
Monday, July 18, 2011

Van Impe Tells Paul Crouch of TBN...

"We're Taking a Stand" ...  

Faith Shared 'Chrislam' Drama Continues (VIDEO BELOW)

(NOTE: I've never paid much attention to the Van Impes, one way or the other, but now I'm a HUGE FAN to see them stand up for the faith in this way.) Here is the article:

Since mid-June, Jack and Rexella Van Impe have been focusing almost exclusively on "Chrislam," which they say is the merging of Christianity and Islam by numerous churches across the states in an effort to promote a demonic one world religion. A number of Christians believe that "Chrislam" is a sign of the end times.

What they are so upset about is the Faith Shared project sponsored by the Interfaith Alliance and Human Rights First, where clergy representing various faiths gather during services to read from one another's texts. The project's goal is to unite the faith community and to "counter the misperception, including in the Arab and Muslim worlds, that the United States is a nation defined by the widely covered images of the marginal few who would burn a Qur’an, rather than by a proud and longstanding tradition of religious freedom, tolerance and pluralism."

Jack Van Impe had recently "outed" various preachers such as Rick Warren of the Saddleback mega-church for apostasy, saying they were practicing "Chrislam" on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). When Van Impe learned that the names were censored, he terminated his prophecy show broadcasted on the network. Last week, Van Impe made a public statement to Paul Crouch, founder of the network:

Paul, you've been asking me to come back. You've plead with me to come back. I'm talking about Paul Crouch of TBN. Rexella and I have made up our minds. It is not God's will for our life. We're going to take a stand. We're going to preach what we want to preach. We're not going to be told what we can and can't preach. And one more thing: Just this last week, on your program, you and Matt were talking about Chrislam and you said there's no substance to it. Brother, you'll know how much substance there is to it when I get my video out for maybe two hours this coming September … I want to quote to you Jude verse 10, 'You ought not to speak about things of which you know nothing.

According to Van Impe, Tony Blair and Bill Clinton are also promoting Chrislam and a one world religion. A one world government will occur before the one world religion, the Van Impes say.

Van Impe's profile continues to appear on the Trinity Broadcasting Network website, which states "No show times are scheduled in the next two months, please check back later."

Citing various scriptures, the Van Impes say that it is impossible for two different religions to stand together without being connected by demonic power. Such interfaith alliances are "doctrines of demons," Van Impe says. Rexella added that they love people of other religions but that they cannot come together.

"Call me a bigot. I'll be a bigot for my Jesus any day,"  Jack Van Impe says

 Van Impe's Channel on YouTube HERE


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