
Monday, April 16, 2012

New Age EXPOSE - From A 33-year Insider (Part 4)

Lie #14: The Bible was just the holy book of some desert tribes

This lie is closely related to lie #13. It tries to present truth, or the expression of truth, as an evolving reality. This means it must be renewed and updated every few hundred years to meet the changing consciousness of society. The New Age movement depicts the Biblical prophets as men of limited vision who focused mainly on a few ideas and ignored or overlooked the full breadth of spirituality that the New Age mystics and masters are now bringing to the world. In other words, just as Israel had its prophets, so too has the modern world.

Yet another seemingly logical proposition. It plays on the endless human appetite for novelty and innovation, not to mention our vanity. After all, given the higher consciousness in which we are now meant to dwell relative to the primitive tribesmen of old Judea, why shouldn’t God send even more prophets and ‘masters’ to present truth to us in a more expanded form?

This trick has been considerably reinforced by modern Biblical scholarship and ‘higher criticism’ which have produced a vast quantity of literature designed to show that the books of the Bible were written by fallible men, a product of their times, riddled with inconsistencies and shaped by many factors other than divine inspiration. This has led in turn to the production of umpteen versions of the Bible and countless authoritative interpretations of key passages.

This confusion has been further compounded by the importation of material from so called ‘Christian’ Gnosticism, such as the Nag Hammadi and Dead Sea Scrolls.

Again the stink of Lucifer should be evident in all of this. He cannot destroy the word of God but he can sow confusion. So his acolytes, many with links to Masonry and the German Enlightenment of the 19th century, embarked on a clever campaign of disinformation. The New Age movement has successfully spread this confusion among a wider audience and used it to undermine the Christian community.

John Todd, a leading member of the Illuminati who defected in the early 1970s, passed on considerable information about their internal operations, their ruthless methods and their vicious agenda – which includes the destruction of Christianity. He reported that the one thing these people really fear is a Baptist preacher! Armed with the most potent weapon imaginable, the King James Bible, he fearlessly proclaims the word of God. As a devoted disciple of Jesus, he causes those who are demon possessed or demon-controlled to tremble.

This is why the New Age movement was created and funded by the Illuminati, to draw as many Christians away from their faith as they possibly can. Their ultimate goal is to induce true Christians to take the New Age initiation en masse from the Antichrist and thus nullify their ability to offer effectual prayer. At that point the demons will start to reveal themselves in their true colours, to terrorise nations and wreak havoc across the world. They will revel in the carnage and destruction they have unleashed, believing – wrongly! – that they have won.

Lie #15: The God of the Old Testament is a negative, authoritarian figure

This lie works on the principle that, if you accept it, then by definition you are accepting that the God of the New Testament is also a negative figure, since they are the same God. On the other hand, if you try to sidestep this by stating that they are really two separate Gods, then you have invalidated the whole of the Old Testament and rejected the Bible as the revealed word of God.

This trick is especially effective with Christians who seldom if ever read their Bible – if they even have one. Anyone who bothers to study the Old Testament will know how patient, forgiving and kind the LORD, our Creator, truly is. As the prophet said, “The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.” (Jeremiah 31:3)

The LORD of the Old Testament is not a cold, authoritarian figure, but Theosophy, Eckankar and various other cults try to teach otherwise. Christians who are attracted by New Age beliefs are being slowly tricked into accepting lies of this kind. They are interwoven so subtly through their various teachings that unsuspecting enquirers swallow one after another without ever detecting that something truly sinister is afoot. Before long, more insidious lies become strangely self-evident and they swallow them as well.

The whole program of New Age deception has been designed to work in this way.

Lie #16: It is wrong to pray for another person without their permission

This trick is intended to disarm Christians and prevent them from using effectual prayer. According to the New Age movement, you are interfering with another person’s state of consciousness when you pray for them without their permission! This treats prayer as something akin to a magic spell or a mental affirmation, instead of a request to the LORD to bestow His grace on part of His creation. Prayer is fundamental to Christianity, so an attack on prayer is basically an attempt to prevent Christians from serving Christ.

Lie #17: Creative visualisation is the key to spiritual freedom

No, it isn’t. Creative visualisation, which is taught by most New Age paths, is the opposite of prayer. This false principle, which is tied to Lie #1 (man can become a god), enslaves all who use it. Creative visualisation is really an attempt to manipulate The Force, a type of white magic. To make it more effective, the subject is also taught to ‘empty his mind.’ An empty mind is exactly what Lucifer wants – it gives him more room to work. This is why people who meditate or contemplate regularly are unwittingly leaving themselves open to occult influences and psychic attack.

Many cults tell their followers to go beyond the mind, surrender their will, and be truly creative. This cynical indoctrination really means: Stop using your common sense and accept as real any images or thoughts that the guru or ‘master’ impresses on your mind. This is an ancient method of mind control, as effective today as it was in the occult world of Babylon and Egypt.

Lie #18: Opening one’s chakras enables Spirit to enter

No, no, no. This is an dreadful lie. No one should open any of his or her chakras for any reason. All such openings allow psychic entities to enter. This is why the puppet masters behind the New Age movement are so keen to get people to open one of their chakras. This danger applies as much to the Third Eye and Crown chakras as it does to any of the lower chakras. The Holy Spirit does not need a chakra to enter the body! The grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ does not need a chakra to sanctify and protect us.

So who does need an open chakra? The answer should be obvious – Lucifer.

The same cunning trick is also used by the New Age movement to damage one’s aura, to create a tear or a fault line that the dark force can use to gain access. This is often done under the guise of so-called spiritual healing such as that practised by Reiki.

Closing Comments

If you are a member of a New Age group, please reflect carefully on the material in this paper. If you want to worship Lucifer, that’s your business. But if you have been lured into worshipping him in disguise, without your knowledge or consent, then you owe it to yourself to establish the facts!

We are living in an age where false prophets abound. Jesus warned us many times of the dangers, of the wolves disguised as sheep to deceive and devour us. The greatest mistake we could ever make is to imagine that Satan has given up his plan to destroy Christianity. There is no lie he will not tell to achieve this goal. He knows that the more lies he tells, the more likely you are to find a few that will appeal to you – that’s his philosophy, and it has been incredibly successful. The New Age deception is among his finest achievements.

Remember, this is not a game. Your spiritual well-being is at stake.

Robert Pye
February 2009

Appendix A: Some dangerous and potentially harmful New Age books

Please note that this Appendix is designed only to give a flavor of the range of New Age books available and the variety of ways in which New Age ideas are being packaged to trap the unwary. Remember, all New Age authors are following Lucifer in one form or another.

Deception is the name of the game!

This list is far from complete. The number of New Age gurus, masters, sages, savants, initiates and so forth has been growing at a great rate over the past twenty years or so. The ones who are most dangerous, however, are not the most unconventional or bizarre but, oddly, the ones who approximate most closely to Christianity. By seeming to be innocuous, with a kindly aura of sweetness and light, they deceive the greatest number of people.

Remember, Satan can appear as an angel of Light! This is why his followers often refer to him as Lucifer, the Light Bearer.

So be very, very discerning. The New Age movement is adding to its tricks all the time. Before long we will likely see laser displays in the sky, a spate of celestial apparitions, and startling UFO-type phenomena as the Illuminati – the puppet-masters behind the New Age movement – prepare the way for the Antichrist.

No true Christian should have anything to do with any of the following authors or  paths:

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman and William Thetford
The Age of Miracles by Marianne Williamson

All books by, or which teach or espouse, the following:

Psychic communication with animals
Mediumship and communication with the dead
The Enneagram
The Cabala
Rudolph Steiner
Alistair Crowley
Helena Blavatsky / Annie Besant / Alice Bailey
Benjamin Creme / David Spangler / James Hillman
G I Gurdjieff / P D Ouspensky / J G Bennett
Edgar Cayce
Marianne Williamson
Eckhart Tolle
Ken Wilber
Eckankar / Radhasoami / Sant Mat
Angels [non-Biblical]
I Ching
Mantra chanting
Meditation, Yoga and Contemplative Prayer
Hypnotism and NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming)
Out-of-Body Travel (in any form)
Dream interpretation [some are cleverly disguised New Age manuals]
Astrology (Babylonian, Chinese etc)
Reincarnation, past life recall and ‘life between lives’
The Goddess (including the Catholic Marian Cult)
The poetry of Rumi and Hafiz.

New Age or neo-Christian books promoted by Oprah Winfrey.

Also, many supposedly Christian authors are heavily promoting New Age ideas, in particular the idea that all is one, that ecumenism is the way forward, that evil is relative, and that God is a God of love only and not a God of judgment. These include CS Lewis, Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, John Hagee, Tim LaHaye, and Rick Warren.

Many books on psychology and psychoanalysis are also disguised vehicles for New Age ideas. Chief among these are those written by Carl Jung and his followers.

If I paint a harsh picture, it is because the reality is harsh. Anyone who gets wrapped up in these movements, or even flits around the edges, is taking a real risk with his or her spiritual welfare. The one thing Satan wants is for all of his potential victims to depart so far from the protection of Christ that, when his demons strike, they have no defence.

Would you play with a Ouija board? Of course not. So why play with one of the many New Age paths, each of which is nothing more than a Ouija board, a demon gate, in disguise? What a Ouija board does quickly for low order demons, a New Age path does slowly for higher order demons.

Satan is no fool. He expects to get a return on every dollar he spends. And he is investing heavily in the New Age movement. Why? Because it is yielding spectacular returns.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I was raised a Catholic to age 19, and then joined Eckankar, a New Age religion which I followed for the next 33 years. The LORD saved me on 1 August 2008 when, during a trip to Africa, I was subjected to a dark Satanic attack by a coven of witches. (This attack, along with certain related matters, is described in a letter reproduced by Ruth and Noah Samuelson in their paper, The Dark Side of Eckankar). Some of the witches, if not all, were members of Eckankar.

Having studied and taught Eckankar for 33 years, I am very familiar with the philosophy and aims of the New Age movement. Two of my books were published by Eckankar, and two others were accepted for publication before I withdrew them. I served as the official leader of Eckankar in Ireland, a ‘RESA,’ for 22 years and was the invited guest speaker at 14 international Eckankar seminars. At the time I resigned from Eckankar I had the ‘rank’ of 7th initiate.

The books published by Eckankar, under the pen name ‘Robert Marsh,’ were We Are Not Alone (1994) and Unfold Your Golden Wings (2003). If you possess either of these, I strongly suggest you throw them in the trash can – where they belong. I also compiled a book published by Harold Klemp, the leader of Eckankar, called, Animals Are Soul Too. This too is riddled with falsehood. Animals are not Soul as we are. Only man is made in the image of God.

After I survived the Satanic attack, through the grace and protection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I woke up to the massive deception that I was involved in. The LORD then showed me, step by step, the countless errors I had made and the astonishing purity and perfection of his holy word, as recorded in the Authorized (or King James) Bible.

I saw that Eckankar was a complete spiritual fraud, a cult concocted in its totality by the plagiarist and social misfit, Paul Twitchell, and carried on in a cleverly modified form by his successor, the current ‘master’ and false prophet, Harold Klemp.

The people who follow Eckankar are, for the most part, well-meaning and upright individuals – exactly the kind Satan wants to keep from Christianity.

The New Age movement as a whole is a great deception, with potentially catastrophic consequences for all who participate in it.

This entire article (all four parts) can be found HERE.

The Lord will bless you for posting this information to any forums, etc. that you visit. These occult groups are all coming together to form the Antichrist religion, and this includes inside many churches.