
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Resurrection and Rapture ... In That Order

"And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias: Who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem" Luke 9:30-31

    Here we have the occasion on which Jesus appeared with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration, in one of the most intriguing and mysterious scriptures. This one sentence is packed with food for thought. (Read the entire chapter, along with Matthew 17 and Mark 9 for a broader picture.)

     Peter, James and John looked on in amazement as Jesus Christ was 'transfigured' right before their very eyes.(Mark 9:2)  This happened on top of a mountain, which seems always to be where people appear from heaven. These are often referred to as "high places" in the Old Testament.  They are areas which serve as a portal to the spirit world, for both the heavenly hosts and the demonic spirit world. You will often see these high places on the History Channel when it shows old or abandoned pagan sites which were used for worship in such places as the mountains of Tibet, etc.

     Christ had been praying all night, after which he was 'transfigured' i.e., a metamorphous - transformed into a representation of his glorified [heavenly] body, which he received after he was resurrected from the grave.  His appearance also exhibited a supernatural whiteness coming from his being, his Presence itself, and reflecting out and through his clothing which also appeared as lightning-white.

     Amazingly, appearing with him were Moses (who the Scriptures say was buried by God Himself, and whose body has never been discovered) and Elijah, who was raptured into heaven (2 Kings 2:11). Moses had 'died' 15oo years prior, and Elijah some 900 years before.

     And for what purpose were they there? Well, we are told that they discussed the upcoming events in Jerusalem, Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. I believe that part of the reason they came to Jesus was to encourage him in his human state - to review the events to come, perhaps to comfort him by assuring him that they and many others would be watching the events and praying for him every moment. I have always found this to be extremely interesting. We know that Christ was fully human (as well as fully God). Why wouldn't he be attended to by residents of heaven itself? His would be no ordinary death; he would feel the entire weight of all the sin and evil throughout history and throughout His entire creation, the cosmos. This was the entire purpose ... his choice ... in entering the stream of human history.

 ~ ~ (I've got to move on with this. It's so interesting to me that I could write on and on) ~ ~

     This event was not for the Lord's benefit only. It undoubtedly served to encourage and uplift the three disciples who observed it. They were probably extremely bewildered at the time, but later after Christ was crucified, buried and resurrected, they would remember it and be built up in their faith greatly throughout their entire ministries. While they probably never understood the event in its entirety, it would have given them much greater understanding and a deeper basis for comprehension of life after death.

     Not only was it for the disciples - it was for US. What an exciting thought! This happening, along with others in the scriptures, gives us an unprecedented view into what is going on in heaven, and of the interaction between the residents of heaven and the residents of earth. Here are a few things on which it enlightens us:
  • Our resurrection bodies are real, tangible and filled with light.
  • The assurance of life after death is exhibited by the presence of Moses and Elijah.
  • The involvement of the heavenlies in the affairs of earth throughout history, and NOW.
  • The continuity of life, whether or heaven or on earth, throughout the ages of history.
  • The recognition of those who have gone on before us. We will know them and vice versa.
  • The reality of the kingdom of God on earth; a glimpse of its future power and glory.
  • The manner in which we will depart the earth, and the manner in which Christ will meet us in the air.
  • The reality of resurrection - and rapture
     If you read all three gospel accounts it will teach you even more.
     I want to focus on the resurrection and the rapture of saints:
i Thessalonians 4: 16-17
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first [resurrection]: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together [rapture] with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."

     And that event, my friends, is referred to as The Blessed HopeWhen was the last time you heard anything at all about this in church? In spite of the fact that the Bible promises us a special blessing for studying the Revelation of Jesus Christ... Do you see the problem?

 Royal Heir