
Friday, March 2, 2012

Between The Devil And The Returning Rock - Part 2


     The picture emerging (from Figure 1 below) is a political/military, strategic/tactical event response infrastructure designed to enable security assets to be quickly available to a designated Space Security Executive Officer (quite probably someone in the Directorate of National Intelligence as a cover). This infrastructure appears to be transnational in nature and organization, which bespeaks of a highly integrated grid that includes assets from not just the United States but also from a host of foreign countries.

    It makes sense that this should be so, given comments made by Informants Eight, Ten, and Eleven (2005, 2006). “Notice that during the Clinton years, that movie Independence Day was the source of much joking about aliens. But I’ll tell you right now, what happened in [that movie] will never happen in reality. The grid is tightly woven and completely interactive – from surveillance to intelligence, counterintelligence to asset disposition, military policy to event response sets – everything has its protocol and policies by which it guides itself.” (Eleven 2005). “Think of it as an huge, extended team. The whole thing is based on the assumption that there will be an invasion by superior, technologically more advanced forces. That would be the people from the incoming. So everything is geared toward an even response set that will do its best to disallow beachheads and coordination with whatever fifth column assets they may have on the ground. 

     This is why everything but technology appears to be integrated in common” (Informant Eight 2005). “This is also a response infrastructure where no one is elected to office, but rather appointed at the pleasure of the people at the [National Space] Council level. I also have reason to believe there is input in this from the NGA and the compact. But when you look and see who is in position, it’s not just Americans on the ground, though a large majority are Americans. A lot of them come from across the pond, and as far as Moscow” (Informant Ten 2006). And the PRC – the Chinese? “Well, that’s a problem – political one right now, but it could become more than that in the next few years. The key to that may well be Iran, unless the Russians are able to solve the heavy water issue to everyone’s satisfaction, especially ours” (Ten 2006).   


Our anecdotal data indicates that the infrastructure represented in Figure 1 is most likely a blend of response sets, which include the management of Earthbound Annunaki interests, USA and USA/transnational compact interests, and a definition of space security forced upon the latter by the need to carefully handle two constituencies in conflict with one another. We showed Figure 1 to all informants, except Three and Five. A surprising consensus became manifest as each was able to peruse it and react to what it depicted. “It is accurate to say that it is a grid,” said Informants Six and Seven (2006). “Each function on this graph [Figure 1] has specific concerns,” added Informant Nine (2006).  

Each of them agreed on the descriptors assigned to the functions represented on the Figure 1 grid, offered in smaller font.

The grid is most definitely not the infrastructure of a political democratic institution. It appears to be military in tone and tenor, and it is obviously designed to handle crisis situations. Much like the present war economy of the United States, it is deeply rooted in corporate-like response sets to specific, segmented constituencies, to which those beholden to the powers that be must appeased, courted, kowtowed, and feared – yet, they must be protected and held in fearful respect. Protection, in the words of one of our informants, is not just in terms of advance notice of arrivals of advance parties from the home planet; “it also involves the use of people who obey them implicitly, and who are in positions of considerable power by their pleasure and for their benefit. Let me give you a clear example of what we’re talking about. Secret groups in the military and on the intelligence services have mushroomed considerably. If you get to know the deity they serve, you’ll come up with a cluster of names that, when you look back in time, you’ll see an unexpected correlation.
     You’ll hear the Greek and Egyptian names for these guys, but they are the same ones from ancient Iraq [Mesopotamia]. They are using these groups in the same way they used the artisan and merchant groups back then – as intelligence gathering and dirty-works squads that will terrorize those that rise against them” (Informant Eight 2006; Informant Nine 2005). “However,” Informant Eleven warned, “ don’t think that they penetrate everybody’s mind with the fear of God. No,  not at all. All they have to do is gain control of the lives of people who can get others to do their masters’ bidding, and that’s that! It’s both subtle and also very brutal. 

     Let me give you another example. I was present at [a Fall 2003 meeting in which both sides bid for the allegiance and loyalty of ex-military, ex-intelligence and others still serving in government] and the styles are different as night and day. Both understand that everything is based on conscious consent [God has laid down this restriction for their dealings with humanity]. The newcomers appealed to our better nature [these are the convincing voices that come through the channelers], carefully explaining their position and why they were here, talking to us. The choice was pretty much ours, and the consequences of  joining them was also ours. They knew that, and told us so. I’d call them straight shooters. Now, the other ones, those who are here, mimicked the approach of those who were from the home planet, but the feeling tone of their words was cold as hell. You just knew you did not go against their will, against their vector intention. Just being there scared hell out of you! It did me. So what do you do in that situation? Temporize, and then temporize some more. You can lie to them, but your word is your bond, and then they got you.” (2006).

     Eight expanded on the subject. “Though I wasn’t at the session [Informant Nine] is talking about, I can tell you how they operated at [the Army base where this individual had run across an Annunaki pair assigned to that post]. There was a bunch of special ops guys at [that base] and they were doing something with them. One of [two Annunaki] was by the [barrack in front of which the special ops group was assigned]. I was going by and there was this black noncom who the tall one singled out. He asked him what was his wish [for post-training assignment] and the tech sergeant said he wanted to go to medic school. Tall blondie told him his wish was granted, but that later he [the Annunaki] would keep track of him and ask him to do things for him. I knew the E-8 [sergeant] and I saw his face when the tall dude said that to him. What I saw was naked, raw fear” (2006). “I had a chance to have a beer with him [the E-8] later, and he would not talk about what happened, and told me to forget I ever saw him in the presence of [the tall blond].”

     What Needs To Be Protected And Why. As Informants Eight, Nine and Ten put it, “when you understand why all of this is in place, you’ll understand what is really going on at the ground level. That means [that] the folks here [Annunaki on Earth] feel the pinch of proximity. As [Eight] told you before, these guys have a lot invested down here. As near as I can tell, they’ve been here for eons and want to continue at the top of the food chain. There are also harvesting programs they’re invested in, not just us [These are the alien abductions you hear about]. Think of this as seeds planted long ago that have been coming home to roost. The thing is, when these people want something, they will get it at any level of our constituted government they can. They get their way because we fear them. At least that’s the culture I come from now. This is not to say it’s been different in the past. No. It has not! 

     We’re tools for them, big time. There are companies. . . , private companies . . . set up just to assist them in what they want. Think of them as kinda of proprietaries operated by their own people, and I mean tall albino-looking men and women. Their favorites are biotech and aerospace” (Ten 2006). Ten clarified things: “Hold on just a sec! The [Annunaki here] are not the only ones doing it. So are the ones [returning on the incoming]. But these people are well aware of what the ones here want and are doing to get what they want. That’s why we’re in the middle, or more precisely, why we’re caught in the middle of things. The perspective at ground level is very different from the ones inside the beltway or anywhere out west. They don’t get to interact and get caught in the middle of their little war, as we are. That’s why it can get tense, if you know what I mean. [Scientists] who won’t go along to get along just. . . , well, disappear”(Ten 2006) “Or get taken out” (Eight 2006). “And then there is all the initiatives on Mars and the Moon” (Eight 2006; Nine 2006; Eleven 2006)
     “What’s in it for them?” The question, as Ten posed it, was much more than rhetorical, as it would turn out. “Well, think about it. We’re the hands they use to get their numbers up, their next generation people. This is what has [those coming in] their jockeys up in a bunch. We’re talking about longevities comparable to theirs [people from the incoming] and longer, which is a core issue in their little civil war. Can we use these [technologies] for us? God help us if we did. Now, part of the problem up to now has been that [the project umbrella of SCIs under which relations with those who are here is handled] has been so fragmented that coordination, while fair at the top, we can feel things slipping. 

     There are too many fronts to contend with [i.e., other groups active on Earth surface] and resources getting pulled off or diverted to handle [issues and crises with these ‘other groups’]. But that’s not the only thing they’re in for. They’re also in for the control and sitting up at the top of things. We’re their servants, in more ways than one. I don’t care what all the other so called ‘initiatives’ may have produced” [at this juncture, Ten went off on a tangent about the early Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Rockefeller/Kennedy, and Johnson initiatives vis-à-vis Earthbound Annunaki], “they’re still holding us right where they want us and we are still acting like ninnies. We may be getting things on the quid pro quo set up with them a while back [under Truman and Eisenhower] but, oh, well. So, take your pick, (long pause) but as for me, I think we’re so vested in defending them against all enemies, off-world and domestic, it’s not even funny anymore” (Ten 2006).

     Nine’s perspective seemed broader, but he made up for this by being even more cryptic than on other occasions. “But you don’t understand the stakes,” he started out replying to Ten. “We’re not as supple at [the WH and NGA] levels as you might think. Also, you gotta remember that we were serving a much larger constituency than just the Oval Office. Oh, they played a key role on the political, PR and control side of things. But they were just one more constituency in the way things were set up. Real control’s always been in the hands of the [space security executive officer] and the chairman [of the National Space Council, which is the U.S. Vice President]. So if we’re protecting things ourselves, it’d have to be this. Imagine, not a single one of them was elected by anyone [except for the U.S. Vice President]. As to the [Annunaki here], we’re well integrated with them and they with us. What’s always troubled me is that by doing this and being so, we’re on the cross-hair of [those who are returning on the incoming]. 

     Does this mean a war with them? No, there are not indications of that at all. What gets me worried is the sorting out we expect will happen when they get here. The [certain U.S. middle eastern ally] already have good relations with them [who are on the incoming] and their intelligence service and our event response CI work together well. But we can’t expect favors simply by association. Being on the so-called ‘right side’ doesn’t immunize us from repercussions from them [those returning]. However, everything on the table says we can expect they will assist, but not fight on our side, on whatever comes out of the Iran situation, which is the one we really are tracking very closely” (Nine 2006).

      And the clan conflict? What does it do in our framing of our own imperatives and policies? “Interesting how you put it. . . imperatives. . . , I don’t think we’ve ever used it in connection to setting course on anything while I was in [service]. Tell you the truth, I for one don’t get a sense of what are our imperatives under the present circumstances. [Long pause] I’d have to say, though – well, it’s obvious to me at least – that, as a species we are them, like it or not. Everything I’d seen says our genomes are one or two letters per million from being the same [this may very well be another conjured-up deception, but DNA is the issue – seed of Satan], in a matter of speaking” (Nine 2006)

     “What concerns me the most is that we are being played by allies and supposed foes alike, and for the same reasons.  Back to the Iran thing here for a moment.  If there are imperatives we hold dear, it is to side EN.KI – Lord Earth with Israel in what’s coming [they mean here that it is top priority that Enki/Antichrist sides with Israel; this is so they will think he is the Messiah], and not get drawn into what NATO will more than likely get pulled into in regards to the Iranian nuclear issue. No one can afford a rogue in that region, and the strings being pulled from the lake down in Africa are not responding in Tehran, I don’t think.

     Does this affect us? You bet. Governance, safety and security? Yes! And all of this while things that are quite significant to us are reported to have happened [on the incoming] from the last meeting we had with them last year. There’s been an apparently drastic realignment of personalities in the clan clash. Seems the old man to the leader here, and I’m not talking about No. 41, went to the king’s side, and the king’s not the one the Russian Jew wrote about [in oblique reference to Sitchin]. Same with the surface leader’s brothers, both the one who lived down in Africa as well as the one who reigned in Egypt and then got exiled to the New World for a spell.” 

     The authors responded to the news with raised eyebrows, indicating our surprise at the depth of knowledge on Nine’s part. He was obviously referring to Nergal and Ningishzidda, both sons of the EN.KI. [lord Earth] and brothers of the surface leader. Nine simply grinned and continued. “Oh, yeah. We [where he worked before retirement] took the Russian Jew’s scholarship to task and found him to be a high percenter [i.e., one who keeps scoring very, very high on matters that were important to his agency] by doing our own homework. So the fellow here [leader to Earthbound Annunaki) is feeling the pinch of loss. The conflict’s now naked, and them who are coming are here setting up their own CI and other clandestine programs, in the same way those who are here have done for decades, if not centuries – through third parties and minions” (Nine 2006). 

     We asked him then just how did he know of this. He leaned back, looked us straight in the eye, and said. “Because after the meeting last year, they [from the incoming’s delegation] tried to recruit me and others. That’s how!”


Will Post Part 3 this evening