
Monday, February 14, 2011

The Greatest and Most Perfect Love

We use the word 'love' to apply to many things - romantic relationships, marriage, brotherly love, parental, patriotic - and to many things: money, food, pets, etc. 

But the Bible tells us about the greatest love of all.The first time the word appears in the Word of God is in the following passage:

"And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of." Genesis 22:2.

In this passage the Word refers to the love of a father for his son. We know that this is a 'type' of God himself and His willingness to offer His only begotten Son - the earthly representation of God Himself - as a sacrifice for the sin of the world. This sacrifice has consequences for the entire cosmos. It is without a doubt the example of the highest possible meaning of love that exists. In fact, as the Bible says, "God is love." (1 John 4:16.) God is the ultimate source of love, the essence of love, and His love was exhibited before the foundation of the world. 

The only certainty in love is to be found in the absolutely eternal love of God for His creation ... US! Nothing in all of history, or in the future, can separate the follower of Jesus Christ from that love.

We were designed for intimate fellowship with the Creator of the cosmos. That is why He created us in His very own image. Jesus Christ came to earth for the very purpose of shedding His blood for us - to die in our place - and if we believe on Him we are adopted and are considered the children of God. He loves us intensely and passionately. Christ also calls us His friends. We are also blessed with our own Counselor, the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead.

The love of God is the one certainly in an uncertain world.

Royal Heir