
Friday, May 27, 2011

Pleasing Peculiarities of Bible Prophecy

I have always said that while Bible prophecy will unfold exactly as it is spelled out in scripture, it will also be a complete surprise.  This dichotomy is proving to be the case, and that is what makes Bible prophecy so completely fascinating - not to mention that our future is 100% invested therein!

It's a great pleasure (and surprise) to find the wonderful spirit of fellowship among the pre-trib folks because in years past there has been so much animosity among the various 'prophecy people' that un-Christlike spirits had these people practically at blows. In fact, the love and kindness in the pre-trib camp is one of the many reasons I ended up here.  The dogmatism that I have seen over the years seems to be non-existent here, although there are a variety of views on details. These prophecy students/scholars genuinely examine all of the fine points of others, making a mental note of them, because the working out of prophecy is extending into areas of finance, science, archaeology, politics, etc. in ways that are incredible and almost unbelievable.

While the main points are fairly well defined - that is, the general outline of events - the fascinating details are, and will continue to be, so different than may have been anticipated that it often brings a smile because the Lord Himself certainly lives up to His essence of Creator - in all things that He does he is definitely creative beyond anything we mere humans might anticipate or imagine.

Another 'non-theological' reason I set up my tent in this camp is that these people are so intent on bringing the gospel to people that the feeling of time-is-of-the-essence is a beautiful thing. I have rarely seen this kind of united effort of committed individuals in my life. 

For a number of years I rejected pre-trib and studied all of the various views. After ten years of an open minded approach, the arguments for this view, the confirmation of this view by many of the early church fathers, the fascinating way that this mystery can only be found in scripture by tremendous study and prayer, and the fact that those who hold this view are far and away those who are most familiar with the Bible itself, are powerful 'convincers.'  When you add the loving spirit and the urgent evangelistic bent in this community, I increasingly find it to be the place to hang my hat.

I am so thankful for the insights of people as diverse in their views as Terry James, Jack Kelley, Joseph Chambers, Patrick Heron, Thomas Ice, the Midnight Call ministry and many others. Then there are those ones God has led right into the cutting edge of some of the surprises - Thomas and Nita Horn, David Bay (, Doc Marquis, David Flynn, Chuck Missler, Gary Stearman, J.R. Church, Mike Hoggard, Michael Heiser, Peter Goodgame, Douglas Hemp, E.W. Bullinger and C.H. Lang (both long gone).  I won't even begin to name the older ones of prior generations like Sir Robert Anderson (I can't help myself), John Walvoord, Francis A. Schaeffer....

Then there are the watchman ministries (of which I am a tiny part). Constance Cumbey's great book written in the 1980's was my first beckoning call of awakening to the fact that the church was heading into a great seduction. Others in this great ministry are Jan Markell, Lighthouse Trails Research, Brannon Howse,  and my all-time favorite in all categories: Dave Hunt (Berean Call Ministry), and many more.

This list of people is my version of Hebrews 11 -- my personal faith heroes. And, of course, my own father, Rev. James P. Massey, who is now in heaven learning every detail of coming events (which was the name of his book, "Coming Events.")

Well, this post turned into a personal tribute to many (but not nearly all) of my favorite writers in the area of prophecy.  How the Lord has blessed me with such a personal Christian family heritage, and exposure to many of the great heroes of the faith in my own generation.

I am so blessed. I look forward to meeting all of these "Hall of Famers" in person soon. That will be quite a day.

Royal Heir