
Sunday, February 13, 2011

WHY Egypt Will Not Become A Democracy

In the next days, weeks and months, you will hear the American media rejoicing at the prospect of the new democratic Egyptian state - a fantasy which they will perpetuate right up until Islam takes over this country. The media is not telling the truth. They are saying what their masters want them to say. Just like their masters, they love the money, the fame and the power.
You cannot dialogue with Islam. There is no such thing as a moderate Islam because the RELIGION is not moderate. Many Muslims came to the U.S. because they were tired of the Islamic state, but if push came to shove they would obey their religion.  Americans in general don't know what they're talking about when it comes to Islam, due to their ignorance and naivete. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." They don't have a clue.

Allah is not the God Christians worship. Allah is the same as the Satan of the Bible. Yet we want to talk about how peaceful and loving Islam is. It's not possible to be peaceful and loving while worshipping Satan. It is a contradiction in terms. If you want to find out what Islam is all about, read the Koran. Most English versions of the Koran are intentionally corrupted to present a palatable face to the western reader. If you want a true translation you can find one here. This is the website of a Usama Dakdok, a Christian man who was born and raised in Egypt. He moved here as an adult and if you want the truth about Islam you will find it on his website.
The Egyptian revolution began with 20,000 youth in three cities. On "Angry Friday" you could have seen 200,000 angry Muslims coming out of the mosques. The Muslim Brotherhood is all over the mosques. Many pass themselves off as Christians ... or as Muslims who yearn for democracy. It is perfectly acceptable to lie, cheat or steal in Islam, as long as it is for the purpose of deceiving a non-Muslim. They do not want democracy. They want Sharia Law. Islam is a complete way of life which embraces the personal, the political and the religious. There is no democracy possible with Islam. Our President knows that very well, and yet he talks about a democratic Islamic state. He understands the impossibility of that idea.

They want the vote. Who do you think they will vote for? They are all Muslims who believe in an Islamic State governed by Sharia Law. The world powers know this very well; they want chaos.

Show me one Muslim country in 1150 yrs that was a democracy. Do you really think they want it now? It's an oxymoron. Why are the Egyptian protesters holding signs in English that say, "Yes, we can."  Because they are talking to the liberal Americans, acting as if they want democracy - for our benefit. This tactic has been used for 1150 yrs. When will we get it?

The Christian Coptic Museum is being looted and destroyed by the leaders from Europe and America. Pray for the Christians in Egypt; there are many. You can imagine what the Muslim Brotherhood wants to do to them, and it is not peaceful and loving.

We have so-called Christian leaders in America wanting to 'dialogue' with these people; these leaders have no common sense whatsoever. The Muslim Brotherhood wants to destroy America from within through the deception of the people.  The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928 in Egypt to: 1) implement Sharia worldwide and 2) establish the worldwide Muslim state or caliphate. These are the same goals as Al Qaeda (I use this argument for those who still do not understand that modern Al Qaeda is a construct of the CIA).

The Muslim Brotherhood has greatly infiltrated the American government, some of our most important national security agencies, having security clearances,  and many are not even citizens. They are in Homeland Security, of course.  These are facts. The FBI advertises in Muslim magazines. What more evidence do we require?

The American church has many enemy leaders within. They are sheep in wolves clothing. They are tools of Satan. They are deceived, or evil, or both. Islam searches out these Baal worshippers who call themselves "Christian" but are eager to cater to other religions, to worship together. They are not worshipping the God of the Bible.

In Europe six years ago, the Muslims who immigrated did so because they 'loved democracy.' Now look at Europe. They plan to do it here.  Many in this country are too ignorant to be interested in stopping The American Jihad, which is now in late Step 3 of their 5 Step Plan.  The tactics used are once again the Hegelian Dialectic.

Most who call themselves Christians REFUSE TO LISTEN to the truth. They are truly foolish and ignorant sheep. Those Christians who try to warn the church will be the very ones persecuted, and God will hold their own Christian communities responsible for not having eyes to see, ears to hear, the truth.  

It becomes very discouraging to need to repeat these things over and over again. But I have no choice. When I stand in front of the Lord I will be held responsible if I fail to do it. I am compelled to do the task assigned to me.
The church refuses to teach you these things - to warn the people about the many deceptions pressing in on us and the many false teachers with their siren calls

Would Paul, Peter, James or John have refused? I don't think so.

Royal Heir