
Monday, November 28, 2011

The Dark Side Is Having A Hissy Fit About The Evils of Organized Religion

Did they just now wake up or what? 

Have the Dark Angels not been paying attention since the Garden was vacated? What in the world do they imagine they've been OCCUPIED with for the past 6,000 years?

How could they have missed the fact that much of organized religion throughout the ages has been evil, especially since their 'dear leader' has been behind it all ... as have they. They need to get a clue. I thought Satan was running a tighter ship than this. It's been fairly obvious; Jesus Himself made quite a scene at the Temple over this very issue.

So this is clearly one more deception ... if indeed it is good enough to even pass for one. (Why do you think the owl is winking?)  I recognize that it doesn't take much of a deception to fool most 'religious' people. But the irony of it is that the already deceived are the very - and only - ones who will fall for this. They are the very ones who are continuously under delusions of various and sundry religious misguidedness. They're already in your camp, doncha know?

In case you haven't been paying attention, I follow a centuries-old tradition of pointing out the harlotry of much of the organized church. That's what I do. We didn't just fall off the turnip truck. We already know about the RCC, the TV 'ministries,' the phonies, the cults that try to pass themselves off as Christian, etc. This is not exactly a news flash.

The issue isn't religious bureaucracies. It's personal relationship. With the Creator of the universe. It's not about religion - it's about knowing, trusting and communicating with the One God - the Only God There Is. Your New Age followers who await Ascension and are on a 'god track' are in for a big letdown. They'll never make it to godhood ... and it's Descension, not Ascension.

I would think the Old Dragon would have better writers with fresher ideas, but then it's always been about trying to copy the real thing. If this is your best shot, don't get your hopes up. We both know your future. You're cooked (literally). You lose. It's all over but the shouting. 

Move along.