
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Atrocities Committed In The Name of U.S. Citizens

How are we U.S. citizens any different than the Germans in WWII? We have allowed sheer evil to be done in our names. We have been blind, deaf and dumb - on many levels - while we have worshipped whatever money could buy. Even now, the number one concern of voting Americans is "the economy," as it has been for many years.  Not morality, ethics, right or wrong, but money. How, then, are we any different from the greedy and corrupt leaders of our corporations, banks and government?

Original article copied below is at this link.

All Iraq is now poisoned with Depleted Uranium -- the soil, the water and the air.
People are dying in far higher numbers than in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan following the August, 1945, nuclear attacks. Worst case scenario is now being realized!

NEWS BRIEF: Fallujah babies: Under a new kind of siege", Aljazeera News, 06 January 2012
"Fallujah, Iraq - While the US military has formally withdrawn from Iraq, doctors and residents of Fallujah are blaming weapons like depleted uranium and white phosphorous used during two devastating US attacks on Fallujah in 2004 for what are being described as 'catastrophic' levels of birth defects and abnormalities. Dr Samira Alani, a paediatric specialist at Fallujah General Hospital, has taken a personal interest in investigating an explosion of congenital abnormalities that have mushroomed in the wake of the US sieges since 2005."

In April, 2003, just days after Coalition Forces had gained control of Baghdad, I received a phone call from a subscriber who was a military doctor in a Middle Eastern country; this doctor was trained in modern desert warfare, including the use of Depleted Uranium weapons, the type of weaponry being used by American and British armies in Iraq and Afghanistan. The result of these conversations, plus many hours of independent research, can be found in articles located in our section entitled, "Depleted Uranium". We encourage you to read these articles in depth, because the "worst case scenario" is unfolding daily in Iraq, Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern countries as far away as 1,000 miles from the battlefields.

What is this worst case health scenario? This military doctor told me that, 20-30 years after the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, these two countries would become uninhabitable; citizens would be dying by the tens of thousands, neighboring countries would refuse to allow them to cross the border, and the land would be so poisoned by Depleted Uranium that it would be considered a "dead country". With this background, let us examine pertinent excerpts of this current news article so that we can see how absolutely correct this military doctor was in April, 2003.

" 'We have all kinds of defects now, ranging from congenital heart disease to severe physical abnormalities, both in numbers you cannot imagine', Alani told Al Jazeera at her office in the hospital, while showing countless photos of shocking birth defects ... 'There are not even medical terms to describe some of these conditions because we've never seen them until now' ... "

"Alani showed Al Jazeera hundreds of photos of babies born with cleft palates, elongated heads, a baby born with one eye in the centre of its face, overgrown limbs, short limbs, and malformed ears, noses and spines. She told Al Jazeera of cases of 'thanatophoric dysplasia', an abnormality in bones and the thoracic cage that 'render the newborn incompatible with life'."

People are now being born with conditions which render them "incompatible with life"! Within another 20 years, the entire population will be suffering from fatal health issues which will render THEM "incompatible with life"! The entire country will be dying and will probably be sealed off by the outside world so these poor people cannot bring their health issues with them to another country.
Returning to our featured news article:

"One of them was born and looks like a fish ... In April 2011, Iraqi lawmakers debated whether the US attacks on the city constituted genocide. Resolutions that called for international prosecution, however, went nowhere."

Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has called for American leaders to be charged by an international court with war crimes genocide because of the use of Depleted Uranium weapons in Iraq. Read full details in NEWS2093. Not surprisingly, this call has also been ignored by the international court, which is as thoroughly committed to the Plan of the New World Order as is the Skull & Bones President who initiated this war and the current President Obama who continued the war for almost three years into his administration.

Now, let us return to our featured news story.

"Alani and Busby, along with other doctors and researchers, published a study in September 2011 from data obtained by analysing the hair samples, as well as soil and water samples from the city. Mercury, Uranium, Bizmuth and other trace elements were found. The report's conclusion states ... 'none of the elements found in excess are reported to cause congenital diseases and cancer except Uranium, these findings suggest the enriched Uranium exposure is either a primary cause or related to the cause of the congenital anomaly and cancer increases. Questions are thus raised about the characteristics and composition of weapons now being deployed in modern battlefields. As doctors, we know Mercury, Uranium and Bismuth can contribute to the development of congenital abnormalities, and we think it could be related to the use of prohibited weapons by the Americans during these battles', Alani said." (Emphasis added) 

During the attacks at Fallujah, enough news reports about the use of D.U. weaponry and other prohibited weapons were made public that we at Cutting Edge certainly knew that the entire city was being decimated and that prohibited weapons were being used by American forces. We were screaming during this entire period that Depleted Uranium weapons were being used against a helpless citizenry.

But, few people cared enough to force the Bush Administration to stop this barbarous attack.

Two years later, we posted an article entitled, "NUCLEAR ARMED IRAN VS. NUCLEAR ARMED AMERICA -- WHOM SHOULD THE WORLD FEAR?" (NEWS2120). We were very tired of seeing America being considered by her own citizens and by the Media of the world as being very responsible in her use of nuclear weapons, while a country like Iran is being severely criticized for her supposed lack of responsibility in how she would handle nuclear weapons. Our conclusion was simple: The first reality with which you must come to grips is that Iran has possessed nuclear weapons since early 2002! (Quoting from NEWS1660.) How much of a threat to her neighbors has her arsenal proven? After all, that is the key to any country who possesses nuclear weapons -- will they handle the weaponry responsibly or will they threaten their regional neighbors? And, in this age of terrorism, will they give some small nuclear devices to terrorists who will use them against Western cities in acts of terror? The answer is "no nuclear threat" has come from Iranian leaders, either to their neighbors or to any Western nation, and there is no evidence that Iran is sharing her nuclear warheads with terrorists.
America, on the other hand, has launched several nuclear attacks since August, 1945. This is the list of countries which America has attacked with nuclear weapons:

1) America is the only nation in history who actually used nuclear bombs in a declared war -- in 1945 against Japan.
2) 1991 -- Gulf War I -- Please read NEWS1843 to see that 75% of those fighting men and women are now dying or are dead, and that two-thirds of all babies born since soldiers returned have been born with severe birth defects. George H.W. Bush was President.
3) 1999 -- Bosnia and Kosovo in the Balkans -- William Clinton was President.
4) 2001 -- Afghanistan -- President George W. Bush is President.
5) 2003-December 31, 2011 -- Iraq -- President George W. Bush is President.

At this point, you are probably protesting that no nuclear warfare has been unleashed in these wars; after all, you have watched nightly news and you saw no mushroom-shaped white clouds which are so indicative that someone has exploded nuclear weapons. If this is your thinking, you are looking for the wrong indicator that American forces are using nuclear weapons.

You see, the nuclear war which these presidents have unleashed upon these nations is a silent type of nuclear weaponry -- Depleted Uranium! Peoples of the world have every reason to fear nuclear war from the United States, not from any "Axis of Evil" nation, so designated by President Bush.

Now, we learn that NATO used Depleted Uranium against Libyan targets on 2011. The entire "Non-Integrating Gap" is being poisoned systematically with D.U. weaponry! The nightmare scenario set forth in the DVD, "Beyond Treason" is coming true in the absolute worst case scenario ever conceived.

Before leaving this subject, let us return once more to this featured news story.
" 'The air, soil and water are all polluted by these weapons, and as they come into contact with human beings, they become poisonous. This is new to our region, and people are suffering here' ... Abdulhaq Al-Ani, author of ,Uranium in Iraq has been researching the effects of depleted uranium on Iraqis since 1991. He told Al Jazeera he personally measured radiation levels in the city of Kerbala, as well as in Basra, and his Geiger counter was 'screaming' because 'the indicator went beyond the range' ... "

Even though President Bush and every single American leader who has launched this horrific uranium war against the helpless citizens of Iraq will be brought in to judgment at the White Throne Judgment Seat, we must take note that the 2,500 year-old-prophecy of Isaiah 13 against Ancient Babylon (Iraq) is now nearly completed (Read NEWS2171 for full details).

NOTE;  If you want to begin to learn the truth about the world, the above website is a great place to start.