
Friday, November 25, 2011

No Matter How Hard TPTB Try....

.....they can't get the Jews or Christians to riot, and are therefore unable to 'justifiably' retaliate and shoot them. Now why is that?

     I was thinking about this the other day. The Jews were absolutely notorious in WW2 for their lack of fighting back at the Nazis. They simply did what they were told ... right into the gas chambers. Therefore, when they were slaughtered - millions of them - the Nazis had not a whit of justification whatever.

     Now, we are seeing the same phenomenon right here in the good old US of A. No matter how hard the New Nazis try to provoke and incite fear into the populace through increasingly out of control police thuggery and the all-too-obvious ridiculous False Flag attacks, the American people refuse to be afraid. They carry on with their lives as usual. The major emotion the Elites manage to evoke in Americans is total disgust. I really don't know anyone who is wracked with fear, but I know plenty who are disgusted beyond measure.

     The only recourse left to the Powers is to bring in the useless eaters to do the rioting. George Soros etal provides the World Wide Wrioters to cause havoc, accompanied by the radical union types. And, eventually, not only is the populace disgusted with these people, but it seems the Powers Themselves are in a fix trying to figure out what to do with them. They must put at least some thought into the situation. After all, the Americans are the only people on the globe who have in the neighborhood of a billion guns. Have the UN pass laws to collect all the guns? Who among them is foolhardy enough to think that could ever be enforced? I wouldn't want to take a chance on these sheep being that docile.

     No, if push comes to shove, the Americans will remain quietly reasonable and sane no matter what antics they are subjected to. Why is this? What do those WW2 Jews and 21st Century American Christians have in common whereby they refuse to be fearful and they remain calm and law abiding?

     It's because we are all sheep. I say that with profound love, kindness and respect for us sheep. Our leader, after all, is the Lamb of God. We follow His example, as the Jews followed the impulse of centuries of dependence on YHWH despite all of their disobedience (and ours). The bottom line for Jews and Christians is trust in the LORD.

     It's in our DNA. As the Lord said, "My sheep know My voice." And as my readers know, I for one can't wait to hear that voice.

A Royal Sheep