
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rick Warren, An Apostle of The Antichrist?

From the beginning of Rick Warren’s explosion onto the religious scene, he has been totally apostate.

At the early stages only sharp Biblical discernment could see through his false ideas. But now his commitment to ‘CHRISLAM” makes his purpose plain. He is clearly one of the apostles to the Antichrist dedicated to replacing the God and Christ of the Holy Bible. At this point his blasphemy is evident and no Man of God can be silent. We must warn the multitudes still following his words of fantasy.

“A Purpose Driven Life” is a beautiful thought when it is connected to Absolute Truth. Some of the greatest Christians have followed the purpose that God called them to fulfill. Living true to the Bible is a “Purpose Driven Life.” There is no real success in life unless it is living by the pure Word of God. Let’s try to understand the thinking that has driven this entire scheme of Rick Warren… We will deal with four main ideas today on this Broadcast. 

1. The first idea he is known for is his dedication to Religious Rock music in the House of God. From his beginning until now Rock Music has become the main style of music in almost the entire Mega Church world. Rick Warren has duped an entire generation of pastors and nearly all Youth Leaders and Religious Celebrates. The mindset of this crowd has fallen so low, and in many cases so vulgar that sensible people are beginning to see the handwriting on the wall. 

2. His love for the lying Paraphrased Bibles was the second idea that dominated Rick’s thinking. His first choice was a book called “The Message.” To call this a Bible would be a terrible mistake. This is actually a New Age translation. This book calls the Antichrist, an anarchist. It eliminates the words, “falling away” from the text in II Thessalonians. Here is an example of the King James Bible and then one of the Paraphrased books, first I quota the King James. “And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ.” (II Corinthians 5:18a,). Mr. Warren quotes Jesus Christ as saying, “All this is done by God, who through Jesus Christ changed us from enemies into his friends.” (II Corinthians 5:18a, Today’s English Version). In both of these quotes the strong theological words of “atonement” and “reconciled” are passed over for the empty theology of “friends.” No person that believes in the infallible Scripture can take this carelessly. 

3 His third blasphemy was his treatment of the people that were church leaders who resisted the new music or casual style of worship. It was “get use to it or get out of the way.” Millions of people have had to leave the home church of their families, churches they helped pay for or denominations they had spent their life in. The destruction of Churches is continuing daily and multitudes have found themselves without a church home. There are many more doctrinal facts and problems that this man’s books and teaching have caused. He is a wrecking crew in one man. I have fresh documentation that he is a member of the “Council on Foreign Relations.” This put him under the influence of the “One World Order” and explains his effort with “Chrislam.”

4. His ultimate blasphemy is to reduce the great God Jehovah and His eternal Son Jesus Christ to “Chrislam.” To replace our Sovereign God with the radical god of Muhammad is the darkest act of a professing minister I have seen in my lifetime. When the devil hangs Rick Warren’s distorted body on his trophy wall in hell and laughs his hideous laughter, it will not be a pretty picture. My gifts this week are two Booklets. The first is entitled “Allah is not Jehovah God” and the second is, “THE BATTLE FOR RELIGIOUS MUSIC.”

I am dedicated to helping turn the tide back to Biblical Christianity. The Word Of God is so simple and wonderful. Order a special album on “The Purpose Driven Life” It includes six Broadcast on this subject. Call us at 1 800 338 7884 (704 391 0588) or E-mail . Go to our Home page for Sermons, Articles and Broadcasts from several years.