
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Elenin, Nibiru, Planet X

I am going to re-post my June 20, 2011 post today because it is particularly fascinating that this cosmic phenomenon shows up on the bank notes of several nations.

Nibiru, to the Babylonians, was the celestial body associated with the god Marduk. The term "Nibiru" comes from the Sumerian cuneiform tablets and writings dating 5,000 years old. The pink egg-shaped oval on the left side of the note depicts the orbit of Nibiru. They certainly didn't try to hide it. The Illuminati is always required to warn people in some way (to give them a fighting chance) before their plans are ever carried out, despite the fact that almost none of the people 'get it.'  This may be another way of sifting through the people so that they can keep the ones who are smart enough to figure it out.

Below is the new Swiss Franc

Remember, Switzerland is virtually the bank of the world's richest people, and they know all of their secrets. You can see Planet-X/Nibiru/Elenin in the lower center, again portrayed as an oval egg shape in pink, showing the correct orbit of the star as it crosses the ecliptic of the planets

I saved the best for last. This is an ET - an alien - right there on their money. This is an amazing sight, and this was almost 14 years ago.Please note that they are giants, walking taller than men, with an elongated head (remember some of the long heads found in the king's tombs of Egypt?) The Swiss were more open, and understood more, 14 years ago, than the American people know at the present time. Most are as blind as bats. Blinder.

One of these bank notes was designed in the 18th Century, so people have expected it for many years. It is referred to in Hopi Prophecy and others.

Of all the subject I have researched, this has had - without a doubt - the most elaborate scheme of disinformation associated with it than any other. Many people just gave up on it, but I am still researching. However, I'm comfortable that I know the truth of it now. Elenin is the "front" object; it's what is coming behind it that is of great interest because it's a cosmic 'system,' meaning it is a large object with smaller ones in its orbit. It is intelligently and intentionally headed our way (per the most credible scientists). It will be in our area in various spots until 12/21/2012. I believe it is a major actor in the end times events - prior to the start of the tribulation period. That's as far as I'm willing to put on paper, but I believe I know more than that.

I also believe that it is part of another satanic scheme whereby Lucifer will try to convince the world that we have been in the Tribulation period all along - that we are now at the 'end of days' and that the Messiah is about to appear. He would like the world to believe that ... and many do ... the only catch is that the "messiah" who will be showing up will be the Antichrist.

But for the Christian, I believe the Rapture is imminent. No one knows the day or hour, but we are told to "Watch" and know what time it is. This week during the Feast of the Trumpets would be my first guess. But that's all it is - speculation. I do believe this cosmic visitor(s) will play a role - whatever the date..