
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Spiritual Resistance Training

Jonathan Cahn is President of Hope of the World ministries, Senior Pastor and Messianic Rabbi of the the Jerusalem Center/ Beth Israel in Wayne, New Jersey. He makes some excellent points in his article below. Christians should avail themselves of the knowledge, insight and wisdom of those Jewish rabbis who have accepted Jesus as Savior. They have access to centuries of wisdom from God, and they add a depth and substance to our  Christian faith that can be found in no other resource. That there are so many Messianic Rabbi Christian Pastors is another sign that we are in the last days.  We should include them in our prayers as we all labor together in the service of our Lord.

December 2011 by Johnathan Cahn

Shalom and victory in the powerful name of Messiah - The Almighty God! I don't think i've ever met a believer who likes trials, conflict, hard time or times of crisis. I'm sure most of us would avoid them if we could. But here's something to consider that could change the way you look at problems and even the way you go through them. To become stronger physically, you have to apply resistance. That's the basis behind weight or resistance training. There has to be resistance in order for the muscle to apply and grow.

It's the same in the spiritual realm. To become spiritually strong, you have to encounter resistance - it's the only way we can grow. To become spiritually powerful you begin by applying spiritual resistance. In other words, if you want to strengthen your spiritual joy - you do it by exercising that joy against those things which would resist joy - sorrow, trouble or problems. To faith - impossible situations, trials, and crises. To become strong in love - we need people who are hard to love, who resist it or who are - unloving, unlovely, and unlovable. Resistance builds strength. Notice how people who become muscular go about it. They don't wait for resistance to come into their life for for weights to fall on top of them. They actively and freely choose to encounter weights and resistance even when they wouldn't otherwise have encountered it.

So if you really want to become great in the Lord, you need to change your ideas about trials and problems. Instead of fearing them - embrace them. But don't just embrace them, actively seek out situations that will challenge your faith, love, generosity, joy and challenge your hope -situatiions that challenge you to apply your faith, stretch your faith, and increase your faith. Take on challenges that are greater than you can handle, and keep on increasing the resistance. You won't only overcome, but you'll come out of the trial mighty in the Lord.

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