
Monday, February 27, 2012

Chip Moves Wirelessly In Bloodstream

By the time Antichrist arises on the world scene, scientific technological breakthroughs are going to provide the Man of Sin with the exact "Mark of the Beast" implant which will fulfill every Scriptural requirement!

NEWS BRIEF: "Chip moves wirelessly in bloodstream - VHF waves could be used to deliver power", The Stanford Daily,

Medical promises of the future, from implanted microchips that help in operations to full nanoscale surgeries with single-cell precision, just got a lot closer to reality. Stanford electrical engineering researchers have developed a microchip that can swim through fluids while powered and controlled wirelessly. At three by four millimeters, the chip is smaller than Lincoln’s head on a penny, giving it the potential for important medical applications."

"With further development, medical engineers could theoretically outfit the chips to transmit data from inside a patient’s blood stream, enabling precise testing, or to dispense medicine to individual cells, enabling precise treatment ... this new research, presented by Electrical Engineering Professor Ada Poon at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference on Tuesday, holds promise for a whole new category of medical devices that don’t rely on batteries for power. Poon’s team specializes in wireless power, something previously thought impossible for transmission through human tissue."

"The next breakthrough came in finding an alternative method for locomotion in a fluid ... Poon’s team developed a system that uses electromagnetic induction to roll the chip in the fluid, generating motion in a similar manner to a kayak or a freestyle swimmer as it gently rolls in the water. "

As this card from the Illuminati Card Game illustrates, the Global Elite recognizes that it needs "sufficiently high technology" on a wide array of fronts if they are to achieve all their goals for the New World Order. In 1968, I heard that total scientific knowledge is doubling every 20 years; but, two decades later, I heard that knowledge is doubling every 10 years. Given the importance of total scientific knowledge is to the development of the New World Order, what is the current statistic on the time it takes currently for science to double its total knowledge?

"In fact, no one seems to know exactly how quickly this body of knowledge is growing. For instance, according to this collection of quotes I found at the Web site Cole's Quotables III ( ~scole/words03.html), Anthony J. D'Angelo, author of the College Blue Book, claims knowledge doubles every 14 months. Yet, according to a Gary Schwartz's miniessay "Kirlian Photography as a Diagnostic Tool" (Gathering Taos: GatheringTaos.html), our bag o' knowledge doubles every five years. The American Enterprise magazine stakes it at every 15 years ("Tradition Works" by Karl Zinsmeister: www.theamericanenterprise. org/taema97k.htm). But Milton T. Wolf, a senior vice president for the Arizona Department of Library, Archives, and Public Records, said in a speech that knowledge currently doubles every year and that by 2020 it will double every 73 days ( conv-keynote.htm). "

Doubling every 73 days?

There is no doubt about it anymore. By the time Antichrist arises, science will give him the technology to accomplish all his goals, from implementing the implantable "Mark of the Beast", to controlling human population tightly in real time through the most incredible surveillance systems imaginable, or to know precisely in real time who owns guns and where they are.

Welcome to the rampaging runaway freight train known as the "New World Order'!

Above article from one of my top 5 favorite websites HERE