
Monday, October 10, 2011

Pope Benedict May Resign In April 2012

I. Pope Benedict is said to be preparing to resign the Papacy in April, 2012!
This time frame would allow the new Pope to consolidate his Papacy and be ready if a spiritual 'Paradigm Shift" occurs on December 21, 2012!

"There is one front page news story that will certainly not go unnoticed: that is, that the Pope is thinking about resigning during the Spring of 2012. Journalist Antonio Socci has confirmed the same in the Italian daily, Libero. 'For now', Socci writes, 'he is saying that this may be true (Joseph Ratzinger’s personal assumption), but I hope the story does not reach the news. But this rumor is circulating high up in the Vatican and therefore deserves close attention. The Pope has not rejected the possibility of his resignation when he turns 85 in April next year.” 

This news story is the second in as many weeks reporting a major event planned for 2012. In last week's newsletter, we reported that the Quartet of nations announced they had set the date of December, 2012, as the deadline by which they wanted a final Middle East peace treaty.

Now, we hear that Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) does not want to continue his Papacy past his 85th birthday, on April 16, 2012. These rumors speak directly about Benedict's fear that he will not be able to continue the frantic pace of the Pope much longer.

If Pope Benedict XVI does resign, then the final pope of the St. Malachi prophecy will step to the world scene. IN Volume I, "2012 & Beyond", Doc Marquis speaks at length of the St. Malachi prophecy, pointing out the truth that, through Pope Benedict XVI, who is the 111th Pope, the details concerning each pope has been uncannily accurate.

The final Pope will be the 112th in St. Malachi's prophecy and he will take the name, Peter the Roman. Just as Bible prophecy states of the False Prophet, Peter the Roman will be martyred and Rome destroyed. And, do not be deceived, for the Illuminati has planned that the top religious leader of the New World Order Religion will be the Roman Catholic Pope, whomever he is at the time of the appearance of the Masonic Christ.

I find the timing of Pope Benedict's possible resignation to be very interesting. Just eight months later, the widely-acclaimed date of December 21, 2012, will be upon us. We make the case in our two DVD's "2012 & Beyond", that the only event which might occur on that date is a demonic possession pouring out of the Abyss and controlling every unsaved person on the Earth. This demonic possession will cause an immediate spiritual and mental transformation which occultists call "The Universal Mind".

Suddenly, peoples of every race, religion, and country will be thinking in sync! Only then can the Masonic Christ arise, according to "Master D.K.", the demonic entity channeled in House of Thesophy writings.
Furthermore, as we demonstrated in Volume 2 of our '2012' series entitled, "Paradigm Shift", this massive demonic possession, this "paradigm shift" of spiritual values and mental mindset, may take the form of a global Marion Apparition!

Quoting from "2012 Paradigm Shift" DVD, we hear:
"Pope John Paul II is 'anxiously awaiting a potent world-wide Marian Vision. [World] chaos is to precede this vision. This vision will validate the global reign of Pope John Paul II, and will establish him as the ultimate spiritual Judge of the Planet..." (Quoted from Malachi Martin's book, "The Keys To This Blood")
How does the Pope know this world-wide apparition will occur? In 1981, as he was recovering from his attempted assassination, he was suddenly visited by the Virgin Mary, who transported him back to the Fatima Vision of October 13, 1917. Pope John Paul II viewed the vision as though he had been there. However, this time, the message was different. Pope John Paul was told that he was to expect, and await, a super-natural Marian Vision, like Fatima.

What is the purpose of this Marion apparition?
"... the purpose of this super-natural vision is to validate the Roman Catholic church as the only true church and this Pope as God's ordained leader. This event will be most powerfully psychic. The force accompanying this vision will be so powerful it will literally bring the normal activity of the world to a standstill. Men will be so moved that their 'consciences will cry out with fear'. This vision is supposed to produce an 'engulfing chaos, along with misdirection, and disequilibrium in human affairs'. In other words, the entire population of the world will experience a simultaneous changing of their minds. This vision will be preceded by either a loud sound, a bright light, or perhaps a strong odor."

These effects are identical to those which New Age writers have predicted during the appearance of Anti-Christ!! Only after this Super-Natural Marian Vision can the new official Seal of the New World Order be unveiled. The world will under-go the greatest change of will, mind, and heart in history. The Pope will stand as the undisputed world religious leader, with a following that will be down-right fanatical.

If Pope Benedict resigns in April, 2012, the new Pope will have eight months to consolidate his reign and prepare for the global Marion Apparition which will validate his office and the Roman Catholic Church as the only true religion on Earth!

At that point, the Roman Catholic Pope can ascend to the global role of False Prophet, the top religious leader of all the world's religions!

The date of December 21, 2012, is shaping up to possibly be a very important date in world history. We can only wait to see what the Holy Spirit allows, to see if the Holy Spirit has removed His restraining power against Satan (2 Thess 2).