
Monday, October 17, 2011

.Straight Talk

      I'm going to attempt to actually write during the next days and weeks. I'll be writing my own personal opinions. I think we are very near the Rapture and I'm not going to hold back very much. It's not that my opinion is so important as I feel it is my duty at this point to present my conclusions from all of my end times research. Do with it what you will.


I believe that a market crash is on the way. In fact, I think that the entire future from here on will see sharp plunges along with what will appear to be normal market declines, maybe even followed by periods of stability.

If the sovereign debt crisis in Europe is not resolved in a way that makes sense, I believe in 2-3 weeks we will have a meltdown in sovereign debt, and that will lead to a meltdown across the European banking system. These are the largest banks in the world, and it will spread throughout Europe. We already have a global banking system. All of the banks in the world are inter-connected. The European banks are linked to banks in the US, in Japan and globally.It's like the flu; when one comes down with it, everyone else follows.

I think this will lead - within 24 months - to unemployment rates double what the are now - across the globe.The U.S. economy will get worse. There never has been the 'recovery' they constantly talk about.

You can expect wild volatility in the markets. Things will be moving far too quickly to react to with any sort of normalcy. Pre-position yourself in your financial, physical, emotional and spiritual preparations, so that whatever happens you will not need to take any immediate action during the tumult. Ride the wave with the confidence that you have done everything possible beforehand.. Be a support and comfort to those less prepared within your family and community. Being forewarned is being forearmed - plan your next steps carefully.


 - Bank holidays: banks are actually closed to normal transactions, credit and debit cards, ATMs, and even checks are no longer useful for moving money or conducting transactions.
 - Things do not ship; shortages occur rapidly - things like chlorine, medical supplies, food, and almost anything else you use on a daily basis (like toilet paper).
 -  Have some cash on hand (at home). As much as you can.
  - Think of what alternatives you will need for power outages, heat, water, gas for driving
 - Secure your assets (have gold, silver - they are still a bargain, price-wise)

The system will be allowed to collapse (I'm not really convinced of total collapse), thus providing the need for a pre-designed "solution." As the governments are being dismantled, a new regime of global governance is now being established to replace it. Most of the people are in place right now. The WTO, IMF, World Bank and the other pieces of the embryonic new global system will make no pretensions about popular representation or democratic process. Rule will be by means of autocratic global bureaucracies, which will lead directly to the antichrist dictatorship and police state that will make the Nazi Regime look like Sunday School.
Before the 9/11 Towers had even come down, the "Patriot Act" had already been drafted, proclaiming in no uncertain terms that the police state was here (in the USA) in force and here to stay; the Bill of Rights was null and void.The events of 9/11 led directly to the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, and in general helped create a climate where invasions of sovereign nations could be readily justified, with one excuse or another. International law was to be as thoroughly abandoned as civil liberties. Just as all restraint was removed from domestic police interventions, so was all restraint being removed from geopolitical military interventions. Nothing was to stand in the way of the NWO regime-change agenda.

While 12/21/2012 might not be the exact date of the official antichrist debut, it's hard to see the endgame lasting much beyond that. The Internet is abuzz with various 2012-related prophecies, survival strategies, anticipated alien interventions, alignments with galactic radiation fields, etc. Then there is the Hollywood film, 2012, which explicitly portrays the demise of most of humanity, and the pre-planned salvation of a select few. One never knows with Hollywood productions, what is escapist fantasy, and what is aimed at preparing the public mind symbolically for what is to come.

While 2012 is the popular 'date' I have my own reasons for believing the Rapture will not wait until 2012. I am not the least bit afraid of the things to come. Au contraire - I'm more excited than I've ever been in my life.

While all of the above is important from an earthly perspective, and if that's where you're coming from, then take heed. Real Christians, however, should not waste too much time on it. Only what's done for Christ will last. Winning souls to Jesus Christ is by far the most urgent and important task we have right now - "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel."

Our conversation is (or should be) in heaven. The single most important prep a Christian needs to make is his personal relationship to Jesus Christ. If you are prepared in that department you can look forward to a future that's literally out of this world. And soon.


P.Sl  The media will continue to talk 'happy talk' right up to the end.