
Monday, September 19, 2011

New "Translaton": From "Son of Man" to "The Human One"

    I have discovered another wonderful website run by Pastor-Teacher Ken Silva. It immedately jumped to my "Top Five" list. (If you think I'm blunt, just read him...) Below is an excerpt from one of his articles on a new Bible 'translation.'  For the entire article click HERE.

By Pastor-Teacher Ken Silva

Another sign of apostasy within the evangelical community is the cavalier way the Word of God is being handled. Case in point is provided by Christian Post today who tweeted:

(Online source)
The link takes us to a CP report by Nicola Menzie called New Bible Set for Public Release, Changes Jesus from ‘Son of Man’ to ‘the Human One’ where we find out that the “new edition of the Common English Translation (CET)” is set to “be released in print and made available to the public for the first time on August 1″ according to “publicist Audra Jennings.” Menzie informs us:
With the complete edition of the Common English Translation arriving from the printers this week and rolling into stores starting next month, associate publisher Paul Franklyn said the goal of translators was to make the Bible accessible and more appealing to readers of various backgrounds and denominations.
“There are a number of translations available for conservative churches,” Franklyn told The Tennessean. “This is trying to make a bridge between conservatives, moderates and liberals.” (Online source)
First of all, it isn’t up to translators to tamper with the texts of Holy Scripture to make what God has said “more appealing.” They are to bring forth what the original conveys into whatever language the translation is in. Secondly, with “trying to make a bridge between conservatives, moderates and liberals,” we see another attempt at Rodney King-can’t-we-all-get-along theology.

Read the entire article HERE


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