
Friday, January 28, 2011

The War Against The Saints

In case you haven't noticed, the saints are under specific attack lately. I could relate dozens of stories of personal acquaintances being attacked on several fronts all at once.

I noticed an almost universal attack going on in the church several years ago. This was the war between the true church and the apostate church, with the true church being squeezed out of most churches, sometimes rather viciously. That particular war has wound down somewhat, since the apostate church has taken over 75% or more of the organized Christian Church.

Recently, the attacks have become more personal. My husband and I have been repeatedly under increasing attack for the past several years. This is the first time in our lives that I have felt strongly that a satanic battle was going on against us, and each situation is a bigger one with bigger consequences. We are now accustomed to it. It has strengthened our faith and resolve, and has matured us greatly in the faith. After all, that is our specific job in this last day ... spiritual warfare. People say the age of miracles is long gone. We can certainly testify that this is not true. God is still a God of great miracles, and we have seen many in our own lives.

Several of our friends have been under constant and increasing attack. How do we know it's satanic? Well, it's sort of like a miracle in reverse. Attacks, testing, trials are not always easy to identify, and usually we are too busy dealing with the situation to analyze it.

Sometimes you just know. Especially if your whole energy is engaged in spiritual warfare. You don't need to be a missionary on some foreign field to engage in the battle. It just has to be the most important thing in your entire life to win people to Christ and to help people grow in the faith. If that's the case, you can pretty much count on being attacked. You are the enemy, after all. Who else would they go after? They want to put you out of business.

The enemy wants you to lose your focus so that you will fail in your assignments.You must be stopped, or rendered ineffective in some way.

Those who have a love for truth and want to pass it on are particularly hard hit. When you are waking people up and showing them the truth of Jesus Christ you are going to be targeted with the heavy artillery - the big guns. You may be small in number, but you are extremely powerful (most Christians are not really aware of the power at their disposal), and you are doing something amazingly right.

This is really all to your benefit. It makes you strong in prayer, in the Word, an encourager, strong in the faith, and totally dependant on the Lord no matter what the circumstances. It turns you into a true warrior and a true encourager. You don't waste time.You are salt and light. Every minute counts for the Lord.

You have no fear. You abide in the blessed Hope. Your goal is the finish line. Your eye is on the prize.You don't have time to commiserate. You pick yourself up and move on.

The battle has already been won.

Royal Heir