
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Luciferian Seminar Notes on Rapture...

...and other end time events. I was extremely surprised to find this article accessible because certain information is available on Cutting Edge's website only to members, of which I am one. Maybe they have released some files to the public now that we are so near to so much prophecy being fulfilled. I'm thrilled that I can share this with you, from David Bay at my favorite website, Keep two things in mind: 1) This article is probably 10-15 years old, and 2) the powers of this world frequently make small changes in their plans as they proceed, and they are about ten years behind schedule, so any dates in the article may be off.  From the research I have done, neither of these factors would change anything in the article; it could have been written yesterday.


by David Bay

Many listeners have asked me many questions about the final stages of world events leading up to the final establishment of the New World Order and its Divine Man, The Christ! [Biblical Antichrist] This seminar, given to Members Only, reveals answers to all these questions. We also learn that the occult side is also awaiting the Rapture of Believers and gives the approximate timing of it, and we also learn that the New World Order Plan gives the top leadership of the New Religion of The Christ to the Roman Catholic Pope! Plus ---------------

First, we need to provide a little background to you about this seminar. In early 1990, I was being interviewed on a Christian radio station about the coming New World Order. At the conclusion of the hour, I received a phone call at the station, from a man who said he was now a Born Again Christian, but that he had come out of the occult. This gentleman, whom we will call John, said that he was thrilled to hear a Christian leader that had more than a rudimentary idea as to what was going on. Furthermore, John said that he would like to show me much more material I should read to deepen my understanding of the occultic New World Order.
John had been a member of the Worldwide Church of God or Children of God, plus the House of Theosophy. I decided to meet John to ascertain whether he was real or fake, and whether he could be trusted. After our first meeting, John took me to the largest New Age bookstore I had ever seen, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, not far from the Harvard University campus and COOP.
John showed me many books that he recommended, and the sequence in which I should read them. I bought the first book then, and have been reading ever since. God used these occult books to really broaden my understanding of the New World Order Plan. I could not believe the difference it made when I went to the actual source books themselves, rather than relying upon exerpts of these books from Christian authors. I discovered, also, that while Christian authors were correct in what they were saying, there was so much more that they were not saying! My horizons of understanding were dramatically widened.
Over a year passed, and John and I became close friends and he my confidant. Much of the material you read is the result of his input as to what books I should be reading. Several months ago, I received the greatest compliment to my occult understanding, from a "practicing National Socialist" as he identified himself. Of course, this label means that this person was a practicing Nazi, and it was clear from his email that he was very deep into the practice of the occult. This Nazi told me that I had certainly been "reading the right material", and he warned me not to try to use my knowledge of the occult to identify Antichrist!! He warned me that such an attempt would probably result in my untimely death! I took this email as a real compliment, and then I realized that it was really a compliment of John!! 
But, now back to my story. In early August, 1991, John called to tell me that the New England Director of the House of Theosophy, Bill Lambert, was holding a seminar at the Boston headquarters. The name of this seminar, "POSSIBLE AND PROBABLE EVENTS IN THE FUTURE" really piqued my interest!! John said that Bill Lambert was one of the major players in the New World Order Planning, because the House of Theosophy has always been such a major player since Madame Blavatsky had founded it in 1875.
John said that Lambert still considered him a member, so he could get in, with me as his guest. John asked me to keep my identity of Christian a secret, and just listen and take notes. The revelations were astounding, not so much for their actual content, but because their plans fulfilled Bible prophecy, and much of what he revealed showed that the Time of the End was truly upon us.
Lambert revealed many points, a few of which bear mentioning: 1) Lambert revealed the circumstances under which the New World Order Religion was to be established, finally drawing all the world's existing religions into one. He further revealed who was the top leader chosen to lead this global religious behemoth. Of course, this leader would automatically be the False Prophet, of which Revelation 13 tells us much. To my knowledge, this represented the first time anyone had revealed who the False Prophet was planned to be. 2) Lambert revealed that the occult leadership of the world was awaiting the event which the Christian Church calls the Rapture. 3) Lambert reveals the importance of the appearance of Antichrist, and some of the signs and wonders which will precede his appearing. 4) Lambert revealed that much knowledge in the past had been given to occult men throughout the ages -- a fact I had learned from other sources -- but that, toward the end of this Century, another major discovery in Electricity would be revealed. This discovery would prepare mankind to enter the Age of the Christ, and his Milennial Reign. 
Remember, these are my notes; therefore, all specific textual emphases, and all underlining, and all placement of notes within boxes, and all notes in capitals, is my doing. I am simply trying to dry pertinent, key facts more clearly to your attention. I want to tell you, that I was very glad that my mastery of college shorthand had not left me, even though I have been out of college for 26 years at the time of this seminar. Lambert's actual words will be enclosed in quotation marks ( " ).
I also admit that, at times, the revelations which Lambert had just made so excited me, because of the Biblical and End Time Revelations, that I found it hard to keep writing at the next sequence of events he was outlining. Remember, Lambert is revealing details of a human plan, created in cooperation with supernatural 'Guiding Spirits' to establish the New World Order. They have no idea that their Plan simply and accurately fulfills Bible prophecy.
And, now, my notes on this most revealing seminar. Click HERE.

 Compliments of

Royal Heir