
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Planet-X: The Truth - Part 5

I had at least 15 excellent videos explaining everything about PX, it's orbit, everything. When I went to access them on YouTube, I found that every single one of them had been scrubbed from the internet.  I was disappointed at first, but then realized it doesn't matter. You don't want to waste time watching videos. You want to redeem the time. You want to fulfill the purpose for which you were born. You want to snatch as many out of the fire as possible. The Lord is coming soon.

When? What about 12/21/12? That is the date the Dark Side is expecting to introduce its New Age, it's "golden age." It has nothing to do with the Christian. That may or may not be the date they introduce their golden age, depending on what God wants. The Christian is not given dates. Rather, he is expected to discern the times ... and to watch for His return.

I believe the Dark Side is trying to convince the world that we are at "the very end," the time when the Messiah is coming. It's their messiah who is coming ... and we will be leaving. Lucifer's gullible followers are willfully ignorant. The truth has been presented to them, but they insist on another story and another messiah. Well, so be it.

The world goes on as usual for most people. They are caught up in their busy lives, getting married, having children, working, and submitting to the mind control of the controlled media. They are totally preoccupied with their hectic day-to-day agendas. Meeting life's immediate needs, wants and desires is overwhelmingly paramount in most human daily existence. Few people realize what is really going on in and around them in the physical, materialistic third dimension. You will search far and wide before you even hear about the end times in any church. People do not want to hear about it, for the most part. They have built their little boxes - their paradigms - their "truth" - and that's where they plan to stay. Good luck with that.

People have a vague sense of something, but they don't want to know any more about it. They talk about the erratic weather, the dramatic increase in hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, active volcanoes, the massive solar flare eruptions, but they don't want to take it any further than that. They do not want to connect it to anything more substantive. They do not want to connect it to prophecy or prophetic warning signs.  They would rather watch movies, video or television shows about all of these things, including the ET's.  They don't want to make the spiritual connections.

And they won't believe you if you test them out by introducing it into a conversation. I know. So, you talk about the things they want to talk about ... and you move on. For good. The idea that people are not interested in spiritual things or Bible prophecy is the hardest thing in life for me to accept. I absolutely do not understand what kind of a life can be led without these things. My life has been full of these subjects since I was a little girl .. and, brother, that's a long time ago :-)

As tragic as these approaching events are, however, they are simply only one isolated part of what's really going on. Planet-X is only one chapter in this mysterious unfolding cosmic drama. If you read this blog you get the entire picture. Unbeknownst to most, Planet Earth is currently the center piece of a great power struggle of galactic proportions - both ON and OFF the planet. Both sides are laying plans for when the smoke, death and destruction clears. The entire cosmos is involved in this struggle, and both sides are parked in the dimension just out of our sight, making plans. They see us, but we can't see them. Not with physical eyes, anyway. This battle is for ultimate control of our planet and the future of all who inhabit it.

On the planet stands a global conglomerate of powerful individuals, governments and corporations, all jockeying for power, control and wealth so that they can be in complete control once PX passes. They are also preparing covertly for survival in a clandestine manner that is also going unnoticed by the public. As long as these current power structures rule people will wake up to find and face a world far different, more complex and more dangerous than the present one. At the very top of these structures (on earth) are the 'aliens,' the demonic forces to whom these elites bow. Literally.

At the same time, another group of demonic forces are arrayed just beyond human sight - in the air and inside the earth - awaiting their moment of triumph when the have total control of Earth. They are, through their agents on earth, preparing a new race of Homo-hybrid beings scheduled to replace much of the human population after the major part of it perishes. They are in control right now of the militaries of earth. Most people have no clue of any of this - utterly oblivious to this raging power struggle playing out before their very eyes. It is in the vested interests of all of these people to keep the public as ignorant as possible, and they're doing a fine job of that.

Also in the near unseen dimension the angels of God are arraying themselves to carry out His plans. I believe that Planet-X's passing may be the cosmic catalyst that sparks all sides into initiating their final control moves regarding this third rock from the Sun. I believe that in our study of prophecy we may have gotten a little too locked in to a traditional time frame with an menu of events that may need to be tweaked just a tad. We need to be flexible.

I believe that in one of PX's moves, there will be earthquakes worldwide. The righteous dead will rise. And so will we, to meet them and our Lord in the skies. Since the 'other parties' are so imminently near, it may well be that we will be strangers passing in the night ... while we are leaving, they are descending. There may well be some scuffles as we pass, one last attempt for them to 'get even' with their enemies (that would be us). It will, after all, be their very last chance at us. We will, as usual, have angels at our sides.

I have been packing for several years. Accountants like to leave everything in order. We have had to separate from some friends  ...  some family ... some churches in order to obey the Lord's Word and His specific call to us, to the very best of our abilities. We have been snatched out of certain comfortable positions and have been set down in other places. David and I look at each other and smile; we have come to recognize these strange movements in our lives. We don't usually know what the Lord is up to - but we don't want to miss a thing He has for us. It's a spiritually exciting life! We never know what's next.

The primary thought in my mind and heart every single day is my accountability to the Lord. I have known since I was very young that I would live during this very time. I just knew it. And yet for a time I lived outside the Lord's Will. That must never happen again. Besides, life is beyond exciting with the Lord. Just imagine what's next. I can't wait. I'm ready.

But, the Lord has a full schedule for every Christian who is watching and looking for His return. We have work to do until we hear the blessed voice of our Shepherd.

Rev. 6:12-17: And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
 13And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
 14And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
 15And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
 16And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
 17For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

God bless you all.


through the redeeming sacrifice and grace 
of our Brother and joint-heir, by adoption: Jesus Christ 
Praise His Holy Name!
Come Quickly, Lord Jesus