
Wednesday, February 8, 2012


After reading so many pleas on many websites from those who are so desperate for Disclosure, and who are trying so hard to figure out how to "ascend," I decided to address this subject. I doubt that many New Agers will listen, but when I stand before Almighty God and my name is called - I want to have an answer when I am asked why I didn't pull back the veil on this subject. Plus, my heart breaks for these seekers.

I think I can safely say that I have read as much about Disclosure and Ascension as almost any 'enlightened' seeker. My blog is all about truth ... and therefore I will tell you the unvarnished truth that so many of you think you want.

You will not like Disclosure. It will reveal truth. Most people want anything but the truth. Disclosure began just about 6,000 years ago ... and it's almost all over with. You didn't believe or like what has already been disclosed, and you will like the rest of it even less. Far, far less.

Let us get a few things straight first. We - and everything on this earth - are not illusions. This earth, and everything on it, is as real as can possibly be. This earth was made specifically for human beings - and there is no other place in the entire universe about which this can be said. The earth is one-of-a-kind. It is special beyond words. Scientists are aware of this. Search though they may, they have never found - and never will - any other place like earth. But many will never say that because of their religion: evolution. You don't get perks and kudos unless you follow the party line. (As an example: I can expect nothing but some kind of trouble by writing this. So be it.)

There are no other humans in the universe. There are no other races in the universe. What is out there: inter-dimensional beings. Not intergalactic. To put it bluntly, they are angels. And most have no wings, and they can appear on earth as humans (if they work hard at it, and they're lucky). These are evil angels and demons. These groups of evil angelic beings are the ones you hear from through the channelers. Their time is almost up. This is their last shot. They've been at this for millennia, and the clock is just about a minute before twelve for them. They are preparing for the grand finale, and they want to take as many of us with them as possible.

Despite their protestations of love and concern, and the 'help' they offer, the truth is they hate human beings with a passion. They are jealous of humans. When the Highest created humans, God made it known to the angels that they were to minister to (watch over, aid, assist) human beings because we were the only beings that God made in His own image.  Humans were the ultimate creation, the only beings God put His own spirit into.  We are far more complex than any angel, although the angels are powerful in strength and knowledge. But they lack the soul and spirit of a human.

Part of the Disclosure will be the truth about man, that he did not evolve from an amoeba over millions of years. This is wishful thinking on the part of the demonic angels. They demean us by telling this story, and we fall for this! When, in truth, we were made more like God than any other being ever created. As a matter of fact, when this chess game is all finished, those human beings who search for, and accept, the truth will sit in judgment over these entities. God wants companionship. He wants beings like Himself to share with, to assist Him in overseeing the Cosmos. This is Ascension ... to live with God - in a real body which looks like us but is transformed in substance to be fitting for that dimension - as a member of His heavenly royal house. But he requires that we are educated, tried and tested. Thus, our time on Earth.

So we are on earth to be tested. Earth life is a school. Those who can accept and believe in the truth of God's Disclosure will be the only ones to ascend. Those who allow themselves to be deceived will not. They will be punished for not accepting God's plan when the evidence is so crystal clear - they won't pass the test. These "ascended masters" and their ilk spend all their time trying to copy the real thing, the real God. After all, God created them ... for wonderful purposes and works. And then they got delusions of grandeur and spoiled the whole thing for themselves - and for us ... if we fall for their stories. And even if we don't, they wreak endless havoc on our turf.

These evil beings have been perfecting this plan of theirs over thousands of years. They started with the first man, and have been honing the same old deceptions over and over again through the rise and fall of many nations on earth over the centuries. Why do you think God destroyed the earth in a flood, excepting only Noah' family? Because these angels and demons had corrupted all humanity, changed the DNA, etc., the same stuff they're busy doing right now. This is it for them ... the end of the road. And they know it! They are desperate.

The Dark Cabal they are always talking about defeating? The truth is that they put all these corrupt ideas in the heads of the dark cabal. They promised them wealth, power and fame, and then double-cross them, just as they always do. This is their modus operandi. They tell you that they are working feverishly against the cabal, when in fact the cabal has been reduced to little more than their slaves - just as they plan to do to you - and that will certainly be a part of the Disclosure, won't it! All of these evil things they attribute to the Cabal ... poisoned drugs, toxic air, the wars, the famines, the destruction of America and many nations ... cyborgs ... these are all their ideas!

Have you noticed how they are always leading you on, but not quite ever giving you enough to wrap your mind around? It's always right around the corner. Soon ... soon. This is what they DO! It's how they suck people in, through the curiosity ... the desire for secret knowledge ... the desire for peace and love and equity ... and that 'all be as one.'  Never gonna happen by listening to the wrong voices.

As I said, Disclosure began over 6,000 years ago when God interacted with mankind and revealed all of this. First, He spoke directly to individuals, then He sent prophets, kings, judges, etc. Then it was all written down in the book called the Holy Bible. So far, about 65-70% of everything predicted and prophesied in that book of revealed truth has come to pass ... with 100% accuracy. This rest of it is coming to pass right now as I write this.  It's all there for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. But, the majority of people do not see and hear. That's the biggest mystery of all to me.

Some people pick up the Book and find a few isolated sayings, and then try to find fault with it, but they simply expose their colossal ignorance. The Book itself tells you that the only way to understand it is to study, and study, and study. The people who do that are the ones who come to have some understanding of it, and those people miraculously come to agree on its essential truths and doctrines. But in order to have understanding, you must have a relationship with the Author, God Almighty, who is available to all. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." He will only allow the truths to be comprehended by His friends.

The entire story, from A to Z, has been Disclosed to all of humanity. It's no secret, it's available to all, and it provides real peace and joy and knowledge that surpasses all understanding.

It's the Disclosure and Ascension you can rely on - because it's the truth.

I don't usually provide an email address because of the harassment from the 'ET's' (so called), but if you are a sincere person who wants more of the Truth ... Disclosure and Ascension, ...feel free to email me at: I will answer true seekers. (And, yes, I can tell the difference..)

You can have real Disclosure and real Ascension ... but only if you go to the real Source - of everything.  Remember this: You find the answers through a relationship with the Creator himself - not through a religion ... and certainly not through a channeler.

The time is very short. The game must play out, but the winner has been declared - 2,000 years ago.
