
Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Jaws of Death - 3 Times In 4 Days

Twice in the past four days I came within a hair's breadth of tragedy - and probably death - while driving. Neither incident could I have possibly controlled in any way. Someone, however, could ... and did.

A third incident occurred which could have led to my death, due to another set of circumstances completely beyond my control. 

It just occurred to me this morning that all three of these happened within a four-day period.

I don't believe in accidents (well, maybe spilt milk!). I know that powerful forces were behind these incidents. They all occurred for a reason.

The most powerful force of all time, however, watches over me. That is my heavenly Father, the Creator of all other forces in the cosmos. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. 

I will be here ... doing my job ... until THE LORD calls me out. It is THE LORD who determines my future, and no one else. It is THE LORD who I aim to please, and no one else.  It is THE LORD who directs my steps, and no one else.

My heavenly Father watches over me.  And that's why I love Him so much.

Royal Heir