
Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Byword For 2012: Flexibility

This year - whatever portion of it we are required to exist on Planet Earth - will be shocking in many ways that will be incomprehensible to most, especially in the U.S. Things that we take for granted as an integral part of our lives will utterly change or disappear altogether. The old paradigm of the America we have always known will be radically changed. A foreign and unthinkable paradigm has already begun to emerge. Flexibility will be the default position - there will be no choice. We will be flexible.

At the same time I must say that there is no need whatever for fear if you are truly a disciple of Jesus Christ. Now is the time to practice turning everything over to the Lord with a fierce determination to let Him lead each of us through whatever final earthly tests may be required. This kind of trust and faith is not developed overnight, but you may not have much more time than that.

The single most important thing in life right now is your spiritual condition. Your relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ, must be at the very top of your list - and it must remain there.

The second thing on the list needs to be taking advantage of every opportunity to bring people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, and to be a source of strength for fellow Christians.

Our world and our society will fracture on every level. You will not be able to count on many of things which you have taken for granted for years. It will be change by a thousand cuts on every front. If you have seen this happening during the past couple of years you are better prepared than most. If you have been living in your own little bubble things will be much more difficult.

If your children are in government schools plan on them becoming strangers. They are being brainwashed on every front. They are being taught that parents and grandparents are not to be trusted and do not understand the new age and the new thought. Rather than an IPad, your children will soon be wanting programs downloaded into themselves. Little techno-enhancements ... because everyone is doing it. They will have spiritual affiliations of which you know nothing. This warning about turning your children over to a now-evil government system is still going unheeded by most, even though early results are being seen in many of today's distant teens, and that is nothing compared to what's coming down the pike.

Traditions that have been held to be sacrosanct, that were unchangeable for centuries, will end. Families will splinter.  Family members' ways, beliefs, priorities and values will simply be too far apart to co-exist. Many parents and grandparents are already in this situation, but not wanting to face it they are in silent denial and struggling to maintain empty relationships that are not possible, but only shells of what they were in past generations.

The less important things such as finances and jobs will continue to deteriorate as they are doing as I write this, with many/most Americans not able to think the unthinkable. After all, things always get better in America! What you may not understand is that this is no longer the America we have always known. It is now under the control of unspeakable evil - and it's never going back. Not until Christ governs this globe.

The world economies are irreparably in collapse. We enter a period of global distribution of wealth, and the U.S. will be hit harder than most countries since most of the world's wealth (and debt) resides here. No nation's economic system is autonomous; all nations are inextricably linked economically. It is indeed one system; all nations must adjust to this reality. It is possible that retirement funds will disappear, along with social programs such as social security, welfare, unemployment pay. It is possible.

Americans will learn that, contrary to popular belief, it is decidedly not 'the economy, stupid,' which is important. It is not the god of the USA - materialism - that is important. Those whose paradigms are founded on 'things' will be the hardest hit as that reality begins to fall apart, while they desperately cling to it. Reliance on the government for money or help will also be proven to have been a pipe dream - a house built on sand.

"No man is an island" may be a lesson soon learned. The importance of spiritual connections, neighbors who actually know and assist each other in times of need - these are the things which will emerge as valued concepts. The value of Washington, D.C., big banks, insurance companies, retirement funds, will all begin to recede into the background of life as having no real importance.

While many are predicting that Obama will again be elected, I am not convinced. Consider the possibility that the U.S. Government may not exist as we know it. We may see a new leader heading a structurally different government than what we can now imagine or foresee, with the demise of our current form of governance, and the same situation in other nations. We are already seeing the resignations or the fall of many famous political leaders and the rise of the new (people we've never heard of). Local governments will take on new importance, and black markets and barter systems will arise. Many people will seek to drop out of the government medical system as it is trusted less and begins to show signs of collapse.

We will no doubt see even more extreme weather, more severe earthquakes, greater tsunamis, more flooding, stronger tornadoes, along with intermittent loss of electricity, heat, scarcity of water and food. The planets will continue to be out of their proper places, a truism which very few people realize or follow. Planet-X & Company is still scheduled for further activity.

The New Age thought and religion is now being put together - by the churches! As many people who call themselves "Christian" fail to pass even the slightest test in life they will (have already) turn to spiritual guides and gurus in unprecedented numbers; many of these spiritual 'leaders' are now functioning in the church leadership. Christianity will continue to be destroyed from within, accompanied by movies and on TV channels such as Discovery and the History Channel, which will be presenting programs filled with fake evidence designed to cleverly destroy all religion and replace it with the Evolution/One Consciousness New Age Religion. This is the Plan - and it has all been written out in advance for anyone to see. Unfortunately, few read anything serious these days. There will be a consistent and increasing rise in persecution of born again Christians (the only kind of Christian there is).

In spite of all of these possibilities or probabilities, it is possible to live completely without fear, and above the fray. I consider it the highest honor that the Lord allowed me to live in this most important time in all of human history (except when Jesus walked the earth). This is the culmination of the 6000 years of the Bible. This is the beginning of the Final Battle - in a war which was won at the Cross. I know my Savior personally and live daily to do His will and to see Him face to face very, very soon. It's the most exhilarating time for a Christian to be alive! The above scenarios, and many more listed in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, are the events which will happen on earth in 2012.

I don't plan to be here for all of the coming events. I have other plans. You can, too.

Be of good cheer. He has overcome the world.