
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Church Bulletin Welcomes Satan

Did your church use this bulletin on December 23, 2001? The scripture from Luke 2:11:  "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior.." is followed by a representation of Satan, and then, ".. which is Christ the Lord."  This declares the Satan as Lord in the church.

Is it any wonder at all that Christ's Church on earth has been almost completely infiltrated by Satan and his panaply of demonic entities and followers? Do you know that all the 'church' publishing houses were taken over by large corporations and also publish all manner of evil (under other names)?

Tell me what excuse the Church has for this 'willful ignorance?' They scorn and ridicule those of us who would present the truth and try to educate Christians so they might protect Christ's Church from being taken over with false teachers and false doctrine. They refuse to hear. That is "WILLFUL IGNORANCE."

The picture above is the most evil of all signs of Satan - the Satanic Trinity. is an entry - a portal - through which Satan is being invited to enter.  An invitation which he has accepted.

But then, of course, no one believes in Satan or evil spirits these days. No, we're far too sophisticated for that. We employ the 'wisdom of men' these days. And that is the 'wisdom' which is leading the church straight down the Apostate Path, right down the Broad Way to destruction. This is WILLFUL IGNORANCE.

The American culture and the clergy is woefully ignorant of the spirit world of which the rest of the world is intimately familiar, and has been for centuries. While the rest of the world looks at us with pity they realize we are being taken over by demonic forces; our #1 priority in all the polls is always  the "state of the economy." Not the spiritual state, no. Not the morals of the culture. Not the evil being taught in school. No. It's the love of money that trumps all else. And that is why God is allowing us to be the prime example of destruction. The rest of the world will understand perfectly when our day of visitation comes, but the christianettes won't have a clue ... due to WILLFUL IGNORANCE.

We attribute our problems to health issues, not recognizing that many of these very problems are seen throughout all of scripture as afflictions of demons. Remember the man who exploded because he was so fat? They had the nerve to call it 'gluttony.'  But we have medical names and excuses for all of that nowadays. Even sexual profligacy is an 'addiction.' The body cannot be a temple of the Lord when it is yielding to demonic enticements (just as Eve did). We have an excuse for everything. But it is WILLFUL IGNORANCE. But we will be held accountable. WHO IS REPENTANT THESE DAYS?

Since very few people want to know about these things, I'm not going to spend time going into detail here. But, should some actual true seeker or disciple of Jesus Christ happen to read this, give it an ounce of credibility and desire to know more ... and there is MUCH, MUCH more to know ... then follow this link, even though you may need to shell out $30 bucks or something for a subscription. It will be worth your weight in heavenly rewards.

Yes, I am a little testy on this matter. This is a world where there are a mere handful of Christians who know the score, and we are all so busy studying and writing that we wave a blessing to each other along the internet. But it's a lonely existence when your citizenship is in heaven. There are fewer and fewer people on earth to whom one can have any kind of substantive conversation. And even fewer who will take it seriously: they are always learning, but never arriving at truth.

But a 

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