
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Attention: All Light Workers!

SOME CONSIDERATIONS FOR YOU WONDERFUL LIGHT WORKERS ... You deserve better than what you are heading for, so I want to share a few thoughts because I read some of the channeled messages (only the best!) and many of your posts and feel that I know you. I have grown fond of you through your writings, even though you don't know me. So bear with me, I beg. I feel drawn to you because you are genuinely seeking spiritual answers.

If people REALLY “awaken” they will awaken to the fact that the entities communicating with you Light Workers are BEHIND the “Dark Cabal.” They are their backers. They have put all of the NWO plans in their heads.

They’re constantly saying such things as:  “The secret sacred societies are putting the finishing touches on the many official announcements that will kick off the new governance.” How is it that these very same ‘secret sacred societies’ are the very organizations of the ‘dark cabal?’ Don’t be too surprised if the leaders of the Dark Cabal end up being in power after all – as the lieutenants (as always) of those who plan to be disclosed (but not exposed).

And:  “Over the past few weeks, we have been preparing to transfer vast sums of money into the trusts that we set up worldwide to distribute the prosperity funds to you.” I understand they’ve been making this promise for 15-20 years now. Anyone that believes they are going to receive money from these ‘people’ are in for great disappointment. These entities are the very same people running the Cabal, and taking all the money AWAY from you. They are the same ones who have drawn in the welfare people and the unions; these people will be betrayed in the end. They are serving a purpose for the moment. That's all.

And: “….a firm timetable exists for the official transfers of government…”  The firm timetable they are under was laid down by their Creator….the God of the Cosmos who will soon be sending them all to the Abyss.

“…we need to introduce ourselves to you and give you a full explanation of what Heaven expects of all of us.”   If you want to know what Heaven expects of ‘all of us’ just read the Holy Bible. Don’t make the same eternal mistake made by the fallen angels and these cohorts of theirs.

“…This vast shift in your reality is above all a shift in consciousness.”  This reality shift is merely demonic possession for those who are completely without spiritual discernment.

“…needs all of us to dedicate our sacred honor to redressing the grievances long suffered by Mother Earth.”   Can’t you see that this ancient pagan religion is the same one spoken of by God Himself when He warned that ‘they worship the creation rather than the Creator Himself?’ 

“….The prosperity you are about to receive…” is NON-EXISTENT. This is Satan’s lie.

“…to progress you beyond the beliefs you hold, imposed on you by your parents, friends, and society.”  Do you really believe that total cosmic strangers are more concerned about you than parents and friends? Yet you trust these beings … based on what? You really know nothing about them ... only what they tell you.

“…you are ready to receive amazing news which will drastically change your world for the better.” When these creatures actually control you, they will have amazing news alright … a great surprise! The surprise is that it will drastically change your world for the WORSE … unimaginable horror.

“…This new governance signals the start of the last phase of your journey back to full consciousness and your reunion with your spiritual and space families.”  Total nonsense.  A pipe dream.

“…it is important for you to understand that there are tasks that you are much better suited than we. It is you that could reach these souls and communicate with them clearly.”  In other words, they’re using you, because they don’t dare show their true selves to humanity without a vast Public Relations effort.

“…Please recruit as many of your brothers and sisters as is possible to assist with this phase of the operation…”  P.R. and Recruitment.  Similar to a multi-level marketing scheme. Without seeing the product. (They are using poor David Wilcock in the same way, and he has received notoriety and an element of fame. But in the end... not so.)

“…Think to yourself ‘Here comes an emotion. What is it? Why am I feeling it, and what is causing this?’ Try to see this emotion as part of the illusion. It is not real, and it is not helpful to you.” These beings are very frightened of human emotions because they have no souls. Human beings, the crown of God’s creation, DO have emotions because God Almighty breathed His Own Spirit, the breath of life, into mankind – and HE has emotions. Humans are higher creations than these fallen angels and their cohorts; in fact, those humans who accept God’s plan of redemption through His manifestation – Jesus Christ – will JUDGE these beings. You can either go down with them through their deception – or you can truly ASCEND the way God Himself designed the Plan. You get only one choice. One side or the other. His plan – or Lucifer’s. And the time is almost up, for choosing. THERE IS NO SECOND CHANCE.

“…Don’t allow yourselves to feel fear about where you will be going. There is a perfect place and a perfect time for getting there for every individual according to the lessons and experiences that better suits them at this stage of their development.”  They know about the Rapture of Christians, and they are lying about who is going where. They are trying to deceive you by REVERSING the story of what will actually be happening, because a lot of the more spiritually alert Light Workers are beginning to detect this deception. (It's possible they may even be planning a "fake rapture.")

“…The most important aspect is to calm people’s fears and prove that we come in peace…”  Again, based on what proof?

“…What you have been told is a far cry from the truth, and often it is distorted to suit the cause of those who control you…”  You have indeed been lied to by their puppets (the Dark Cabal)…and you are now being lied to by them. This has been going on for centuries; they aren’t even original. Everything they do is a COPY of their Creator.

 There is a huge blitz against religion by the ‘ET’s’ … this is news? For centuries, the crimes of Catholicism have been written about in great detail. The Catholic Church arose out of the ‘sacred secret societies’ in the first century to piggyback on Christianity and take it over. The Roman Catholic Church has slaughtered more REAL Christians throughout the centuries than any other mass slaughter known to history, including Nazi Germany. The bulk of the ‘Christian’ bureaucracy has also been known through the centuries to be apostate and heretical. Dear Light Workers, you need to understand that “FEW will enter the gate” out of all of Christendom, because true followers of Jesus Christ – true Christianity - is NOT a RELIGION. It is a personal relationship with Christ, just as the disciples had – and consists of a very small portion of what people call Christianity. There is a ton of chaff – and a handful of wheat mixed throughout. And the wheat generally live quiet, private lives.

These beings pretend to hate war. Millennia ago they introduced war onto the peaceful Earth that God had created for the crown of His creation: humanity. These beings have been behind every war in human history; and in due time, they will finally launch the bloodiest war the world has ever seen, ending with war against God himself.

They talk peace. Every human being who ever became involved with them was ruined through that involvement. They are jealous of humans. They laugh at those “Dear Ones” who fall for their deceptions. Their ultimate goal is complete destruction of every human being. But they will bring it on while they talk of Peace.  (Just like the government.)

They are becoming impatient and cranky. They are revealing themselves to a degree, due to their impatience. They know what their end is going to be, and they are increasingly wrathful because God’s timeline is pressing in on them. Have you noticed the tone they have been taking with you of late? It is getting a little harsher, a little less respectful, a little pushier. They try to conceal it, because they are determined to take you down with them. (That’s why, when Jesus Christ drove them out of a demonic man, the demons knew who He was and asked Him if He had come ‘before THE TIME.’  This is The Time.)

“…A more definitive proof of our existence to you is in the works and more on this will be revealed in the coming weeks.”   Why do you think they put off disclosing themselves? There are reasons. Many.

“We have, of late, concentrated on specific third world countries as part of the plan we have of direct communication with those regions.” They have had close relationships with third world countries forever. They are the major force that has kept these countries “third world.” You will note that these poor and oppressed people are heavily ruled by occult forces, and have been for centuries. Not so, the West. Until recently.

Why am I writing this to you?  Because I am compelled to.  I must. I read your reactions to these beings, and I feel your search for truth, for hope. And it breaks my heart - because you are being led down the primrose path. I know – and have - what you so desperately seek, and I want you to have it. I see these evil ones drawing you in with lies. Rather like a parent watches the child make all the wrong decisions - with every one of them drawing him nearer his destruction.

How can I best help you, I ask myself. You would no doubt argue with me (out of our human pride), and there is literally no time for that. So, I’ve thought about it. You need a neutral place to research the information privately; a place that contains truth. So, I beg you to visit a website called which has the most comprehensive and accurate view that I’ve found on the internet. I don’t know anyone there, but I recommend you pay the semi-annual $30 fee to get to the most comprehensive articles. It’s well worth it. You could spend days there. Also visit,, All are fascinating, provocative, and speak the truth. And you can email them with your questions, and they will answer, and help you.

But, please hurry. This is The Time. And The Time for being ready could end at any moment.

I will pray for all who read this … that your Creator will speak to your spirit … and that you will respond to His call. He cares for you, and so do I.


The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Romans 8:16-17