
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rick Warren Promotion of Tower of Babel

As every Christian knows (presumably) the Tower of Babel has through the centuries always represented rebellion against God. But that has all apparently changed with Warren's unprecedented promotion of the Tower of Babel as a positive example of what the Church can accomplish when individuals function together.

As long ago as 2004, when promoting his "40 Days of Community"  - a 6-week program designed to build 'community' within the Church, Rick Warren used the Tower of Babel as a positive example of what could be accomplished when men and women work together toward a common goal, saying that the original builders of the Tower of Babel were so successful and worked so well as a group that God had to intervene in order to separate them!

For a Christian minister to compare the Babel events with what the members of the Bride of Christ could achieve through the influence of the Holy Spirit reaches a new low in the violation of Scripture and runs dangerously close to blasphemy. Why would a minister of the Gospel glorify perhaps the most perfect example in history of rebellion against God? Such a characterization which compares the Body of Christ to the builders of the Tower of Babel either reflects complete ignorance of the meaning of scripture - or is a deliberate act of violation of God's Holy Word which could only be inspired of Satan - and I don't think it is ignorance.' Around 700 churches were blind enough to agree to this.

However, we shouldn't really be surprised. After all, Rick Warren is the one who advocates getting rid of people in the church who are opposed to his programs. Here is a quote - and another incredible misuse of application of scripture:
I’m saying some people are going to have to die or leave. Moses had to wander around the desert for 40 years while God killed off a million people before he let them go into the Promised Land. That may be brutally blunt, but it’s true. There may be people in your church who love God sincerely, but who will never, ever change” (Rick Warren’s “Ministry Toolbox,” No. 263, 6/14/06).
That's true. Some of us will never, ever change enough to accept apostasy into the Church of Jesus Christ.  I fail to see the charisma that enchants so many ministers into the web of this member and servant of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Rick Warren. When I look at him all I see is a tool of Satan who uses trickery, deceit and subtlety to bring visions of personal glory to the egos of those who are being lured in. He and his plethora of like-minded spiritual harlots are infiltrating the Church, which is being destroyed from within.

Warren has joined with, and is on the Board of, Tony Blair's Faith Foundation. Blair and Warren have said they have been partnering with the President of Rwanda in an effort to develop the first Purpose Driven country as an initial step to establishing a Purpose Driven world.  He is involved with everyone in the New Age religious movement.

You may read much more HERE, HERE AND HERE.

And, no, I don't tire of writing about Warren. He is one of the top enemies of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Royal Heir