
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Apostasy Creep

     Apostasy - the forsaking of the faith - almost always happens in numerous subtle steps that are first rationalized in the mind. It's just one little thing. Just one little thing that arises out of temptation placed in front of us by Satan, in which our response is disobedience. Exactly as in the case of Eve. She allowed herself to be deceived. She could have said 'no.'

     Apostasy is almost always a process rather than one big leap. Being a Christian requires constant vigilance. We cannot be careless about it. More often than not we creep into apostasy because we want to do something that is clearly against God's Word. We convince ourselves that it is okay. On judgment day for the Christian - a separate event from judgment day for the nonbeliever it will be decided whether we are true disciples of Jesus Christ, or whether he will say to us, "Depart from me. I never knew you." There will be no rationalizing, no excuses, when we stand in front of the Lord Himself.

     Jesus said that the last days (which we are now living in) would be characterized by apostasy. In fact the Antichrist religion will be a complete 'copycat' version of the real thing. Antichrist will come disguised as Christ Himself, and his religion will contain copycat versions all of the elements of true Christianity - so much so that "if it were possible" the very elect themselves will be deceived.

     The majority of churches today are apostate churches. This gives people a perfect excuse (in their own minds) to be disobedient. Apostate ministers and church leaders give people advice which is apostate. And people's 'itching ears' are eager to listen, because it is what they want to do instead of what God's Word teaches. In fact, they are in league with Satan and his plans. 

The reason people so eagerly fall for this is because the are biblically illiterate. They fashion their own version of God - again, in their own heads - and do not read and search the scriptures to find the truth. This can be confirmed in many polls which show that around 2/3 of all evangelicals believe there are many roads to heaven, which is Satan's lie. There is only one path to heaven, and that is through the blood of Jesus Christ.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh to the Father but by me." John 14:6.

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men,  whereby we must be saved."  Acts 4:12.

God's Word tells us where we are right now:

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned to fables." 2 Timoth 4:3-4.

Christians are to be set apart, separate from the world. Most churches now copy the world, tailoring every part of their services to appeal to the world's standards, especially the young people. 

The solution is to spend time in the Word of God. That is the only place where truth resides. I don't see how anyone who does not regularly read God's Word can make any claim whatever to being a Christian. You cannot be a disciple of Christ if you don't read His communication to you.

Royal Heir