
Sunday, October 30, 2011

More on Elenin/Rapture

First, a few interesting things.
I will be posting several Elenin/Rapture blogs this week, and they will all be on this one page (latest post on top of page) until I get caught up with the issues I want to bring to your attention on the subject. Then I will post all of them on their own PAGE ... See PAGES on the left side of this page (a ways down).

On 11/9/11 FEMA will conduct a complete communications shutdown; all TV, radio, internet, and phone systems will be disabled simultaneously. This will be for 3 minutes, at 1:00 CST. There is a great blog on the possible implications of this HERE.
Also fascinating is that the same date, 11/9/1938, was Krystallnacht---November 9th--The Night of Broken Glass.

Then, I want to give the caveat (difficult though it is) to say that I do not claim to know when Jesus Christ is returning, obviously. I have been an ardent student of prophecy for a few years, and I read every credible source on the subject. We must always charitably agree that there will always be small differences of opinion on numerous immaterial things no matter how much we study. Fortunately, these days it seems as though serious pre-trib students are not strident with each other as has sometimes been the case over the years. Most state their case as though it were gospel, but will admit 'even they' cannot be absolute in their assurances of details. With the time getting nearer every day it's interesting because now what were once hazy details are now beginning to emerge into starker relief. Still, no one has all the answers. I am not dogmatic about these things; I am a truth seeker, always willing - even eager - to change course with better insight.I want to know what the truth really IS, not what I've always thought it was.

      Almost every serious prophecy student is amazed it hasn't happened yet. The signs are just ubiquitous and coming faster all the time. Going back to August 2010 there was the Boeing whistleblower and what he had to say in my blog, "Something Is Coming." That was the first time I paid any attention at all to Planet X; couldn't have even told you what it was. Then there was the unsettling news that strange emissions from the sun were mutating matter - being shot out of the sun and hitting earth. The impossible was then confirmed by horrified scientists, that the rate of radioactive decay, once thought to be a constant and a bedrock of science, is no longer a constant, and can be significantly affected by an unknown effect from the sun. New forces and unknown dangers out there? Science (so-called, as the Bible so aptly says) was being turned on its pointy head.

     Of course, then NASA, JPL and the entire 'science' community began a huge disinformation campaign against Elenin, eventually last December paying some joker named Leonid Elenin to say he had discovered this cosmic item, when a short search easily shows that this object has been feared and discussed for at least the past 30 years (and L.Elenin is not who he is purported to be, anyway...). Many items from various science journals going back to 1980 or so are all over the internet with articles about this mysterious object. A huge and serious campaign has been waged against anyone who dared to write the wrong thing about Elenin and her trailing relatives. People have been taken off the internet. Even died. The usual tactics. I've already told my husband that if I should suddenly disappear or 'turn up dead' he'll know where it came from. The only thing that saves me is my anonymity. I'm not a media player. Of course, I have several strikes against me, being a Christian and all :-) Then NASA "told all" when the cosmic forces were too obvious to ignore. "All" turned out to be a phony explanation and reassurance that it was nothing; this placated most of the sheep for a while. They have used ridicule and accusations of crazed conspiracy theorists (their number one and favorite ploy), threats, harassment, caustic comments on blogs - I turned my comments off three days after going live because of the ones I received from obvious demonic people. I don't have time to toss pearls to the swine. Anyway, you get the picture.

     On the I-think-maybe-this-is-important side was the realization of  Ophiochus in the sky; the Great  Solar Serpent, was appearing once again. Along about this time, going back 2-3 years, many prophecy students began studying the signs in the skies, the dates and seasons of the blood moons, tetrads, strings of solar and lunar eclipses, Jewish feast days, etc. There are charts of these signs in the sky (to quote the Bible) going all the way back to the Creation. And there are definite patterns to them, and they are harbingers. They always have significance of coming events. We have had the luxury of the complete Bible, those of us living during the past couple hundred years. But prior to our time the faithful were given the signs in the heavens, prophets, priests, and their writings. It has become a lost tool, but one through which the Lord still speaks, and which many find exhilarating to study. The many Jews who have become Christians have also added tremendous knowledge and insight, with their legacy of being the very first to comprehend many, many things.  What a rich blessing they are to the rest of us.

     We then began to see that the Bible had made many predictions concerning the sun, moon and stars, the impacts on earth. Then there were the amazing pagan histories - and also their prophecies which, incredibly, all predicted the exact same things. They, to a prophecy, also had a date for the beginning of a 'new age' - 12/21/12. Knowing that we had no dates and in fact had been told we could not know the day nor the hour, we paid little attention to this 2012 date. And still do. Except for one thing. We always consider such things that are important to them as a possible clue to their actions and plans which impact us. Since Christ made it crystal (excuse the term) clear that we should expect great deceptions, knowing their points of view might be an asset in our insight into them and their deceptions.

     We then discovered that Elenin is a hyperbolic object, only passing this way one time, ever. We then saw the cosmic dots being connected to weather events on Earth, and that these events had direct exact date correlations to certain alignments of Elenin, Earth and a third planet, going back at least to 2008 (but it wasn't discovered until Dec 2010?). There were at least ten earthquakes from 6.5 to 9.0 in 2010 alone, including the devastations of Chile and Japan. It could be no accident. We also discovered that it looked as though the HAARP phenomenon had been used to enhance some of those disasters, make them even worse. How could that be? To what purpose? Don't know. Did they want to draw attention away from an Elenin connection? And if so, why? All I can say is that it looks that way. I have developed a tentative personal suspicion based on other information from the 'dark side,' that it seems they may want the world to believe that we are at the END of the tribulation, that 'the Christ' is due to appear and save us all ... could that be so that the world will be expecting a savior to come to earth and bring peace any day now? When we know that we approach the BEGINNING of the tribulation. Just a theory.

     Then, at the beginning of September, (I know, I know...) posted an intriguing article of SOUNDS, transmissions, that had been picked up from Elenin. You could actually pick up conversation in some language. It's HERE. Of course, it could be anything. But what if it was real? Many credible people had said (as long ago as a year) that Elenin was not a natural object, but an artificial craft, intelligently controlled. There were reports that radio signals had been picked up by the USC California Radio Telescope and they were being analyzed.Around the same time pictures from NASA were showing that it had a 3-D tetrahedron shape. (In fact, just today I saw an actual video of it with the tetrahedron shape.) CNN and England's Independent News had actually announced a 'brown dwarf star' approaching earth. That very interesting article is HERE.

     For a couple of days there were videos from one of the Poles showing two suns. There were images of a white cross - not connected to Elenin, and also could be one of the holographic toys the governments are experimenting with. A deception? Then there was a report or two (with video) of seeing a blue color  ... and several showing a red color, this as I recall had to do with one of the two parallel objects behind, and following Elenin. More on these colors later.

     If is pretty much common knowledge, even among the sheeple, that the Elite have underground bases for protection. Now I was consistently hearing that they were scared out of their wits of Elenin. I had heard from the science community that the reason they wanted to keep it from the public was that they didn't have a clue what was going to happen, and no one really knew what to do when it did. This may be one of the few statements of unvarnished truth that has been uttered from anyone in the past several years.

     I listened to an audio of a Norwegian politician who knew and confirmed all of this, and he was scared. And then ... of course! ... Elenin and her companions were located in the Bible codes!  Then Asteroid YU55 entered the crowd that was traveling through the Galaxy toward earth. A former Hubble Telescope employee was interviewed on radio, and he 'told all' once again. The confusion derived from the fact that all these "ALL's" that were being told were never quite the same. Never have I seen such disinformation; I almost gave it up entirely ... but the siren call of prophecy and all these signs (and pseudo-signs) were too alluring. I'm afraid I'm in this thing to the very end ... literally.

    One of the obviously significant factors that could not be ignored was the Swiss Francs that had been issued with what I considered to be of absolute significance (but, of what?). I did a blog or two about them. At least one was designed over 200 years ago, but depicted the skyscrapers of New York, with the city being inundated with what appeared to be a tsunami. Now, that was a mystery. It had depicted cosmic objects, the tsunami, a spiritual ascension, and a physical transformation - all of that on a series of Swiss Francs.

     Well, that has been a brief history of my Elenin/Planet X trip. Add the Friday's post below (and a few scattered through the Archives) and you have the entire picture. When I was a little girl I wanted to be a spy. When I was a teenager I knew I would live in this very moment in all of history - the most important time in the history of humanity. And here I am. I want to make the most of it. For me that means constantly searching the scriptures, constantly being in prayer, never missing an opportunity to share the Gospel - to witness about my Redeemer and Lord, to help other Christians grow as I learn, to effectively fight the spiritual battle, to discern the deceptions of the enemy, to redeem the time. I can't remember a 'time' when time was not my enemy. I'm a Christian who is driven - obsessed with making  purposeful use of every moment ... and, apparently, studying this phenomena in the sky.

     If this study interests you, then watch this blog. There is even more to this. Stay tuned.

Keep Looking Up