
Friday, October 21, 2011

You'll Never Guess Who Is Behind The Fake Alien Invasion....

There has been a long-standing plan to orchestrate and initiate a fake UFO invasion, a fake ET assault on humanity. By ... the governments of the leading nations of the world. While they have played at these War Games (WWI, II, Viet Nam, Korea, Egypt, Libya, ad infinitum) according to a plan devised over 200 years ago, they are achieving their goals set at that time. And the United States is the ring leader.

Your leaders, military agencies, CEO's of the conglomerates, scientific institutions, intelligence agencies, educational systems have slowly been infiltrated by demonic entities over the past 60+ years (since Roswell) when an agreement was made between our government and the Babel crowd, the same evil angels that re-started their agenda after the Flood. Our government is not only in close allegiance with them, but these evil angels have taken it over. If you care to read the Bible you will find out that angels have just about always made their appearances in human form.. Nothing has changed.

Over the years they slowly took over. Our leaders thought they could handle them, make deals with them (for technology) - a very naive belief. Now they are running the show. Many in government actually believe(d) they were ETs from 'outer space.' Ironic. Many of the blinders have now come off, and these people now realize they are completely controlled by demonic people. Then, there are also a large group (the Freemasons, the secret societies, some of the religious leaders, some national and international leaders) who knowingly and willingly worship Lucifer directly; these are the same old pagan religions of Babylon, Greece, Rome, etc. - Same religion; same actors. It's been going on in one form or another since Adam and Eve.

There are many layers of people in between - the minions - such as government workers, the media, mid-level people at all levels of the military, etc. These people have been used, and many are now discovering what's really going on. Then there are the religious communities. The Roman Catholic Church has been infiltrated since the beginning of the Church, with many demonic leaders. The people know nothing. The Protestant Churches are now undergoing incredibly successful infiltration, which is almost wrapped up.

Many of the other governments of the world have been ruled by Satan since the beginning. Those are the pagan nations: Hindu, Buddhist, Islam, etc., whose leader has always been Satan. Nothing much is changing for them.

And it's all about to come to a head.

America has always been the hard nut to crack.The plans were carried out under the banner of "personal liberty - democracy" - first in France and the French Revolution, then it came to America and the American Revolution,. Why do you think the French gave us the Statue of Liberty (in truth, a Roman goddess)? Those who founded this nation consisted primarily of two major groups: 1) Bible-believing Christians, the pilgrims 2) Most of the Founders, who were Freemasons. (The first act of our current Congress of 2008 was to pass a bill honoring the Freemasons 'who had founded this country.') What American Christians seem to have missed is that our nation has been on a dual track during its entire history: 1) the Christian track and 2) the Satanic track. It has always been thus, for 6000 years. We haven't been fighting the battle we were commissioned to fight - the spiritual one. No. We were ready and eager to fight politically and militarily, but the very type of warfare the Lord ordered us to do, we have shirked; and it has cost us our nation.

So ... our 'freedoms and liberties' will bring us the greatest tyranny since the beginning of the world - under the Antichrist  The dream of Sir Francis Bacon for the New Atlantis (the U.S. -he even commissioned a coin) will soon be realized. We in the United States forgot to check with the Bible - as we continue to do. The Bible says nothing about personal freedom, liberty and democracy. In fact, God's position couldn't be clearer. A Christian is to always be subject to the government under which he finds himself - because all governments are put in place by God to carry out His purpose. Christians in the U.S. never could - and still don't - accept what the Bible has to say. The only kind of freedom God approves of for us is freedom in Christ. Spiritual freedom. Our home is in heaven. Our war is spiritual. Get it? It's not about getting Republicans elected to office. And God is going to prove that to a lot of mixed up people who refuse to read, believe and obey His Word.

Oh...and by the way ... if the plans still include an 'alien attack,' don't be afraid. The 'UFOs" will be our own 22nd Century military technology ... given to us by the 'aliens.' Ironic, isn't it?

Most Christians do not know much of this. It is partof the great deception(s) of the last days?

   I've never been more certain of anything -- 
Jesus is coming soon!