
Friday, November 11, 2011

Elenin ....and The Rapture ... It's Not Over....

I just discovered this two days ago. They are from Phoenix3333's blog at: and if you are at all aware of Elenin and her ramifications you, too, will be interested in these TWO posts, the latest on 10/24, and below it one from 9/15/11. He has a science background but I couldn't locate it quickly to add here. He also has a radio program at  I am more convinced than ever that the Rapture is connected to this event and will post more information ASAP.  ROYAL HEIR.

POSTED 10/24/11
My Final Theory On Object ELEnin

Is Object ELEnin A Powerful "Torsion Field" Generator?

My Theory on what the object known as ELEnin may in fact be and the effects of this object on Earth and why there were no observed effects the week of September 26th.

ELEnin is our Sun's Binary Twin

Note: I speculate that the energy being transferred between the object ELEnin and our Sun is not gravitational in nature but of some unknown type being transferred in a very focused wave/beam between the two binary twins, our Sun and ELEnin.

This energy may indeed be a "torsion field" or "torsion beam" of unknown properties.

Energy Transfer

I speculate that there are four primary ways we see this energy transfered from object to object.  

One way is by sympathetic radiation which is almost like a soft charging and excitement from the fields and beams of the energy that grows stronger as objects get closer to each other resulting in charge saturation/build up.

The second way is by rapid discharge and this is when objects get close enough or the charge/energy is high enough because of energy saturation/build up to cause a rapid energetic discharge…not unlike lightning.

The third way is by beam/wave connection and this is one of constant interaction/transfer between two objects that presents also as a pull or attraction as well as a channel of energetic transfer and connection. It is this type of energetic interaction/connection that may indeed be the binding power and force of cometary and binar orbits.

The fourth being intersection. Intersection is when a third object intersects the beam/connection of two bodies who are bound in a constant beam/transfer of this energy.

It is this fourth form of energetic transfer of intersection that would be the speculated cause of the rapid core heating and excitement which results in the quick and violent expansion leading to tectonic slippage of the Earths crust as the Earth intersects the energetic connection between the two electric/binary twins of ELEnin and our Sun.

What is object ELEnin?

I think this object ELEnin is not a comet but is in fact a small "N.S.V"

NSV stands for: Neutron Star Variant.

What makes a "Variant" Neutron Star is its small size?

The NSV ELEnin is a very small, very dense, dark star with greater density than our Sun.

The size of ELEnin is very small but the density is HUGE! It has been observed that when the Earth intersects the area between NSV ELEnin and our Sun, an energetic connection is made.

This energetic connection between ELEnin and the Sun is NOT gravitational!

The energetic connection is a wave/beam type energy that when intersected by Earth heats the core of Earth resulting in the rapid expansion of the Earths core causing tectonic and volcanic reaction.

This disruption caused by this interaction with NSV ELEnin has been noted twice here on Earth with massive Earthquakes and the shifting of our axis during both the Chile event and the Japan event.

Now what do I think the properties of this NSV ELEnin may be, and it's structure?   

What we may be looking at is a huge crystal encased inside of a massive dark dense shell that has been formed by the collapse of a failed star that formed this small neutron star variant under massive pressure.

As you know this is how diamond is formed...under massive crushing pressure.

Also a massive crystal under great pressure would emit the radio signals as seen by this object and would also be the means by which this massive directed energy is transmitted to the Sun almost like the piezoelectric effect caused by crystals under pressure.

This giant crystal would be how this massive piezoelectric-like energy beam is directed in the same fashion as a laser emits power by energy passing through a crystal.

This would explain the tight "beam' effect of this massive energy.

I speculate that this energetic piezo laser-like energy beam is transmitted in a wave that cannot be seen by standard optics and this would also explain why this beam has not been seen or detected.

This energy may be a "Torsion Field" or "Torsion Beam"

What type of energy is being transmitted I do not know, but I suspect that when the Earth intersects this energy connection this energy beam causes the rapid excitement of our Earths core which causes quick heating and expansion resulting in the tectonic slippage and volcanic eruptions. I think at this time we are seeing the Earth warming inside from both the Suns eruptions as well as sympathetic radiation of this energy from the object ELEnin.

I fear that this build up of heat and pressure will come to a massive head when we intersect this energy beam between ELEnin and our Sun and that the next alignment will be like a trigger making all of these fault lines and building volcanoes react at the same time world wide.

I fear this resulting massive ejection of ash into our skies could trigger massive climate change and begin the onset of the next Ice Age.

ELEnin is still very much intact and powerful.

Now it is the energetic connection between ELEnin and our Sun that is the problem.

You can imagine this energetic and active connection as a channel or cord of pure energy.

Whenever in the recent past as ELEnin approached our Sun, the Earths orbit intersected this energy channel between ELEnin and our Sun was when we witnessed massive quakes and 2 recorded shifts of the Earth' axis.

What people are missing right now is the fact that the Earth DID NOT intersect this massive energy connection between the object ELEnin and the Sun on September 26th but in fact the Earth was on the OUTSIDE of the two bodies and therefore we have not intersected this energy channel as we have in the past events. This fact that we were on the outside of the ELEnin and Sun alignment explains why we were lucky to have no major tectonic events at that time.

Now does this mean we are out of the clear?



Because we have some pending ELEnin alignments to be watchful of.

Watch dates:

November 3rd - 4th - 5th - 6th - 7th [PAST]

Earth passes through the tail area of Neutron Star ELEnin. Anticipated fireballs and meteor impacts. We are seeing a lot of this now and I am sure it will get worse as these dates are upon us.

November 22nd - 23rd - 24th - 25th

Note: Nov 24th is also a New Moon Solar Eclipse!

Here is the BIG DANGER!

Neutron Star Variant ELEnin, Earth and Sun alignment with Earth intersecting the energetic power connection between ELEnin and the Sun.

At that time not only will we be between the ELEnin and the Sun but it will be the closest alignment between the 3 we have ever seen and the result may be a MASSIVE transfer of energetic power resulting in MASSIVE Earth changes.

Now about the September 26th date...

I feel that the obvious has been covered up by the allowing of the 26th alignment hype to go viral with little to no rebuttal from NASA.

I think this was allowed to happen so the obvious historical geo-physical facts (2 axis shifts of the Earth with the last 2 ELEnin - Earth - Sun alignments) that I have presented will be brushed off by all as total BS because of the September 26th "non-event" (as far as earth changes).

I think all of the high level government movement pre Sep 26th to Denver and the other secure locations by "the powers that be" were done for 3 reasons:

Reason 1 was a test run/exercise for the pending real event up coming in November (test exercises are standard practice)

Reason 2 was to allow the internet to be filled with the details of the movement to the secure locations by our leaders so the next time it happens (November) anyone who points it out will be laughed at as a total nut.

Reason 3 is that I think they knew full well that being on the OUTSIDE of the alignment and not on the inside intersecting the energy connection nothing would happen on a major scale and they chose that exact date for the emergency evacuation drill by the powers that be for the the very reason listed in Reason 2 for the strong "debunking" effect it would have on the minds of the masses in the near future. (Novembers coming alignment)

I also know that ELEnin has a MAJOR esoteric aspect and I feel that the astrological effect ELEnin is having upon all of us and the Earth is something MAJOR being missed by the astrologers of the world.

I see this as a pending Earth change event as well as an esoteric event which will change our world on many levels.

More Observations...

More on why I do not think ELEnin is "comet".

Neutron stars have a massive much so that one teaspoon of ELEnin has more weight than all of Earth.

Also I would look more to what ELEnin does not have...and that is water. The classic structure of comets contain water and zero water was detected on this object so therefore by that recorded observation this object cannot be a comet.

Also neutron stars are found/detected by the strong emission of radio signals and object ELEnin has had many recorded and documented radio emissions that have been picked up for months and that have grown in intensity.

Also the massive density presented by this object and the obvious energetic connection as observed during the last ELEnin, Earth Sun conjunctions and the two resulting Earth axis shifts also show this object is not a comet.

Now the massive energetic connection between ELEnin and our Sun is in fact the massive transmission of unknown energy and it is when the Earth intersects this beam of unknown energy that the tectonic and volcanic events peak.

This is caused by the quick heating and excitement of the Earth's core by this energy contained in this energetic beam and this is not unlike the rapid heating seen by microwaves in your microwave oven in your home.   

So when the Earth intersects this beam of energy it is like being hit by a massive microwave beam and just as in your home microwave oven the center of the food heats first through molecular excitement in a rapid manner and then the excitement and heat energy quickly spread outward to the surface and the very same happens on a grand scale to the Earth while intersecting this massive beam of energy that appears to be a constant transfer of energy between ELEnin and our Sun.

With the Earth, we see the core becoming super heated and excited, and this rapid heating transfers into expansion, and this rapid expansion causes tectonic plate shift and volcanic eruption.

Now this object being our Sun's binary twin comes through our inner solar system every so many thousands of years and when it does we see this happen to our planet, but because of orbital changes the degree of the Earth changes that occur vary in intensity from passing to passing.

I speculate that it is indeed this swing by of this binary twin object ELEnin that has caused the onset of all past ice ages here on Earth.

The energetic connection between ELEnin and the Sun is NOT gravitational! The energetic connection is a wave/beam type energy that when intersected by Earth heats the core of Earth, causing rapid expansion and tectonic slippage. We will be between ELEnin and our Sun intersecting this beam of energy again on the week of Nov 24th   

If you want a visual of what happens to the Earth when we intersect this beam/wave of energy between ELEnin and our Sun then put a marshmallow on a plate in your microwave and set it for 2 min and hit the power and watch what happens.

It is the same when the Earth intersects this beam/wave of energy..the Earths core becomes energeticly excited and rapidly expands causing massive tectonic slippage and volcanic eruptions.

This massive energy/wave is produced somehow by the massive compression of the crystal core within the object ELEnin and is the source of the active and energetic connection that I feel may be the binding cord if you will between the object ELEnin and our Sun.

I speculate this giant crystal was formed by the massive compression of this failed star and is surrounded by a dense dark non-reflective shell somewhat like coal/carbon in appearance.

So the force that keeps this binary rotation and interaction between the two is not what is known as gravity but some type of electrical connection (electric universe)

I feel that all electrical energy is nothing more than a form of microwave transmission that we as humans are yet to fully understand.

So I agree with the electric universe theory but suggest that the powerful and sometimes violent interaction between celestial bodies may also include the rapid excitement of the cores of the objects by the direct intersection of these beams/waves of energy resulting in rapid expansion along with the observed surface and atmospheric anomolies.

And again this is not gravity but more on the lines of a beam of microwave energy that exhibits the same energetic properties.

This is all just theory and my theory alone.

We will see if indeed this theory is correct within the following days and weeks.


POSTED 9/15/11
Global Disaster Alert!

Note: This "Global Disaster Alert" is personal speculation based upon the sum total of the current information contained within our informational "matrix". This alert includes but is not limited to, natural, celestrial, geo-political and economic disaster possibilities and is speculation based upon the matrix of information we use. - Phoenix3333

Please be advised!

We are NOW within a "Disaster Alert" time-frame.

This Disaster Alert Status begins today September 15th 2011 and will stay in effect until December 15th 2011.

Things to watch for:

Earthquakes in diverse places.

Crustal/tectonic shift and resulting tsunamis.

High tides and flooding of low areas.

Massive solar storms and the resulting effects of power grid failure.

Fireballs and meteors with possible strikes.

Very energetic storms and lightning.

Volcanic eruptions worldwide.

Geo-political upheaval.

Economic failures.

Social unrest.

Disaster Plan.

All would be well advised at this time to double check your family disaster plan.

Check to be sure all supplies are stocked, up to date and in working order.

Make sure everyone is up to speed on evacuation plans and rally points.

A rally point is a pre-set area or place that you will all meet up when the disaster strikes and there are no communications.

Expect all cell phones and most landlines to fail as well as power grids to fail and because of this the importance of the pre-set meeting point is very important.

Evacuation routes in urban areas may be made impassable because of traffic light failure so plan accordingly.

Your rally point will be your pre-set safe area and that may indeed be your home BUT if the area of disaster includes your home have a second alternate point of meeting.

When setting your rally points be sure to note the location of the nuclear reactors in the area and the prevailing winds and remember that you should be well outside of the nuclear danger zones.

Elevation is also important and be sure to be inland and higher than 200ft elevation but higher than 500ft is ideal.

Make sure bug-out bags are ready and stocked.

All persons in danger zones on or near coastal areas or on or near major earthquake faults need to be on the highest alert and ready to act.

Points to remember:

Expect all power to fail and the result will be all ATMs will not work and the banks will be closed. Most food stores will be empty within a short amount of time and most gas stations will be closed or out. All social services like the police, emergency medical and fire department will be spotty at best if found functioning at all.

There is no reason to be fearful so do not give in to fear but be aware and prepared during this "High Alert" time-frame.

Stay balanced and stay is an adventure.

Expect the unexpected.

Have a plan and plan to act.

Be brave.
