
Friday, April 22, 2011

False Religion: Jehovah's Witness

The following erroneous beliefs are doctrines of the Jehovah's Witness:
  • Only the Jehovah's Witness (JW) organization can correctly interpret the Bible.
  • Jesus Christ was the archangel Michael before becoming a man.
  • The JW version of the Bible is the only one that is correct.
  • After Jesus died, he was resurrected back to the archangel Michael
  • The doctrine of the Trinity is an evil doctrine that teaches the existence of 3 gods.
  • Jesus is a separate 'god' than Jehovah.
  • There is no hell; when a sinner dies he ceases to exist at all.
  • Salvation is obtained through works.
  • Jehovah's Witnesses will be 'gods' when they go to heaven.
  • There are two types of Christians: 1) The little flock, who are born again 2) the great number of other sheep. The little flock will go to heaven, and the great crowd of other sheep will live on earth after the judgment of unbelievers.
  • Christ returned to earth invisibly in 1914 and began setting up his kingdom on earth.
 These are the primary JW beliefs which are in error, and are completely opposed to the doctrine of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are numerous other practices which they forbid, such as birthday parties, Mother's Day and Father's Day. They also forbid celebration of Easter and Christmas, which both have their roots in paganism (and the Christian Church needs to be aware of this truth).

Jehovah's Witness is not Bible Christianity. Rather, it is heresy. It is a cult.

Royal Heir