
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Religion Will Be The Basis of New World Order

Tony Blair, who was the Prime Minister of Britain, became a member of the Roman Catholic Church shortly after his term expired. He may be considered the chief organizer of the global religion through his Tony Blair Faith Foundation (Rick Warren is on the Board) and other avenues. He recently said, "...the place of faith in the era of globalization is the single biggest issue in the 21st century."

The new world government will be a blend of communism, socialism and capitalism - a form of fascism, acquired primarily through indoctrination, minimizing violence. We can easily see how well this has worked in the education system over the past few years, as well as society in general through entertainment and other media. The church, unfortunately, is a beautiful example of transformation from the doctrines of Jesus Christ into the doctrines of a new world government.

Religion is the primary vehicle through which this will be accomplished - a 'thousand points of light.'  It has been developing extremely quietly, but when it nears completion (as it is) it will spring into public view as an accomplished fact. Lucifer embraces religion. It is the ultimate motive behind his purposed government, since he counterfeits every aspect of God's relationship with mankind. His goal is to replace God, and to be worshipped as God. He is building his kingdom - and at its core is his spiritual, religious, occult system. The Pope has recently called for "a true world political authority to oversee the economy and work for the common good."

The role of church leaders - as spelled out a century ago by Alice Bailey - is to promote globalism and pagan spirituality, and they have been doing a fine job doing just that.This idea has been expounded by the Roman Catholic leadership for a number of years, and is now being echoed by Protestant pastors.  The very idea of globalism rose out of the occult. It is Satan's system, and it naturally sprang from his influence.

Remember Nancy Pelosi and her mangled news-conference praise of "The Word?" She sees 'the word' as something quite different than the Christian does. Satan recognizes the power of religion, and he intends to use that power which will serve (and worship) him in his government. The idea of a Kingdom of God on earth also lends itself quite effectively to the dominionists, who make up a good portion of the world of Christendom.

Satan is only too well aware of his major problem, America, because of its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. These three areas were pointed out specifically by Joseph Stalin as the targets to destroy America from within. This has almost been achieved.

To achieve this goal, top priority was given to infiltration into the Christian churches, which began over 100 years ago through communist front groups such as the early Methodist Federation for Social Action, the Federal Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches, and most important of all: the infiltration of the seminaries. It is worthy of note that people like globalist John D. Rockefeller took an early and active part in the religious organizations, saying, "I see the church literally establishing the Kingdom of God on earth." The "God" of which he spoke was not the God of the Christians, but rather Lucifer - and he knew of whom he spoke.  It is an unsavory fact that most, if not all, of the globalist leaders of this world worship Satan - literally. They do so deliberately and with devotion.

The opening shots in the church wars came in a famous sermon by Harry Fosdick in 1922, entitled, "Shall The Fundamentalists Win?" In that sermon he tore down every orthodox belief and shredded them all to bits, a fact which greatly distressed Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was a student at Union Seminary in New York at the time, He was later murdered for his Christian beliefs and speaking out against these things. Rockefeller, however, upon hearing the sermon became a great benefactor of Fosdick.

Bonhoeffer believed the seminary graduates were aiding in the downfall of America - and this was almost 100 years ago, saying:

"...the theological education of this group is virtually nil, and the self-assurance which lightly makes mock of any specifically theological question is unwarranted and naive." 

About the seminary, he said:

"The lack of seriousness with which the students here speak of God and the world is, to say the least, extremely in America one can hardly imagine the innocence with which people on the brink of their ministry ask questions in the seminar for practical theology - for example, whether one should really preach of Christ. In the end, with some idealism and a bit of cunning, we will be finished even with this - that is their sort of mood."  He believed this would lead to the downfall of America ... as it has.

We were forewarned. Jude 3,4:  "I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ."

2 Peter 2:1-2: "...there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies..."  

And, sadly, most do not even recognize it.

Royal Heir