
Sunday, April 1, 2012

God's Warnings to America

I don't agree with every single line of this post, but I completely agree 
about  the book of which he writes, "The Harbinger." It's well worth reading. CMR

Why the post-9/11 message behind The Harbinger hits home for me—and should be read by every American\

My first months in prison were filled with overwhelming emotion and brutally honest questions. “God, why do You hate me?,” I remember asking. Another time I cried out, “Are you there, God?” And at one point, I even questioned: Is there really a God to hear my prayer—and if so, is He trying to get even with me for my sins?

I repented of every sin I could remember ever committing, and for any I may have missed and couldn’t remember! I felt God had left me, or worse yet, wasn’t there at all. At the lowest and loneliest time of my life, I cried out and said, “God, even if You are not there, I choose to believe in You and serve You. Even if I die and just go back to dust, I’m going to serve You the rest of my life.”

After those months of repenting, it was as if God spoke directly to me. He let me know He wasn’t trying to get even with me for my sins. “I got even for your sins on the cross,” He said. From that time on, God let me know that He had allowed me to come to prison so I could get to know Him; my loneliness became a time of solitude and study of His Word.

I had such a hunger to know Jesus more fully that I read and studied every word Jesus had spoken, as recorded in the Gospels. For the next five years, I realized how wrong I had been in so many things—especially regarding the “love of money.” My life and theology was changed as I studied the entire Bible, culminating with the book of Revelation.

I studied John’s amazing Revelation from Jesus, one word at a time in the Greek, and came to a realization that this important last book in the Bible needs to be read and obeyed by the church now, with great blessing, not fear!

One of the most difficult and perhaps most avoided sections of Revelation is chapters 17 and 18, in which we discover that the Great Harlot—called “Mystery Babylon”—is destroyed in one hour. Everything about Mystery Babylon has to do with material things such as gold, silver, food and clothing. She is destroyed in one hour and the tradesmen and merchants will weep over the destruction of this great city that is the center of world trade (see 18:10-11).

One night in 1999, I felt I had received a word from God, so I quickly wrote down 31 things that were to come. One of those was a huge explosion in New York, and another at a major defense location in Washington, D.C. To the side of the paper, I wrote “Great Airplanes” and the word terrorism! In my dream I saw hoards of people running in terror. Remember, it was 1999, and I had no idea how such a thing might happen. But a year and a half later, watching on live TV, I witnessed the exact scene as if it were a rerun of a movie I’d seen before.

Two years earlier, in 1997, I watched on television as the daylong Promise Keepers million-man-plus event took place in our nation’s capital. I felt a similar but different calling of God to our nation. This meeting came together as a call of repentance and restoration, and it was beautiful. Men fell to their knees asking God to forgive them for not being the husbands and fathers they should’ve been. White and black men clasped hands in prayer, repenting to each other for segregation and racial prejudices.

Meanwhile, the news media mocked the gathering. I switched from channel to channel, and all I saw was mockery as radical feminist groups foolishly fretted that this movement was a plan to enslave women. Other opposing voices claimed it was a diabolical scheme of religion to make money, as the media trotted out the budget of the group organizing this holy gathering. The Holy Spirit spoke to me as clearly and as loudly as I’ve ever heard God speak—so much so that I’ve written it in books. His voice spoke to my spirit, saying: “This is my last quiet call to America.” I believe 9/11 was His next call, a very loud call to bring our nation back to God.

Why would God show me such an event? As I prayed and studied, I saw the similarities between Sept. 11, 2001, and Revelation’s account of Mystery Babylon, only on a smaller scale. Mystery Babylon is all about world trade—the buying and selling of all goods—being destroyed in one hour. And 9/11 was the destruction of the World Trade Centerin one hour! Could 9/11 be a warning from God?

On Jan. 2, my question was answered. For six hours, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn revealed and affirmed my theory and biblically answered my questions! Cahn believes and proves 9/11 was God permitting His hedge of protection to be lowered, thus allowing our enemy to attack the mainland of the United States as never before. I believe the message in Rabbi Cahn’s book, The Harbinger, is perhaps the most important message (besides the Bible itself) for the United States at this time. Every Christian should read this vital information and ask God what it means for America.

So many in the church today do not want to hear any warnings or any messages that aren’t happy or a means to prosperity. Please understand: I believe God wants to bless His people; He wants us to truly prosper. I am not “anti-prosperity” in my thinking or doctrine. I am, however, adamantly opposed to the love of money! God’s Word warns that “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” (1 Tim. 6:10), and I’m concerned that we aren’t heeding God’s warning signs. Read the Bible from cover to cover and you’ll find that God has often used other nations to bring Israel to repentance, and He’s also brought back His people from worshipping other gods to Himself by letting down His hand or hedge of protection.

If you read The Harbinger, you’ll see the United States and Israel were both founded under God’s divine hand of blessing. Many American citizens don’t realize that George Washington took the oath as our nation’s first president on the very site of 9/11.

When judgment came to Israel (see Is. 9:10), God’s people had turned to other gods and were even sacrificing their children to these false idols! America has killed more than 54 million of our unborn children—and the similarities do not end there. We’ve banned God’s Ten Commandments from our public schools and government buildings; we don’t want public prayers in Jesus’ name; we condemn public Bible reading and have mocked God in almost every way. Yet we have the audacity to sing “God Bless America”? Why should He?

Nine identical events, warnings or “harbingers” that occurred more than 2,700 years ago and brought on the destruction of Israel have taken place around the events of 9/11. If this is God trying to get our attention, time may be running out for America to turn back to Him and repent so He will hear from heaven and heal our land (see 2 Chr. 7:14)! God permits these things so we will turn back to Him.

I believe we’re going to see a great harvest of souls in the days just ahead. The Bible tells us the end of the age is the harvest time. We need to gear up the “international harvesters”; it is the church’s greatest hour! It’s the time for souls to be won. World events will drive many to Christ, yet tragically those same events will cause many others to turn their backs on Him and go deeper into sin and rebellion. But God sends these warnings because He loves us so much and so we will turn back to Him.

Have you wondered if there must be more behind the mystery of 9/11? Are the United States and 9/11 mentioned in Bible? I recommend very few books, but please, I beg you to read The Harbinger. It will uncover one of history’s most baffling mysteries—and it could well affect your future.

A pioneer of Christian television, Jim Bakker once led one of the largest ministries in the world. After a high-profile scandal that resulted in The PTL Club’s downfall and landed him in prison for five years, Bakker has since remarried and returned to TV ministry with the new Jim Bakker Show. He has co-authored three books. His fourth, an extensive study on the book of Revelation, will release this fall.