our humanity, God created the need for a relationship with Him - in the same way He wants a personal relationship with each of  us. That's why He created us :-)

I will end this by saying that I understand that searching soul. I have lived it. But, one fine day in 1974, the Lord tapped me on the shoulder, I heard that 'still small voice,' and I responded in tears, begging Him "if you are really there" to become my Lord and Redeemer (which He did on the Cross). I told Him that I had made a mess of my life, and I wanted Him to take charge of it and guide me, and I would follow Him. At that moment, my life made a complete change - of interests, direction, purpose. It didn't happen all in that moment; it developed over time.

He changed me.  I could never have done it on my own. I actually accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was a little girl, but who can really say how the spirit works? Perhaps I was too young to be 'eligible' to make such a decision to its fullest extent. All I know is something happened that day in 1974.

This is why I firmly believe that when a person is 'born again,' it is literally a fact, a rebirth - that the DNA is instantly changed. This is NOT a part of orthodox Christian doctrine. It's too new to be understood. I believe one day it will be found to be a fact. Only that type of miracle could change a person's direction and give them instant peace and joy - for good! During the past year or so, I've run across two ministers who believe the same thing (we've never talked, but I read their blogs). How could we have ever even thought of such a thing until we began to understand the human genome?

So there you have it. I know you are people who are greatly interested in spiritual things. I know who runs the ET scenario - and I know Who I know. I realize that time is of the essence. Time is almost UP, my friends. Your choices, and who you follow right now, have eternal consequences.  And they are irreversible. A human being is born once, dies once, and after that the judgment. Period. The Bible is quite clear on that. No more time for idle stories about fanciful ideas that are untrue, deceptive, and fatal.

Another thing. The ETs coudn't care less about you. Or me. All they care about is their agenda.  I truly care about you. I want you to have what I have - to know Who I know. He died for you. An ascension patterned after His own example to us - the resurrection - that is the only ascension that is real. And really soon :-)

More to come....